Die ratlose Republik – Warum Deutschland im Umgang mit der AfD überfordert ist
Die Ausgrenzung der AfD ist gescheitert, doch die etablierten Parteien wollen das nicht wahrhaben. Warum traut in Deutschland niemand der Demokratie zu, dass sie die Populisten ………………….
“Who is to blame?” Lukashenko gives a direct answer to Ukrainian reporter Diana Panchenko!
Russia Breakthrough Kupyansk, Sinkovka Encircled, Kiev Evacuations; US-Japan-S.Korea Against China
Why Russia is Decimating the Ukraine Counter Offensive
20 August 2023 by Larry Johnson
When the history of Russia’s proxy war against NATO — i.e., the Special Military Operation in Ukraine — it will mark the point in history where conventional military operations ………………………
SITREP 8/20/23: F-16s Paper Over 500k Losses Report
Simplicius The Thinker 21.08.2023
The biggest news of the day is the Dutch/Danish decision to supply F-16s to Ukraine:
The Decline of America’s Military Reflects the Overall Decline of America Itself
Govt to Spend $1 Billion on Electric School Buses
The Clean School Bus Program has been funded with a $5 billion grant from the ……………………..
How Fauci Purged a Heroic Scientist
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. August 21, 2023
The great Ron Unz has reminded us that when RFK Jr.’s monumental book The Real Anthony Fauci, which exposed “Dr.” Anthony Fauci’s criminal career, became a best-seller, the Left ……………………..
Woran es Vermögensverwaltern bei der ESG-Präfrenzabfrage mangelt
Europaweit mangelt es Vermögensverwaltern an geeigneten Tools und Software, um die seit einem Jahr verpflichtende Nachhaltigkeitspräferenzabfrage umzusetzen. Das ist das Ergebnis einer aktuellen Umfrage unter 210 Vermögensverwaltern.
What Caused the Deadly Maui Fires?
By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com August 21, 2023
August 8, 2023, multiple wildfires broke out in the western and central parts of Maui, burning ……………………….
Central Asia Is the Prime Battlefield in the New Great Game
So long as Russia and China remain the region’s dominant political and economic powers, the Central Asian heartland will remain a US and EU target for threats, bribes, and color revolutions.
By Pepe Escobar The Cradle August 21, 2023
Why the Fitch Downgrade Doesn’t Make Sense
By Shanmuganathan Nagasundaram August 21, 2023
Rating agency Fitch recently downgraded the US Government’s Foreign Currency Issuer Default Rating from AAA to AA+. The downgrade apparently was on account of the ……………………
Retired Colonel: Ukraine CRUSHED By Putin’s Latest ASSAULT
Evergrande bankruptcy worsens China’s property crisis
Updated Aug 18, 2023,
The collapse of one of China’s giant property developers is fueling worries that the country’s economic downturn will be more volatile than predicted.
Republicans are catching impeachment fever
DES MOINES – They had come to hear Donald Trump, who finished his brief Iowa State Fair swing with a mini-rally at the Steer n’ Stein. But the Republican crowd cheered just as ……………………
From the Rule of Law to Weaponized Law
By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org August 21, 2023
In my book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions (2000), I discussed the weaponization of law in order to easier convict criminals. Once this process begins, it expands. In the 21st century we ………………….
Der Ukraine gehen die Soldaten aus
Nach eineinhalb Jahren Krieg hat die Ukraine zunehmend Probleme, den Streitkräften ausreichend Rekruten zuzuführen. Um dieses Problem zu lösen, bringt Kiew nun eine Reihe von Maßnahmen auf den Weg. Ein Blick auf das aktuelle Geschehen.
Wie der Kanzler die Kontrolle abgibt
Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mo, 21. August 2023
Olaf Scholz weiß, dass „das alles nicht funktioniert“. Ändern will er selbst trotzdem nichts am deutschen Asylwesen. Die CDU in Brandenburg sieht erneut einen „Kontrollverlust“. In ……………………..
Wohnungsbau bricht dramatisch ein
Von Maximilian Tichy Mo, 21. August 2023
Das Statistische Bundesamt meldet einen dramatischen Einbruch im Wohnungsneubau. Der genehmigte Neubau reicht kaum aus, um das Bevölkerungswachstum auszugleichen.
Der Wohnungsbau bricht dramatisch ein. Wie das Statistische Bundesamt (Destatis) am Dienstag ………………………
Berlin kauft Raketen-Abwehrsystem in Israel
Von Godel Rosenberg Mo, 21. August 2023
Netanyahu: „Israel verkauft sein anspruchsvolles Arrow-3 Raketen-Abwehrsystem an ein Land, in dem vor 75 Jahren Juden auf deutschem Nazi-Boden verbrannt wurden. 75 Jahre später gibt der Judenstaat einem ganz anderen Deutschland das Werkzeug sich selbst zu ………………………..
Die Deutschen verlieren das Vertrauen in ihre Demokratie
Von Marco Gallina So, 20. August 2023
54 Prozent der Deutschen haben nur noch geringes Vertrauen in die Demokratie. 72 Prozent meinen, dass man aufpassen muss, was man sagt. Die Statistiken fallen in eine Woche, in der ……………………..
Vivek Ramaswamy Follows Tucker Carlson Across the 9/11 Rubicon
By Ben Bartee Armageddon Prose August 21, 2023
As I reported at Armageddon Prose a few months back, Tucker Carlson – shortly before he ………………………….
