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To totalitarians truth is as the cross is to the devil.

— Thomas DiLorenzo

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Faeser-Skandal eskaliert: Untersuchungsausschuss fällig – oder Rücktritt

Von Josef Kraus Fr, 8. September 2023

Innenministerin Nancy Faeser schwänzt zweimal die Sondersitzung im Innenausschuss, kündigt ein weiteres Schwänzen an, hat aber Zeit für ein „Bild“-Interview. Grund genug, dass ……………………



Markus Krall: „Staatsfeind Nummer 2“

Do, 7. September 2023

Der Manager und Autor Markus Krall ist Zeuge im Verfahren um den „Reichsbürgerputsch“. Doch er wird behandelt wie ein Staatsfeind, seine Wohnung durchsucht, Handy und Laptop beschlagnahmt, ein Mandantengespräch illegal abgehört. Dokumente an Medien ……………….



Die Linke in der Wüste

Für viele überraschend, steuert die Linke auf ihren Untergang zu. Wie die DDR, die sie einst regierte, ist sie vor allem an sich selbst gescheitert. Ob einer „Ausgründung“ von Sarah Wagenknecht Erfolg beschieden sein wird, steht in den Sternen.




2024 Election

By Doug Casey International Man September 8, 2023

International Man: President Biden is running for reelection in 2024.

However, many Americans are questioning Biden’s physical and mental faculties. He appears half asleep on many occasions—often forgetting his train of thought or stumbling on his …………………..



In Ukraine – Will Russia Begin Their Offensive? w/Scott Ritter fmr UN Weapons Inspector & Marine



Say’s Law Says It All

By Alasdair Macleod SchiffGold.com September 8, 2023

As the world descends into a much-heralded recession, the surprise will be that interest rates will continue to rise as economic activity contracts. This is not what the economic ………………………



Is the Almighty US Dollar About to Take a Fall?

By Philip Giraldi The Unz Review September 8, 2023

August 23rd was a big news day all over the world. The western media’s focus on the events of that day was solidly on the unproven claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin was ……………………..



Biden Cares More About Ukraine Than He Does About the United States

Fauci Cashes In Big From Covid Vaccine Royalty Payments

By Chuck Baldwin Chuck Baldwin Live September 8, 2023




Reinventing Democracy

September 7, 2023

The whole point of democracy and free markets is to force competition on elites who are …………………….



This Is How Bad Things Have Become in America….

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse September 8, 2023

Can you imagine what tourists must think when they come to this country?  They spend a lot of money to fly all the way over here, and they are hoping to have amazing experiences that …………………



Ukraine War History – Why it was a Predictable Bloodbath w/Jeffrey Sachs



Hat sich Faeser strafbar gemacht?

Nach ihrer „groben Missachtung des Parlaments“ (CDU) tut Innenministerin Nancy Faeser so, als gäbe es nichts zu bereden. Dabei könnte sie sich in der Schönbohm-Affäre strafbar …………………….



Rus Enters Sinkovka; Blinken to Kiev as Offensive Stalls, US Rejects Negotiations, Cut Kiev Loose



More Delusional Thinking From the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and a Couple of Conversations on Ukraine

7 September 2023 by Larry Johnson

I know that some folks are holding out hope that the gravity of the losses Ukraine is suffering ………………………



Mira Terada & Larry Johnson on The Tara Reade & Sasha Kashurnikova Show



Unmanned Aircrafts Will Fight the Next World War

The US Air Force received their request by Congress to spend $5.8 billion on construction up to 2,000 unmanned aircrafts. These AI drones can operate autonomously without human ………………



LIVE From Ukraine – Counter Offensive Update w/Matt VanDyke



More Delusional Thinking From the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and a Couple of Conversations on Ukraine

7 September 2023 by Larry Johnson

I know that some folks are holding out hope that the gravity of the losses Ukraine is suffering ……………………



Stasi-Methoden! Wie Faeser und Böhmermann einen unschuldigen Menschen zerstörten

Nancy Faeser steht unter Druck. 07.09.2023

Julian Reichelt

Das schlimmste Geräusch der deutschen Geschichte ist nächtliches Klopfen an der Tür. ……………………



Statism Stands against Free Trade and Free Association

09/06/2023 Karras Lambert Tate Fegley

“People cavil much about Ricardo’s law of association, better known under the name law of comparative cost. The reason is obvious. This law is an offense to all those eager to justify ………………………..



Decentralization Is Not Fascism

09/05/2023 Benjamin Williams

Despite its origin in Marxist-syndicalist thought, “fascism” has long been used as a derogatory label for practically anyone on the right wing of the political spectrum. Sometimes …………………..



Slobodan Contra Rothbard

09/06/2023 David Gordon

Crack-Up Capitalism will be of interest to many readers of The Austrian because of what it says about Murray Rothbard; and for the most part, I shall limit my review to discussing this. …………………..



Detektivarbeit in der Patientenakte

Weil manch ein Patient einen Behandlungsfehler vermutet, schalten die Krankenkassen oft die Gutachter des Medizinischen Dienstes ein, um Klarheit zu erhalten. Das kann für alle Beteiligten erleichternd sein.

Von Marie Lisa Kehler




Niger crisis drives wedge between US and France

The wave of coups d’états sweeping Africa is fueling a rift between the world’s “oldest allies”: France and the U.S.

The toppling in late July of Niger’s democratically elected president, Mohamed Bazoum, is ……………….



Best of Annalena Baerbock Fails & Versprecher Compilation




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