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Wenn man zehntausend Vorschriften erlässt, zerstört man jede Achtung für das Gesetz.

— Winston Churchill

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Ukraine-Krieg: EU droht mit ihren Zusagen bei der Munitionsbeschaffung zu scheitern

Stand: 03.09.2023,

Viel versprochen, doch was wurde geliefert? Eine Bilanz zeigt: Noch lange nicht genug.

Die Mitgliedstaaten hätten bisher 224.000 Artilleriegeschosse und 2300 Raketen geliefert, gab der EU-………………………



U.S. Military Attacks on Mexican Cartels and Ukraine Update with the Judge

1 September 2023 by Larry Johnson




Italian ex-premier says French missile downed an airliner in 1980 by accident in bid to kill Gadhafi

By FRANCES D’EMILIO September 2, 2023

ROME (AP) — A former Italian premier, in an interview published on Saturday, contended ……………………..



Protesters take to streets in Niger demanding withdrawal of French troops

Niamey, Niger Navya Beri Sep 02, 2023,

A supporter holds a t-shirt reading „France Must Go“ as supporters of Niger’s National Council of ………………………..



U.S. Intelligence Community Sending Mixed Messages on Ukraine

3 September 2023 by Larry Johnson

The U.S. Intelligence Community is not a monolith. It is more like a feudal society. The big ………………….



How Bad Is It for Ukraine?

2 September 2023 by Larry Johnson

Let me explain why I have spent so much effort on highlighting the commentary and analysis of retired U.S. Generals and some of their foreign counterparts, like Mick Ryan — they are ………….



Myths and Realities of the Russian/NATO NCO Systems

Simplicius The Thinker 03.09.2023

A few days ago Russian war correspondent Sladkov made an interesting post where he …………………….



Italian Foreign Minister visits China, a signal of ’seeking cooperation and dialogue‘

Rome’s possible withdrawal from Belt and Road pact not fundamental setback for China-Italy ties:

Chen Qingqing  Sep 03, 2023




Starvation: ‚The Invisible Genocide Weapon‘

by Raymond Ibrahim September 3, 2023

Several watchdog organizations… are accusing Azerbaijan of committing genocide against the 120,000 Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh. Historically known as Artsakh, this ancient …………………



Corona-Aufarbeitung: Ein Unschuldsengel vor dem Untersuchungs-Ausschuss

Ein offizieller Corona-Untersuchungsausschuss brachte Lothar Wieler und eine Vertreterin des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts ins Schwitzen. CDU und AfD quetschten die beiden Zeugen aus. Nicht möglich? Im Brandenburger Landtag durchaus. Die Achse war vor Ort.




Jugendgangs und Asylbewerber machen Stuttgart unsicher

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mo, 4. September 2023

Die Stuttgarter Innenstadt wird von gerade angekommenen Einwanderern und dubiosen Jugendgangs aus dem Umland heimgesucht. Man weiß noch nicht, wie man sie wieder ………………..



Der Latte-Macchiato-Putsch zugunsten der Grünen ist gescheitert

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai So, 3. September 2023

Die Süddeutsche Zeitung hatte nichts in der Hand, außer dem Verdacht eines aktivistischen Lehrers, den der nicht einmal belegen kann. Das ist die Grundlage, auf der die Zeitung eine ……………………



Why the „Just Wage“ Theory Doesn’t Make Much Sense

09/01/2023 Ryan McMaken

The concept of the „fair wage“ or the „just wage“ is centuries old. It dates back at least to the Middle Ages and was founded on the idea that „just“ prices of goods must be sufficient to …………………….



Why Stabilization Policy is Destabilizing

09/03/2023 Jonathan Newman

U.S. presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy took aim at the Federal Reserve recently:

The reality is, if the dollar is volatile, it’s as bad as if the number of minutes in an hour ……………………….



Government and Those Who Control Government Are the  Most Monstrous Terrorists of All Time

By Gary D. Barnett September 2, 2023

“The real terrorist is the American government, state terrorism unleashed against the world.”




Javier Milei Is Not a Problem for Argentina, Socialism Is

By Daniel Lacalle Mises.org September 2, 2023

Argentina’s problem is not Milei.

The Central Bank of Argentina does not have to devalue the peso due to the victory of Javier ……………………….



NATOstan Robots Versus the Heavenly Horses of Multipolarity

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture September 2, 2023

The entire West is waiting at the room at the station with black curtains – and no trains.




Happenings Await

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com September 2, 2023

“Even Americans who have no particular interest in freedom and independence in democracies worldwide, should be satisfied that we’re getting our money’s worth on our ………………….



West Africa Sahel – Gabon Coup Uncovers Cash Bribery

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice September 2, 2023

As US intelligence agencies remain focused on pillaging the economy of China, they also lose necessary critical minerals, including: platinum, chromium, cobalt, graphite and copper.   As a ………………………..



Rus Reactivates Kupiansk, Ukr Stalled Rabotino; Rus Strikes Ukr Ports; Erdogan & Putin, Turkey BRICS



Weep for the West

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture September 2, 2023

We seem headed for a point of impact, with the prospect of collision in full view – and one as obvious as it was in 1911.




The Cancer Within

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation September 2, 2023

Imagine that your doctor finds a huge cancerous tumor on your colon, which has produced a few smaller tumors in the rest of your body. The doctor removes the smaller tumors but leaves ………………….