Corona-Ticker: Wie das Narrativ crasht (10)
Kaum eine Behauptung, die nicht früher oder später widerlegt wäre. Die Aufarbeitung ist zwangsläufig. Hier einige Meldungen aus den letzten Tagen und Wochen.
Dr. Christian Haffner, Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin, hatte vor Gericht erstritten, dass die ………………….
Beyond Crisis: The Ratchet Effect and the Erosion of Liberty
08/18/2023 Michael Matulef
The Constitution “is not a suicide pact,” said Justice Arthur Goldberg in the court’s opinion in ……………………….
Nord Stream Pipelines mit thermonuklearer Bombe gesprengt? Dr. Hans Benjamin Braun
Regulation in the Free Market: It’s Not What Most People Believe
08/17/2023 Antti Takala
When the idea of a totally free market is floated in economic discussion, a widely accepted critique of such an idea is often related to the issue of how goods and services could be …………………….
An Anarchist’s Pragmatic Plan of Government for Argentina
08/16/2023 Manuel García Gojon
The Argentine primary elections were held on August 13 and only one presidential candidate …………………
After Destroying Lebanon, Iran-controlled Hezbollah Threatens War with Israel
by Bassam Tawil August 21, 2023
Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of the Hezbollah terror group, recently threatened to send Israel back „to the Stone Age“ if it goes to war with Lebanon — meaning defend itself against an Iranian-Lebanese attack.
I Have a Very Bad Feeling About This
August 18, 2023
Unexpected things tend to happen when the real source of problems are papered over and then suddenly reality intrudes.
UK MoD Admits Ukr Offensive Standstill, Rus Kupiansk Offensive Putin Meets Rus Military Leaders
Ukraine SitRep: Chernihiv Done Exhibition – Russian Offensive
This morning at around 10:00 local time a Russian missile hit the drama theater in Chernihiv, some 150 kilometer north of Kiev:
So Much for Wonder Weapons
19 August 2023 by Larry Johnson
Each passing day brings more grim news for Ukraine and its faltering counter offensive. It is a …………………
More Signs the West is Losing and Reacting Accordingly in Ukraine, Plus Judge Napolitano’s Round Table
18 August 2023 by Larry Johnson
NATO Has Become an Enemy of Peace and Security Around the World
By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner August 19, 2023
America’s Brobdingnagian $1.3 trillion national security budget thrives on manufactured …………………..
U.S. Sanctions Syrian ‚Moderate Rebels‘ It Had Previously Armed
In 2013 the CIA was handing out TOW anti-tank missiles to ‚moderate rebel‘ groups who were fighting the government in Syria. These groups were allegedly ‚vetted‘ before they …………………………
A Bumpy Ride
By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com August 19, 2023
“This voter is not convinced by virtues or statistics. He is convinced by dreams, visions, stories and jokes.”
Curtis Yarvin
The Only ‘National Defense’ Needed in This Country, Is Defense Against the Real Enemy: The Ruling Class and the U.S. Government
By Gary D. Barnett August 19, 2023
“I believe that all government is evil, and that trying to improve it is largely a waste of time.”
H.L. Mencken
Washington’s Afghanistan Debacle Is Prelude to NATO’s Ultimate Disaster in Ukraine
Strategic Culture August 19, 2023
This week marks two years since the United States and NATO abandoned Afghanistan in ruins. The country is wracked with poverty and devastating war impact. The same fate awaits ……………………..
GOP Demands Biden Emails Using Pseudonym After Hunter CC’d on Ukraine Call
By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge August 19, 2023
Ruling Classes Prepare for the Next Plandemic
By Mac Slavo SHTFplan August 19, 2023
John Bell, the former United Kingdom testing czar said an avian flu pandemic could kill 15 times more people than the COVID-19 scamdemic, according to one projection. The Oxford …………………….
We’re Almost There Already Anyhow
By eric August 16, 2023
You have probably heard the mantra of the World Economic Forum (it sounds as if we’re all part of it, doesn’t it?) about how in the near future, you will own nothing and they will be very happy.
Rus Storming Kupiansk; Ukr Last Ditch Attack Save Offensive, US Intel Doubts Success; China Economy
Brace Yourselves, Because What They Have Planned Is Going to Absolutely Devastate the U.S. Economy
By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse August 19, 2023
Do you remember what happened in 2008? Many people believe that another historic financial disaster is coming and that it will absolutely devastate the U.S. economy. Earlier …………………..
The Flowering of Mediocrity, Deep Thoughts
Theodore Dalrymple August 18, 2023
When someone is said to be lacking in ambition, it is usually meant as a criticism, as if people had a transcendent moral duty to be ambitious. How else but by ambition will mankind …………………..
The Only 4 Antibiotics You’ll Need When SHTF: Use This Advice Only When You Can’t See A Doctor (When SHTF)
Milan Adams August 18, 2023
The most important thing you should know about antibiotics!
Inflation Is a Giant „Skim“ on the American People
08/16/2023 Charles A. Smith
The price of a McDonald’s hamburger in the United States has inflated 3.75 percent annually …………………..
100 Euro für den Liter Sprit. Moderne Missionare auf dem Holzweg
- August 2023 – Rainer Fassnacht
Es drängt sich der Eindruck auf, dass die Anzahl rot-grüner Missionare zunimmt und deren Forderungen ausufernder werden. Ein Artikel mit dem Titel