Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Ist mir egal, ob ich Schuld am Zustrom der Flüchtlinge bin. Nun sind sie halt da.

— Angela Merkel (Bundeskanzlerin, 2015)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Amerikas Aufstieg ist Deutschlands Abstieg

Stand: 12.08.2023

Von Jan Dams, Laurin Meyer, Philipp Vetter, Daniel Zwick

Die USA locken mit Milliardeninvestitionen zukunftsträchtige Unternehmen an. Das scheint aufzugehen: Die Wirtschaft wächst, die Inflation ist deutlich niedriger als in Europa. Vor allem aber gibt es einen ……………………..



Argentine far-right outsider Javier Milei posts shock win in primary election



Russia to equip new nuclear submarines with hypersonic missiles



Douglas Macgregor: Last Hope Destroyed!!



Ex-CIA: US Pentagon TERRIFIED Over New Russia Strike Plan



Destructive ‘Justice’

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. August 14, 2023

Biden and his gang of neocon controllers are unpopular, but they want to stay in power. How …………………..



„NATO is sending us here to DIE“ – Ukrainian commanders admit they are cannon fodder for NATO



Ukraine War – Fighting is Fierce, But No Movement w/Ray McGovern fmr CIA



Olaf Scholz, der redselige Nichtssager

Von Maximilian Tichy Mo, 14. August 2023

Der Kanzler ist auf Tournee: Einem Medium nach dem anderen gibt er Interviews, stellt sich ………………..



How the Ukraine War Could Get Bigger

By Eric S. Margolis August 14, 2023

The civil war between Ukraine and Russia is one of the most poorly reported conflicts that ……………………..



War Is a Racket …. U.S. and NATO Arms Industries Make Record $ 400 Billion in Sales From Proxy War With Russia

Strategic Culture August 14, 2023

Western weapons manufacturers are popping champagne corks over record sales with total ……………………..



They Won’t Be Able to Walk the Streets

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV August 14, 2023

Legal expert, Mike Davis wrote in the Daily Caller Friday that the Atlanta indictment against …………………..



Biden FDA admits that doctors have authority to prescribe ivermectin for COVID-19

The FDA ‘explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,’ a DOJ attorney acknowledged in court this week.




E-krona, Schwedens geplantes digitales Zentralbankgeld, vs. Bitcoin

Peter Bistoletti 14. August 2023

Dr. Peter Bistoletti ist Arzt aus Wien und wohnt seit vielen Jahren in Stockholm, Schweden.

Schweden ist ein Albtraum-Szenario eines Staates was die finanzielle Privatsphäre betrifft, ………………..



Und täglich grüsst der «Klimaleugner» – ARD und ZDF auf dem Weg zum Wahrheitsministerium

In Deutschland wächst seit Jahren der Unmut über den öffentlichrechtlichen Rundfunk, der betreutes Denken als objektiven Journalismus verkauft. Obwohl die Kritik nicht mehr abebbt, ist eine ernsthafte Reform nicht in Sicht.

Claudia Schwartz 14.08.2023,




World Economic Forum: Reimagining Government via AI & Stakeholders

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice August 14, 2023

A group called anti-white watch has taken to posting about violence perpetrated against all ………………………



Gentoxika: Ärzte beschreiben das Entsetzliche

Sucharit Bhakdi war einer der ersten Ärzte, der Anfang 2021 eine Hypothese zum Toxizitätsmechanismus der SARS-CoV-2 Nukleinsäureinjektionen entwickelt hat. Nun hat ein Verband von Ärzten, die Doctors for COVID Ethics, ein Buch herausgebracht, das die ………………………



Wollte Kronzeugin „verängstigen“ – Krypto-Wunderkind Sam Bankman-Fried muss ins Gefängnis – der freie Fall eines Genies


Der einst gefeierte Krypto-Milliardär Sam Bankman-Fried sitzt nun in einem New Yorker …………………….



