Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Hardly anyone talks of the table of virtues and vices anymore — which includes the Seven Deadly Sins — but in reviewing them, we find that they nicely sum up the foundation of bourgeois ethics, and provide a solid moral critique of the modern state.……….we do need to observe that vices and virtues — and our conception of what constitutes proper behavior and culture generally — have a strong bearing on the rise and decline of freedom.

— Llewellynn H. Rockwell Jr.

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Was „Desinformation“ ist, bestimmt die EU-Kommission

Die  EU-Kommission schwingt sich zum obersten Wächter über die Definition von „Desinformation“ im Netz auf. Dies ist gerade im Vorfeld der Europawahl im kommenden Jahr mehr als fragwürdig.




Nein, ich will Deutschland nicht einfach aufgeben!

Zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit: Viele Deutsche empfinden heute einen Heimatverlust, ohne aus ihrer Heimat physisch vertrieben worden zu sein. Das steigende Entsetzen zeigt: den ……………………



Feiertag Deutsche Einheit

Di, 3. Oktober 2023

Das Volk, von dem das Grundgesetz ganz unbefangen spricht, lässt sich so schnell jedoch nicht unterkriegen. Glücklicherweise nicht, denn es ist klüger als seine Vertreter. Das Volk glaubt diesen Volksvertretern nicht, weil es nicht mit Dienstwagen oder im Flugzeug ……………………



Linke rufen bei X nach totalitären Maßnahmen gegen Fakten

Mo, 2. Oktober 2023

Der Umgang mit Elon Musk zeigt, wie Grüne und Linke mit der Erosion ihrer Deutungshoheit in einer linken Medienwelt reagieren. Sie wollen Medien verstaatlichen und ………………………



A Small Continuing Resolution Victory Could Have Big Consequences

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute October 3, 2023

Federal spending is so out of control that it only took three months for the federal debt to increase by one trillion dollars to over 33 trillion dollars. In contrast, it took almost 200 years …………………….



Peter Schiff: A Fork in the Road

SchiffGold.com October 3, 2023

The markets seem to think that everything is fine. They believe the Fed has effectively beat ……………………….



E-Autos brennen




We’re in the Middle of a Global Coup – Here’s How We Stop It

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com October 2, 2023

In this interview board-certified internist and biological warfare epidemiologist Dr. Meryl …………………..



The Folly of American Intervention

By Patrick Foy PatrickFoyDossier October 3, 2023

There are a handful of basic facts and some water-under-the-bridge history that should be reviewed before Washington runs the world into a ditch. The crack-up may be sooner than …………………..



Hope Ain’t a Plan

2 October 2023 by Larry Johnson

Helmuth von Moltke, a 19th Century German Field Marshall, is credited with the aphorism, “no plan survives contact with the enemy”.  The essence of his observation is this — no ………….



UK Talks Sending Troops Ukr;Medvedev Threatens; Ukr Troops Deserting; Fico Wins on Anti Ukr Platform



All Seeing Eye: Can Russia Break Through The West’s ISR Overmatch?

We explore how Russia can deal with NATO/Five Eyes‘ vast space-recon capabilitiess during the coming offensives.

Simplicius The Thinker 16.02.2023




How Is the Fed Insolvent and Why Should We Care?

09/30/2023 Robert P. Murphy Alex J. Pollock

Alex Pollock has decades of experience in financial markets, including a position as President of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago. He explains to Bob the mechanics of the Fed’s current insolvency and its implications for ordinary Americans.






Assessing the BRICS Expansion: Debunking Expectations

09/29/2023 Antonio Graceffo

At the conclusion of the BRICS summit in Johannesburg on August 24, 2023, it was announced that the five-country grouping of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, …………………….



Will Dollarization Work in Argentina?

09/30/2023 Kristoffer Mousten Hansen

In Argentina, the libertarian presidential candidate Javier Milei made headlines when he came …………………..



The Russian Way of War in Ukraine: A Military Approach Nine Decades in the Making

Randy Noorman | 06.15.23

When Ukrainian forces launched offensives last September in both the country’s northeast ……………………..



Army War College Report Predicts Mass Casualties in Near-Peer Fight Against [Russia] – Analysis

2.10.2023 Simplicius The Thinker




The Average Age Of Ukraine’s Army

Ben Wallace, the former Secretary of State for Defence of the UK, writes in the Telegraph:

Putin is desperately grasping at the final two things that can save him – time and the splitting of the ……………………



The Democrats have walked into an immigration trap

Lee Fang is an investigative journalist. The American Left’s zeal has backfired.

October 2, 2023

For the American Left, the four years of Donald Trump’s presidency offered ample ……………………



Medvedev: Kiev Regime Change, More Territory; UK Intervention, India: Relations w/Rus Non Negotiable



NATO Testing Waters on Buffer Zone as Ukraine Offensive Grinds to Halt



Putin’s Options in Ukraine | Ray McGovern



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