Deutschland: Not durch falsche Ziele
Deutschland ist auf einem Kurs, der immer größere Opfer fordert. Die Opferbereitschaft der Bürger sinkt. Doch ein Kurswechsel bleibt aus, weil vielen nicht klar ist, dass die Not durch falsche Ziele entsteht – zum Beispiel beim Thema Klima und Migration.
Ist Deutschland an einem „Kipppunkt“? Manches scheint darauf hinzudeuten. Die ……………………..
Wer mehr Gutes will, muss sich auf mehr Böses einlassen
Was ist die Alternative zum endlosen Drama von größten Bedrohungen und radikalen Rettungen? Deutschland braucht ein realitätstaugliche Maxime seines Handelns. Wenn das …………………..
Brian Berletic: NATO is CRUMBLING as Russia Defeats Ukraine’s Offensive
Unsterbliche Nahost-Legenden und wie man sie zerlegt
Je schwächer sein Faktenwissen ist, desto meinungsstärker tritt der gemeine Israelkritiker auf. Die vermeintlichen Gewissheiten sind zwar falsch, aber dank „Experten“ wie Michael Lüders epidemisch verbreitet. Jede dieser antiisraelischen Plattitüden lässt sich locker ……………………..
Die deutsche Lebenslüge zur Einwanderung endet
Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 25. Oktober 2023 Maßnahmenpaket für leichtere Abschiebungen
Das Kabinett hat einem Maßnahmenpaket von Innenministerin Nancy Faeser zur leichteren Abschiebung zugestimmt. Ohne Rückführabkommen wird das aber nicht viel helfen. Mit den ……………………
Nancy Faeser in Sachen Abschiebung mit viel Lärm um nichts
Von Josef Kraus Mi, 25. Oktober 2023
Voller Tatendrang aus dem Urlaub zurück, kündigt Faeser Maßnahmen gegen die Migrationskrise an: Jährlich sollen 600 mehr Abschiebungen erfolgen. Für das Verbot des ……………….
Zwangsfinanzierter Israel-Hass
Von Noemi Johler Mi, 25. Oktober 2023
Die ARD- und ZDF-Berichterstattung zu Israel ist offen anti-israelisch. Es liegt an den …………………….
Ray McGovern: Blinken goes Berserk
Ukraine’s Sudden High Air Losses Likely Caused By New Russian Missiles
I am not sure how valid this is but I am sure it is relevant:
Victor vicktop55 @vicktop55 – 16:58 UTC · Oct 24, 2023
Washington Post CIA Article Signals that U.S. Preparing to Jettison Ukraine
24 October 2023 by Larry Johnson
Andrei Martyanov always is very generous in his reactions to my posts and often highlights them. Now it is my turn to return the favor. I was planning to write on this article, which ………………..
Japan and Denmark Collaborate on Floating Wind Turbines
Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen met with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to discuss offshore wind turbines. Denmark is a leader in wind turbine technology, while Japan …………………..
Israel Divisions, US No Plan, US Generals to Israel; China Peace Conf; Rus-Brazil Confer
SITREP 10/24/23: Avdeevka Victories Confirmed as Mid-East Continues Slide Toward War
We start with major acknowledgments by Ukraine that Russia has captured important positions in Avdeevka, particularly around the Slag Heap and Stepove-railway area. Yes, ……………….
Grief Enough for All
Fragments from Time in Israel and Palestine Dr Naomi Wolf 24.10.2023
Predictably, the world has flown apart after October 7th, as tribalism in both directions is driven by escalating emotions. When I post neutral accounts of horrific events on both “sides” …………………
Evil Walks Among Us: Monsters with Human Faces Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms
By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute October 25, 2023
“But these weren’t the kind of monsters that had tentacles and rotting skin, the kind a seven-………………….
Tucker Carlson Asks Are We Going To War With Iran?
October 25, 2023
The Guilty Pleasures of Violence
Are we letting our video-game mentality toward violence, rather than a Catholic view, affect how we want to respond to real-world violence?
Garrett D. Johnson
Why Are U.S. Troops in Iraq?
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation October 25, 2023
As a consequence of the war between Israel and the Palestinians, U.S. troops in Iraq have come under drone attacks, owing to anger arising from the U.S. government’s unconditional ………………….
On Credit Expansion & Constant War
The two organizing principles of our system. John Leake, 24.10.2023
A few weeks ago, on a trip to Maui to research the Lahaina fire, I had dinner with Ed Dowd at ………………….
Israel Divisions, US No Plan, US Generals to Israel; China Peace Conf; Rus-Brazil Confer
Peter Schiff: Jerome Powell Isn’t Qualfied to Be in Any Economic Club October 25, 2023
Last week, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell delivered a speech at the Economic …………………….
On the Importance of Gold, Cake, and Jim Sinclair
By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns October 25, 2023
It is a fair thing to say that without certain people there would be no Gold Goats ‘n …………………….
The Profitable Destruction of Americans‘ Health
October 23, 2023 Who needs a healthy populace rich in well-being when you can have ……………………
America’s Crisis of Faith: Poll Reveals More Americans Are Rejecting the Constitution and Embracing Violence
By Jonathan Turley October 25, 2023
Below is my column in on the poll released last week showing an increasing number ………………
Blood Libel against Jews: Back with a Vengeance
by Alan M. Dershowitz October 25, 2023
This conflict is not about occupation or settlements. The chants of anti-Israel protesters, ……………………
On Reaching the Third Layer of Life’s Three-Layer Cake
Gary North – November 10, 2015
I wrote the following on December 15, 2008. That was my mother’s 91st birthday. I posted it ………………….