Russia Prepares to Storm Kupiansk, Forces Ukr Back Bakhmut; Ukr Moscow Drone Strikes Ineffective



SITREP 8/13/23: AFU Struggles For Symbolic Meaning In Late Summer Doldrums

Simplicius The Thiker 14.08.2023

Western MSM has begun to lose it. Pessimism and dooming is now endemic to their reports. …………………



Another Chat With Stephen Gardner and Money As The Root of All Evil

13 August 2023

Of all the podcasts I have done over the last 18 months, my chats with Stephen Gardner are the most surprising. I did not know much about Stephen until after I received his invite for an ……………………….



The Bidens‘ Case Will Keep On Giving

The judicial case against Hunter Biden will stay alive.

That increases the possibility that Joe Biden will have to answer questions about his own corrupt dealings related to Hunter Biden’s businesses.




Ex-Verfassungsschutz-Chef Hans-Georg Maassen über den verfassungsfeindlichen Verfassungsschutz, Meinungspolizist Thomas Haldenwang und warum die AfD-Brandmauer zwar falsch, aber nicht die Realität ist



When Atrocity and Perversion Are Ingored by the State, Violence and Crime Will Become the Norm

By Gary D. Barnett August 12, 2023

“A police state is a country run by criminals”

Robert Harris




The Evidence that Convicts the CIA of the JFK Assassination

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation August 12, 2023

Longtime readers of my work on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy know that I ………………….



Do People Change?

By Edward Curtin EdwardCurtin.com August 12, 2023

Because there is so much personal anguish, unhappiness, and human mental and physical suffering in the world, many people often wonder how they might personally change to find …………………….



Why There Will Be Great Losses (and Great Victories) Ahead

By Allan Stevo August 12, 2023

There are two systems diverging. One I will call the world system. The other I will call the ………………….



Global Elites’ Secret Plot Against Food: Why You Might Be Forced to Eat Lab Meat Soon!

Milan Adams August 11, 2023

We live in perplexing times. It’s almost inconceivable to think that there’s a war being waged ………………



Grand theft elections as the new abnormal and Great reset tyranny while war on humanity rages, the worst of all possible worlds. (If the 2020 race for the White House had been open, free and fair, Trump would have been easily reelected.)

Posted by Brandon Campbell 10.8.23




It’s Never About the US President, It’s About the US Empire

The president is just the face of the operation, the name they put on the door that they change every few years to create the illusion that the US government is responsive to the will of the electorate.

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com August 12, 2023




The American People Are Absolutely Sick And Tired of ‘Bidenomics’

An Open Letter To Joe Biden

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse August 12, 2023

Thanks Joe Biden!  Ever since you entered the White House, economic conditions have taken …………………..



Migrationsforscher Koopmans – „Deutsche verhindern entscheidende Schritte“, sagt Forscher und erklärt Asyl-Illusion


Die Asylzahlen in Deutschland erreichen einen neuen Höchststand und machen die …………………………..



„National Greatness“ Is Not the Appropriate Response to „Wokeism“

08/11/2023 David Gordon

Up from Conservatism: Revitalizing the Right after a Generation of Decay
Edited by Arthur Milikh Encounter Books, 2023; 328 pp.




The Problem with Public Transit

08/11/2023 Ed Bugos

A friend of mine works for the public sector, in transit specifically. When I asked him to tell me what value he saw in “public transit” for society, he replied,




Optimism About Inflation May Be Premature

08/11/2023 Daniel Lacalle

Markets are pricing a rapid decline in price inflation and the end of central bank policy normalization. However, there are two challenges ahead that we must consider.




„Gegen den Marktradikalismus und Plutokratenkapitalismus“ – was will die AfD-Wirtschaftspolitik?

Rainer Zitelmann 11. August 2023




Scott Ritter: GAME OVER ZELENSKY! | MOATS with George Galloway Ep 263



Saudi peace summit fails. Zelensky warns Russian navy



Ukraine SitRep: The End Of The Counteroffensive

Western media have finally change course. They are now admitting that the much promoted Ukrainian counter-offensive has failed. In fact, the acknowledge that it never had a chance to ……………………..



House Republicans Release Bank Records Showing Over $20 Million In Payments To Biden Family, Associates

by Tyler Durden Thursday, Aug 10, 2023




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