Ivermectin Is a Proven Cure for Covid. Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Different

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org September 2, 2023

During the years of the Covid-19 Deception, I reported that Covid was rare in those parts of …………………………



It Is Time to Decide, It Is Time to Divide

Joseph Sansone 01.09.2023

In Plato’s allegory of the cave the shackled prisoners mistakenly view shadows cast on the wall as reality. A fire is behind the prisoners and between them are people carrying objects ………………………



U.S. Inflation And The Hard Times That Are Coming- Since the 2008 financial crisis, trillions of dollars pumped up stock prices to the make super-rich and rich interests throughout the West and elsewhere richer than ever

Klar Barnes, 1.9.23

Inflation is a monetary phenomenon of too much money chasing too few goods.




Naika Foroutan: „Deutschland gehört per se niemandem“

  1. September 2023

Nichts da „Dem Deutschen Volke“. Die Migrationsforscherin Naika Foroutan ist der Meinung, dass Deutschland per se niemandem gehört.




„Wir haben einen Kanzler, der ein Lügner ist“

Überraschung im Cum-Ex-Prozess: Ein Ex-Banker der Hamburger Warburg-Bank hat ein Geständnis abgelegt.

Der Investigativ-Journalist Oliver Schröm spricht von einem Dammbruch. Im Interview erklärt er, wie es nun für Ex-Warburg-Chef Christian Olearius, Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz und Hamburgs Bürgermeister Peter Tschentscher weitergeht – und wie ein bis in die Justiz reichender SPD-Filz in Hamburg die verwickelten Politiker schützt.




India: The Land of Deprived Childhood

by Jagdish N. Singh September 4, 2023

A large number of Indian children… are still subjected to bonded labour and forced employment. India today has more than 33 million children under the age of 18 in work ……………………




Ron Paul for President!

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. September 4, 2023

Many of us don’t know whom to support for President. Brain-dead Biden is of course impossible. Donald Trump is better but he supports many bad policies, such as Covid vaccines and high tariffs, and his term as President was almost a total disaster. Robert ………………..



Putin to meet Erdogan, first meeting since stab in the back



First Rule of Fight Club: Do Not Fall for the Demoralization Program

Elizabeth Nickson 03.09.2023 Resistance is Everything

Welcome to Absurdistan has been in business for a year, and renewals have started. 18% of you have credit cards on file which have expired. You can reset it here.




Hedging the End of Fiat

By Alasdair Macleod SchiffGold.com September 4, 2023

It is slowly coming clear that the fiat dollar’s hegemony is drawing to a close. That’s what the BRICS summit in Johannesburg is all about — rats, if you like, deserting the dollar’s ship.




The Empire Is Poised To Strike Back

By Chuck Baldwin Chuck Baldwin Live September 4, 2023

The Covid narrative of the last three years was the greatest hoax in human history. The Covid virus itself (as touted) was never scientifically proven to exist. Of course, the coronavirus has ……………………



BRICS Summit Proves Geography Trumps Currency

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns September 4, 2023

The older I get the more time I spend asking the question, “Why does someone want me to know this?” Our media is so compromised that questioning the editorial bias of every issue is …………………



‘Antiracism’ Sounds Benign

By Tom Woods September 2, 2023

I’d like to introduce you to somebody you should know.

The name will not be familiar. But it should be.




Rus Repels Attacks Verbovoye, Advances Bakhmut; Demands in West to End War; Erdogan to Meet Putin



25 Fragen an Markus Söder

Bayerns Ministerpräsident hat seinem Stellvertreter Hubert Aiwanger aufgetragen, ihm 25 Fragen in der aktuell heiß diskutierten Angelegenheit aus Aiwangers Jugendtagen zu beantworten. Da in der Öffentlichkeit ein dringendes Interesse an Aufklärung besteht, hier ………………………..



Into the abyss: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now.



Moats Lt Colonel Tony Shaffer INTERVIEW: The odds are on a nuclear war



Just When You Thought Retired U.S. Generals Are the Biggest Buffoons, a Retired Aussie Takes the Cake

31 August 2023 by Larry Johnson

There has been some stiff competition for the most inane, delusional analysis about the state ………………………



Über eine Million Einsprüche gegen Grundsteuerbescheide

Fr, 1. September 2023

Der Landesvorsitzende der Deutschen Steuergewerkschaft rechnet in den kommenden Wochen mit einem weiteren Anstieg der Widersprüche gegen Grundsteuerbescheide. Hintergrund: Derzeit erhalten Eigentümer, die noch keine Erklärung abgegeben haben, Post …………………….



Pakistan: Muslim Mobs Hunt Christians

by Uzay Bulut September 1, 2023

Hundreds of Christians fled their homes on August 16 when, in the eastern Pakistani district capital of Jaranwala, Muslim mobs started an anti-Christian riot, vandalizing churches and setting churches and Christians‘ homes on fire — all based just on an accusation that a Quran ………………………


EXCLUSIVE! Captured Ukrainian Soldiers Speak Out, Forced to Take Drugs To Fight | Redacted News



Tucker Carlson claims Barack Obama enjoyed smoking CRACK and having gay sex – but that nobody reported it ahead of 2008 election

Tucker Carlson insisted it was ‚really clear‘ that Obama had gay relations but that the media chose not to report on it




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