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Der Reichtum der Reichen ist nicht die Ursache der Armut der anderen Leute

— Ludwig von Mises

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Die wunderbare Welt der Ursula

Die EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen hat gestern die „Lage der Union“ so konsequent schöngeredet, dass wohl die wenigsten EU-Bewohner glauben können, in der gleichen Welt wie sie zu leben. Sind Sie bereit für einen Ausflug in Ursulas Welt?




Impfschäden: Lauterbachs Etikettenschwindel

Am Runden Tisch von Gesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach wurde offiziell, was Kritiker der Impfkampagne seit Längerem vermuten: Impfschäden werden zu Long Covid umetikettiert.




No, Governor, Rights Are NOT Government-Issued Privileges That You Can Suspend

09/13/2023 Connor O’Keeffe

On Friday, September 8, Michelle Lujan Grisham, the governor of New Mexico, announced a new public health order suspending the right to carry firearms in Albuquerque and Bernalillo …………………………….



The BLS Pointy-Heads and Monetary Mission Impossible

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner September 15, 2023

It was CPI day. So it might be expected that some anomaly in the monthly data would provide ………………….



The Road to Hell

By Ira Katz September 15, 2023

I have had several conversations recently that have disturbed my tranquility. My interlocutors …………………….



9/11 – The Onslaught of an Endless War on Humanity

By Peter Koenig Global Research September 15, 2023

Yesterday, the 22nd anniversary of the NYC 9/11 – a day of global mourning, the beginning, or activation, of a crime of biblical proportions, like never before in history remembered. …………………



Governmental Corporatism Continues Its Assault Against The Second Amendment

By Chuck Baldwin Chuck Baldwin Live September 15, 2023

In this column last week, I reported the good news out of the State of Tennessee, how the …………………….



Currency Wars Versus Gold Standards

By Alasdair Macleod SchiffGold.com September 15, 2023

Russia and the Saudis are driving up oil and diesel prices. But these moves are likely to undermine the rouble more than they undermine the dollar, euro, and other major currencies. …………………



Hinterlegungsstelle.de – Nachlassplanung neu gedacht

Hinterlegungsstelle.de stellt nicht nur eine Antwort auf veraltete Methoden der Vergangenheit dar, sondern vielmehr ein innovatives Tool, das die zukünftige Gestaltung der




Kinder an der Macht

Von Christopher Walther Fr, 15. September 2023

Berlins CDU lässt keinen Irrsinn aus. Jetzt will sie das Wahlalter von 18 auf 16 Jahre senken. ……………………



Not ‘Chinese Green Card’ but ‘Five-Star Card’! Chinese immigration authority introduces new version of permanent resident card




Effective investment, major growth driver, underpins China’s economic recovery

Spending in key, innovative sectors surge, defying foreign media smears

By GT staff reporters Published: Sep 14, 2023




Identity of NSA hacker behind cyberattack on China’s leading aviation university identified; to be disclosed in due course: source

By Yuan Hong Published: Sep 14, 2023

During the investigation of the cyberattack against Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), a ………………………



Verkehrswende Frankfurt- Petition



On Fact-Checkerism and the Mythology of Disinformation

Thoughts on what our discourse police are even trying to do and why they are so stupid.

eugyppius 14.09.2023

Nobody in our corner of the internet could fail to notice the antics of those yapping bouncing frenetic chihuahuas who call themselves fact-checkers. Mostly they work in obscurity, …………………



How to Select a Town the Rich Won’t Gentrify and Ruin

September 13, 2023

Let’s review how to select a town that the rich won’t ruin via gentrification / swarming in en ………………….



„Ukraine’s counter offensive has been a total failure“ Col. Douglas MacGregor | Redacted News



9/11 Investigation



Rule of Law & Prosecutors Are ALWAYS Above the Law

Anyone who thinks prosecutors are to be trusted is out of your mind. I have NEVER met one that had an ounce of honesty or ethics. It is extremely rare for any court actually to go after a …………………..



Ukr Offensive Huge Losses, No Gains; Putin, Lukashenko Discuss Offensive; Demands in US Biden to Go



Hollywood Meets the Austrian Business Cycle

09/14/2023 Tom Czitron

Hollywood has captivated our collective imagination for over a century. We tend to view it as …………………..



It’s Official: Cars Are the Worst Product Category We Have Ever Reviewed for Privacy

By Jen Caltrider, Misha Rykov and Zoë MacDonald | Sept. 6, 2023

Ah, the wind in your hair, the open road ahead, and not a care in the world… except all the …………………..



Russia Is Winning The Industrial Warfare Race

Last year I mocked the media for claiming that ‚Russia is running out of‘ whatever.




China Taking Over While Europe Sleeps

by Robert Williams September 14, 2023

Europe is in „complete denial“ as China proceeds to spread its influence on the continent. At least that is the urgent, unequivocal view of Ivana Karásková, a Czech foreign influence …………………..



CIA Manipulation of Public Opinion w/Jeffrey Sachs



Air Bases, Drone Swarms & New Ports: US Military Footprint in Asia Grows, But China Grows Faster



Scott Ritter: NATO is DONE as Russia Annihilates Ukraine’s Counteroffensive




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