SPD leugnet eigenes Ausländerwahlrecht
Die SPD hat offenbar ein Problem mit der Zahl 6. Sechs Jahre? Sechs Monate? 666 aus der Offenbarung des Johannes? Die neueste Wendung in Sachen Ausländerwahlrecht ist ……………………
Degussa Goldhandel kämpft nun gegen Rechts
Der neue Degussa-Chef distanziert sich von der jüngsten Firmen-Vergangenheit. Man habe jede „Nähe zu rechten Gruppen“ gekappt. Zwei profilierte Köpfe mussten gehen.
Ist Nancy Faeser ein AfD-U-Boot?
Bessere Wahlhelfer als die Genossen der hessischen SPD hätte die AfD niemals finden können. Oder wer kann sonst noch von der irrwitzigen Forderung nach dem Wahlrecht für jeden Zuwanderer nach einem halben Jahr legalen Aufenthalts im Land profitieren?
Aserbaidschan greift Region Bergkarabach an
Von David Boos Mi, 20. September 2023
Nachdem bereits in der letzten Woche aserbaidschanische Truppen an der Grenze zu Armenien aufmarschierten, brachen nun neuerliche Kampfhandlungen aus. Aserbaidschan ………………….
Über 200 Festnahmen, 31 verletzte Polizisten: „Tragik“ und Vorhersehbarkeit der Stuttgarter Krawalle
Von Matthias Nikolaidis Di, 19. September 2023
Wie im Juli in Gießen kam es nun auch in Stuttgart zur gewaltsamen Randale gegen eine friedliche Veranstaltung eritreischer Vereine. Die Hintergründe konnte TE teilweise ………………….
A Ticking Time Bomb: A Huge National Debt Plus Rising Interest Rates
20.9.23 Thorsten Polleit
Those who have been predicting a recession in the United States and an associated stock market crash seem to be having a hard time. At least, it appears so. US gross domestic product …………………….
Armed Neutrality Is the Only Moral Foreign Policy
09/18/2023 Ryan McMaken
Former Vice-President Mike Pence is very concerned that Republicans are not sufficiently enthusiastic about aggressive, unnecessary wars. In a speech on Monday, Pence claimed …………………..
Ukr/West Scale Back Offensive, Budanov Flawed Russia Intel; Wang Yi Meets Lavrov after Sullivan Talk
The Costs of War: America’s Pyrrhic Victories
11/21/2011 John V. Denson
This book is one of the most significant ever written by Denson. It contains essays that have ………………….
New York Times Acknowledges Ukrainian Origin Of Deadly Strike
The New York Times is finally acknowledging that the September 6 deadly impact of a missile in the center of Kostiantynivka was caused by a Ukrainian missile:
Javier’s Milei’s Populist Strategy in Argentina Is Working
09/14/2023 Philipp Bagus
The Austro-libertarian movement has the better ideas. They continue to be discussed, elaborated, and intellectually defended. But how can the right ideas be implemented? What …………………….
The Eagle Has Landed: America Meets the Wehrmacht
The History of Battle: Maneuver, Part 16, Big Serge, 02.08.2023
The American Experience in World War Two is a rather delicate subject to touch, for a variety of fairly obvious reasons. The American war effort is regarded with absolute moral ……………………
Did Hunter Biden Lie to His Own Memoir?
By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations September 19, 2023
In a raft of glowing reviews, Hunter Biden’s 2019 memoir “Beautiful Things” was celebrated ……………………….
Blowing the COVID Cover-up Wide Open
A CIA whistleblower pulls back the curtain on COVID’s origins in the shadowy world of U.S. biodefense programs, Ashley Rindsberg September 18, 2023
The Ukrainian Morale in the Battlefield: A Snapshot
By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture September 20, 2023
It’s now firmly established that the Ukrainian counter-offensive turned out to be the feeder of ………………….
They Finally Come for Russell Brand
Sasha Stone, 18.9.23
Department of Defense Run By Incompetent Boobs
By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice September 20, 2023
African states are splintering. There are two factions; the ones accepting US/France …………………….
Why Trump, Why Now
„I Told You So 2024“ Sep 16 2023 Sasha Stone
Essays on politics and culture from Sasha Stone’s Substack. A former Democrat and Leftist who escaped the bubble to get to know the other side of the country and to take a more critical look at the left. ……………………..
The Tyranny Of Technocracy And The Religion of Masking
Posted By: Gwendolyn Kull via Brownstone Institute September 15, 2023
Technocracy claims that it is the “Science of Social Engineering”. Technocrats turned to ………………..
The Peculiar Power of Denial
September 18, 2023
We’d rather risk societal collapse than face the sacrifices and challenges of revolutionizing ……………………..
The Firebombing of Maui: Part One
Cherie Zaslawsky 18.09.2023
The recent conflagration in Maui’s Lahaina Town shocked the nation. Some have called it an act of war—if so, one might argue that it has a predecessor.
Although the Allies in World War II clearly needed to stop Hitler and to aid Russia in its …………………….
Biden Uses NY Times to Send Zelensky an Unpleasant Message
19 September 2023 by Larry Johnson
If you have not figured it out by now, Government is like Kabuki theater — i.e., it is an event characterized more by showmanship than by content. The Cocaine King of Kiev, Volodymyr …………………..
The Gates of Hell
I think Bill Gates will go down in history as in the list of the top 5 demons who have waged war against humanity. He represents what some call the Gates of Hell. Nobody will stop this guy; he is out to reduce the world’s population, no different than Hitler or Stalin. Nothing this ………………