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Blinder Glaube an die Obrigkeit ist der schlimmste Feind der Wahrheit.

— Albert Einstein

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Wenn sich Intendanten vor Ottifanten fürchten

Von Franziska Zimmerer Ressortleiterin Community & Social

Humor muss heutzutage berechenbar sein und gegen die immer Gleichen schießen: die böse Fossillobby, die schlimmen Reichen, die ätzende FDP. Weil das früher anders war, warnt der WDR vor alten Folgen ………………….



The State Protects Itself While Crime against Ordinary People Surges

08/18/2023 Ryan McMaken

In all the media and regime frenzy over the Janaury 6 riots and the Pentagon Leaker in recent ………………….



Saving Marxism from the Labor Theory of Value: It Is Still Bad Theory

08/18/2023 David Gordon

The title of this book seems at first sight puzzling: what has Buddhism to do with Marxism? ……………………



No, Small Countries Are Not at an Economic Disadvantage

08/19/2023 Lipton Matthews

Some analysts contend that size can be a deterrent to economic prosperity, so as a result, small states are particularly vulnerable to economic and environmental shocks. Usually, small ………………….



Attorney Robert Barnes Shreds the Trump Indictments with The Duran

21 August 2023 by Larry Johnson

If you are searching for someone who can simply and clearly describe the corrupt lawfare attack on President Trump, look no further. I give you, Robert Barnes. Barnes is a terrific, ………………………….



Ep. 18 | Alarming Assessment of U.S. Military Decline and Ukraine War Dangers, Col. Douglas McGregor



Ep. 18 | Alarming Assessment of U.S. Military Decline and Ukraine War Dangers, Col. Douglas McGregor



Can You Trust Robert Kagan?

By David Gordon Intercollegiate Studies Institute August 22, 2023

The historian and political commentator Robert Kagan has picked a clever title for his book, ……………………



China testet den Westen – und Europa

Die Spannungen im Südchinesischen Meer nehmen zu. Selbst Deutschland hat beschlossen, 2024 zwei Kriegsschiffe in den Indopazifik zu entsenden. Dort wächst die Kriegsgefahr im ………………….



Alle predigen den Abbau der Bürokratie – und füttern das Monster weiter

Von Mario Thurnes Di, 22. August 2023 Zum Beispiel Markus Söder

Die Bürokratie muss abgebaut werden. Das fordern außer den Grünen eigentlich alle Parteien. Doch genau das Gegenteil passiert, wie etwa der Feldzug der Bürokraten gegen die Bauern in Bayern zeigt.




Hart Aber Fair stellt Jens Spahn bloß: Was war mit den Maskendeals? Den Impfopfern?

Di, 22. August 2023

Und als Jens Spahn anprangert, die Grünen würden Steuer-Milliarden per Förderbescheid geradezu rausblasen, kontert Klamroth: Warum der größte Corona- Maskendeal an dubiose Geschäftemacher aus Spahns Umfeld gegangen sei? Am Montagabend: das politische Ende des Jens Spahn? Live in der ARD? Von Michael Plog




Die Gemeinden schröpfen ihre Unternehmen so stark wie noch nie

Von Mario Thurnes Mo, 21. August 2023

Die Gemeinden nehmen ihren Unternehmen so viel Geld ab wie noch nie. Für die meisten Medien ist das ein Grund zu feiern. TE sieht das anders und weist auf die massive Belastung ……………………………..



Four Truths in Need of Embracing

By Allan Stevo August 22, 2023

The timeline of the Reichstag fire of 1933 is echoed in the present. By the time the responsible parties were found culpable for the false flag Reichstag fire, the damage had been …………………….



No, Central Banks Won’t Save Us This Time

August 21, 2023

So hey, central bank cheerleaders, lackeys, toadies, apologists, apparatchiks and sycophants: …………………



US Expert – To Central AI We Must Nationalize It!

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice August 22, 2023

UNDER the radar I caught an interesting pronouncement, “There’s Only One Way To Control ……………………




Rus Begins to Capture Kupiansk, Ukr Rabotino Defeated; Rus Dismisses NATO Threats to Freeze Conflict



Americans Are More Propagandized Than Chinese People

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com August 22, 2023

The US government is far more abusive, destructive and tyrannical than the Chinese …………………….



Peter Schiff: The Fed Is in a No-Win Situation

SchiffGold.com August 22, 2023

Most people now seem to think the Federal Reserve can beat price inflation and guide the ………………………



We Won’t Be Fooled Again

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com August 22, 2023

“Good faith people are willing to be corrected (because the Truth is important); not so the liars of course (they know they are wrong) or the ideologues. So the ideologues therefore ………………….



In Münchner U-Bahn-Station – Afghanischer Mann (20) vergewaltigt 18-Jährigen Polen stundenlang – Polizei äußert sich

22.8.23. In München soll ein 20-jähriger Mann die Hilflosigkeit eines betrunkenen 18-Jährigen ……………………



Growing US Debt Menaces Liberty and Prosperity

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute August 22, 2023

Congress’ top priority this fall will be passing legislation funding the government and avoiding a “shutdown.” As of this writing, it appears unlikely that the Republican-controlled …………………



Seymour Hersh: Summer of the Hawks

Seymor Hersh August 19, 2023

Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks during the Mandela Washington Fellowship Summit for




Tracking Orwellian Change: The Aristocratic Takeover of „Transparency“

Klaus Schwab, the Aspen Institute and others flip the meaning of a word that once meant the empowerment of populations against political elites. Matt Taibbi 21.08.2023




Zensurhinterhalt im EU-Digitaldickicht

Ab Freitag greift der „Digital Services Act“ der EU. Er ist Teil eines wachsenden Dickichts aus EU-Verordnungen, national umzusetzenden Richtlinien und Leitlinien, das der EU-Kommission immer mehr Macht gibt. Je weniger Menschen das Ganze durchblicken, desto ……………………




The mainstream media does not want the West to know what is happening in China because the people would be frightened and begin to rebel. The media wants you to believe that China …………………….



It’s a Mad Mad World – Built on Illusions and Lies

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice August 21, 2023

I was reading The Economist headlines and began to get dragged down the rabbit hole. Every headline was a ‘demand’; Niger needs to do this! Germany needs to do this! America needs to ………………….



Big Brave Western Proxy Warriors Keep Whining That Ukrainian Troops Are Cowards

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com August 21, 2023

Amid continuous news that the Ukrainian counteroffensive which began in June is not going as hoped, The New York Times has published an article titled “Troop Deaths and Injuries in Ukraine War Near 500,000, U.S. Officials Say.”




The cruelty of Canada’s euthanasia policy

Lionel Shriver is an author and journalist. Her new essay collection, Abominations, is published by the Borough Press. August 21, 2023

With uncharacteristic humility, I would concede that a few positions I’ve argued fiercely in …………………..



Is This The Real Reason „Eris“ Cases Are Spiking?

by Tyler Durden Sunday, Aug 20, 2023 –

Eris – the most recent “Covid variant” – is supposedly causing spikes in cases all over the ……………………



The West is losing the plot

Philip Pilkington is a macroeconomist and investment professional, and the author of The Reformation in Economics, August 21, 2023

Since the rise of psychoanalysis in the late 19th century, philosophers, psychologists, ……………………



Covid 19 Vaccine, Learn about vaccine progress from the WHO



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