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Die Straße zur Tyrannei beginnt mit der Zerstörung der Wahrheit.

— Thomas Jefferson

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Springer-Chef Mathias Döpfner startet mit „Politico“ in Deutschland durch

Angriff auf „F.A.Z“ & Co. Gregory Lipinski 12.10.2023

Seit mehr als zwei Jahren gehört das US-Newsportal „Politico“ zum Axel Springer Konzern. …………………



Grüne im Machtrausch – Achtung Reichelt



More Evidence Hamas is Targeting Civilians on Both Sides

Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) are prohibiting Gaza residents from leaving. Israel has provided evacuation notices and warned civilians to flee, but that is not possible. ……………….



More on The Israeli and U.S. Intelligence Failure

12 October 2023 by Larry Johnson

A good friend of mine, who retired from U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command aka INSCOM, and I had a long chat today about “intelligence failures” while puffing on a couple ……………….



Wie ich zur „jüdischen Ruhestörerin“ wurde

Eine freie Künstlerin, die an meiner Uni sprechen sollte, behauptete in den sozialen Medien, Israel würde gezielt palästinensische Kinder erschießen und den Palästinensern ihr Grundwasser vergiften. Als ich mich beschwerte, wurde mir ein „Frontalangriff“ auf das …………………….






History Repeating All Over Again

The 1848 Berlin Revolution

You have mentioned that the 1848 Communist Revolution that swept all of Europe was a political contagion. Am I correct in assuming this is what you suggest comes post 2024 going in 2032?




Der deutsche Biedermann hat die Brandstifter gehätschelt

Von Josef Kraus Fr, 13. Oktober 2023

Wie viel sind die großen Ankündigungen Deutschlands gegenüber Israel wert? Dort weiß man es: nichts! Denn Israel kann sich gut an die Bekundungen der Iran-Freunde, die Zahlungen an den Gaza-Streifen und die Zahnlosigkeit gegenüber dem muslimischen Anitismeitismus in …………………….



Die Migrationspolitik der EU bricht zusammen

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Do, 12. Oktober 2023

In Europa wird der Ton rauer. Immer mehr Bürger wollen sich mit dem Status quo nicht …………………..



The Regime Plans More for Us Than Just Hillary Clinton’s „Deprogramming“ Demands

10/11/2023 Karen Kwiatkowski

This week, Hillary Clinton publicly proposed “formal deprogramming” for MAGA ……………………



Why Must Supply Precede Demand? Understanding Economic Foundations

10/11/2023 Frank Shostak

In the market economy, wealth generators do not produce everything for their own consumption. Part of their production is used in exchange for the produce of other producers. ……………………..



Government Agencies Exploit Data Brokers as End-Around to Legal Restrictions

10/12/2023 Mitch Nemeth

Data is sometimes referred to as today’s most valuable commodity. Given the technologically focused world around us, data is generated with almost everything we do or consume, whether you use Apple Pay to purchase goods from a retail outfit or use a credit card for your ………………………



Top microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi calls mRNA injections ‘crime against humanity’

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, speaking at a virtual event moderated by Dr. Mark Trozzi, emphatically stated that ‚whoever propagates RNA vaccines as effective and safe… is either incredibly ignorant or endlessly evil.‘

Frank Wright Tue Oct 10, 2023 –




People Have a Serious Case of 9/11 Brain Right Now, and It’s Scary

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com October 13, 2023

I had to take a short break from reading about what’s happening in Gaza. I saw one too many images of dead kids on Twitter and just had to lie down for a while.




Die Palästina-Irrtümer

Nach dem Angriff auf Israel durch die Hamas wird wieder viel über Israel berichtet. Doch rund um den Israel-Palästina-Konflikt tummeln sich tendenziöse Begriffe und historische Unwahrheiten zulasten Israels. Hier der Versuch einer Aufklärung.




On Israel, the Palestinian territories and the doubtful project of liberal peacemaking

eugyppius 12.10.2023

I’ve had a bit of self-imposed writer’s block recently. There are things I want to say about the discourse around the Hamas attacks and the Israeli response that are very delicate and




Russian Views of the Hamas-Israeli Conflict

Based on a report from Moscow by John Helmer By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org

October 13, 2023

“How did it happen that in a year; that’s how much time the operation was being prepared for, …………………….




The Regime Plans More for Us Than Just Hillary Clinton’s ‘Deprogramming’ Demands

By Karen Kwiatkowski Mises.org October 13, 2023

This week, Hillary Clinton publicly proposed “formal deprogramming” for MAGA ………………….



Origins of Hamas/Israeli War w/ John J. Mearsheimer



The So-Called ‘Alternative’ Media Is Being Taken Over by Imposters, While the World Goes Insane

By Gary D. Barnett October 13, 2023

“It’s discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.”

Noël Coward




On Thin Ice

October 11, 2023

There is very little wiggle-room left in many household budgets, and any decline in income will crack the ice.



Biden Invokes Mystery Evil to Cover Up U.S. Criminal Responsibility

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture October 13, 2023

In a nationwide televised address, U.S. President Joe Biden did his best to sound righteous and angered by the eruption of violence in the Middle East.




Bad Money – The Bane Of Liberty And Prosperity, Part 1

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner October 13, 2023

Yes, the Alpha and Omega of almost everything that threatens the future of capitalist ………………………



The Power of Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox Has Peaked

Secular Israelis fear the growing Haredi population will give religious parties more power. Economics ……………………….



Peinlich-OB Feldmann wechselt zu den Linken

Von: THOMAS SULZER 12.10.2023 „Ich war schon immer Sozialist“

Frankfurt (Hessen) – Polit-Hammer in Hessen: Frankfurts abgewählter Oberbürgermeister Peter Feldmann (65) wechselt zu den Linken!




Origins of Hamas/Israeli Conflict w/ Scott Ritter



Peter Schiff: The US Can’t Afford Peace, Much Less War

SchiffGold.com October 12, 2023

War broke out in the Middle East over the weekend after Hamas attacked Israel. In his ……………………



The Welfare State’s Destruction of Faith in Freedom

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation October 12, 2023

As I read about the life and death of billionaire Charles Feeney, I could not help but think what America’s welfare-state way of life has done to destroy many people’s faith in freedom.






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