Israel und Ukraine Update

Mit dem ersten Glied ist die Kette geschmiedet. Wenn die erste Rede zensiert, der erste Gedanke verboten, die erste Freiheit verweigert wird, dann sind wir alle unwiderruflich gefesselt.

— Erik Satie

Israel und Ukraine Update


Understanding Israel’s Intelligence Failure — Chats with Stephen Gardner and Michael Savage

10 October 2023 by Larry Johnson

There is a meme circulating accusing Bibi Netanyahu of having advance knowledge of the Hamas attack. According to this narrative, Bibi let it happen, believing it would be Israel’s 9-11 and that he could rally support for this divided government. I don’t buy it. Why? First,


Lagebericht Israel: Vor dem Gegenschlag

Mehr als 900 Israelis sind dem brutalen Hamas-Terror in den letzten Tagen zum Opfer gefallen. Wenigstens ist die Lage im Grenzgebiet wieder unter Kontrolle, jetzt geht die Armee in die Offensive. Ein Bericht über die aktuellen Entwicklungen.


Putin Blames US Diplomacy; Israel Gaza Offensive, No Evidence Iran Involved; Avdeyevka Breakthrough


Israel Confesses War Crime

No, not really. Israel did not confess war crimes. It never does. It proudly announced that it will now commit a war crime:


Get the US Out of the Middle East

10/09/2023 Ryan McMaken

The ongoing conflict between the state of Israel and Hamas escalated considerably on Saturday. A group of armed fighters—presumably of Hamas—broke through the Gaza-Israel border barrier and launched what is sure to be a short-lived invasion of southwestern Israel.

At least 700 Israeli citizens—most of them apparently civilians—were killed, and more than one hundred were taken hostage. The Israeli state quickly retaliated with widespread bombing of neighborhoods in Gaza producing hundreds killed, and possibly hundreds of thousands displaced.


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