Ankunft bei den „Aussortierten“, Teil 2
Noch ist das Land zu retten. Es gibt ein Sprichwort: Wenn die Zeiten schlecht sind, werden die Tapferen munter. Zweiter Teil meiner Notizen einer Deutschlandreise 2023. Diesen Text habe ich aktualisieren müssen, weil mir der Krieg dazwischenkam. Mit etwas Glück sitze ich im Flugzeug nach Israel, wenn Sie diese Zeilen lesen.
Israel: Was ich Ihnen nicht ersparen kann
Seit dem Holocaust wurden nicht mehr so viele Juden an einem Tag ermordet, nur weil sie Juden waren. Nach dem schwärzesten Tag seiner Geschichte steht Israel unter Schock. Dieser Text wird auch persönlich und etwas drastisch, aber ich kann es Ihnen nicht ersparen.
Volga 149.200
Ukrainians are surrendering through Russia’s Volga’s 149.200 radio frequency. “Use this ………………….
WSJ Joins Neocons To Instigate War On Iran
Updated below.
The neo-conservatives want to blame Iran for the current war in Palestine/Gaza.
They have for years tried to instigate war against it. Now they again see a chance. But its not a big one – yet.
Israel Seeks Capture Gaza, Neocons Demand Iran Attack, UK Blames Putin; Ukr War: Rus Has Initiative
Back to the Future With Iran and Israel
9 October 2023 by Larry Johnson
Let me make something clear up front. The Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians on Saturday, especially the massacre of the kids dancing in the desert, is a war crime and should be …………………..
Is There Inflation in Government-Financed Goods and Services?
10/07/2023 Karl-Friedrich Israel
Official inflation statistics are biased. Substitution effects and quality changes are problems that cannot be resolved objectively, even with the most sophisticated statistical methods. It ……………………
Israeli Flashpoint – Localized Skirmish? Or the Beginning of Major Global Black Swan?
Simplicius The Thinker 09.10.2023
The irruption in Israel caught many of us off guard. But to some extents it was a long-expected flashpoint escalation meant to begin the denouement of the Ukrainian conflict, by ……………………..
NATO, Ukraine, and Israel w/Prof. Jeffrey Sachs
Will a New House Speaker Solve Our Problems?
By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute October 10, 2023
Last week we witnessed a dramatic, historical first: A Speaker of the US House of Representatives was removed from that position by a vote from Members of that body. US Rep. Matt Gaetz was able to gather enough Republicans dissatisfied with the leadership of …………………..
The Hamas Attack on Israel is Puzzling
By Paul Craig Roberts October 10, 2023
I am being asked about the Israeli-Palestine conflict, which seems to be taking attention away from the Ukraine-Russia conflict. People, by which I mean people who pay attention, are ……………………..
The United Apostates of America
Land of high crimes and plunder, Donald Jeffries, 07.10.2023
One can make a persuasive argument that this country was born illegitimately, being that the land was stolen. I don’t necessarily accept that it was; humans have been taking over land ………………….
Here We Go Loop-de-Loop
By James Howard Kunstler October 10, 2023
“Palestine is not Ukraine. If America intervenes directly, all American locations in the region will become legitimate targets of the resistance axis and will face our attacks. And on this day there will be no red line left.”
Hezbollah Official Statement
Biden, Netanyahu foreign policy blinders. Neocons push Iran escalation
Are Your Ready for What Comes Next?
By Jim Quinn The Burning Platform October 10, 2023
“I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don’t believe anything the government tells me.”
George Carlin
Can the US Support Two Wars? w/Col Doug Macgregor
Israel vs. Hamas: A Manufactured War To Cover Corruption
By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice October 10, 2023
In 1898, Palestine was part of The Ottoman Empire. Rothschild wanted an Israel. The UK conquered Palestine and ripped it from the Ottoman Empire. The UK gave the state to …………………….
Government Is the Hidden Hand Directing the Culture Wars
10/09/2023 J.W. Rich
Recent data from the Pew Research Center shows that from 1994 to 2022, Americans’ views of opposing political parties became increasingly negative. In 1994, only 21 percent of ………………………
Die polnischen Wahlen – Was steht auf dem Spiel?
Von David Engels Di, 10. Oktober 2023
Der Begriff der „Schicksalswahl“ ist bei den kommenden polnischen Wahlen angebracht: denn ein Sieg der Liberalen bedeutete den Tod des polnischen Konservatismus auf lange Zeit. ……………………
Ankunft bei den „Aussortierten“
Notizen auf einer Reise durch ein zunehmend dysfunktionales und geistig gelähmtes Land und über Begegnungen mit Menschen, die sich dagegenstemmen.
Barbaren gegen Israel
Es sind Barbaren. Ein anderes Wort fällt mir schlicht nicht ein für Terroristen, die alte Frauen, Kinder und Familien abschlachten, entführen und öffentlich demütigen. Die Feinde Israels dürfen keine deutschen Freunde mehr haben. Weder Deutschland noch die EU dürfen noch …………………….
The Causes of the Economic Crisis, and Other Essays Before and After the Great Depression
11/06/2006 Ludwig von Mises
Stimulus or laissez-faire? That’s the essential debate about what to about financial crisis in our time. It was the same in the 1930s.
How a Trickle Can Turn into a Flood
10/07/2023 George Ford Smith
In 1903, a lawyer in Germany took out an insurance policy and made payments on it faithfully. When the policy came due in twenty years, he cashed it in and bought a single loaf …………………….
By Their Fruit, You Will Know Them…. Biden Calls for More War, Putin Calls for Peaceful World
Strategic Culture Foundation October 9, 2023
U.S. President Joe Biden was this week making desperate appeals for more funds to fuel the futile, heinous war in Ukraine. By contrast, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin delivered a ……………………..
Tucker Carlson Makes Chilling Prediction on How the Democrats Will Try to Steal the 2024 Election
“Once you start indicting your political opponents, you know that you have to win or else they’re going to indict you.” The Vigilant Fox
Political commentator Tucker Carlson has issued a grim prediction about the future of ……………………………
Hamas attack ‘harsh reminder’ wave of reconciliation in Middle East won’t last with Palestine-Israel conflict unsolved
By Zhao Yusha Oct 08, 2023
China on Sunday reiterated that the fundamental way out of the Palestine-Israel conflicts lies …………………….
Mossad and CIA: Eyes Open or Closed? w/Ray McGovern fmr CIA
SCOTT RITTER: Israel’s Massive Intelligence Failure
October 8, 2023
The origins of Israel’s intelligence failure on the Hamas attacks can be traced to the decision to rely on AI instead of the contrarian analysis born of the earlier intelligence failure of the 1973 Yom Kippur War.