David Dietz: „Olaf Scholz wird sich an seinem Wort messen lassen müssen“
Von Mario Thurnes Fr, 3. November 2023
Der Gastronomie droht ein Betriebesterben. Erhöht die Ampel zum Jahreswechsel wie geplant die Mehrwertsteuer, stehen viele Restaurants vor dem Aus. Doch es regt sich Widerstand.
Interview: Gold and the Dollar will Rise Together
Head of Armstrong Economics, Martin Armstrong, outlines his gold market projections in lieu of unraveling geopolitical conditions.
Armstrong says, “You have a lot of uncertainty and confusing trends developing. When this ……………………..
Canada App Bans and Online News Act
A Chinese-owned app called WeChat, made for instant messaging, social media, and mobile payments, has been banned from Canada effective immediately as of Monday, October 30, ……………………
Meanwhile, Back in Ukraine, Desperation Sets In
6 November 2023 by Larry Johnson
Some pretty disturbing images coming out of Ukraine. A video appeared on Telegram today …………………..
Israel Encircles Gaza City + A Closer Look at Hamas Past/Present
NATO Faces an Imminent Checkmate | Larry C. Johnson
Douglas Macgregor: „Let’s end the conflict and rebuild the country“
New J6 Footage Shows Ray Epps Whispering To ‚Baked Alaska‘: „We’re Here To Storm The Capitol“
by Tyler Durden Saturday, Nov 04, 2023
Wie Terror und „Progressive“ erneut zusammenfinden
Von Gábor Sebes.
Nach der zurzeit im Westen vorherrschenden Formel ist nichts, was Israel tut, richtig, und nichts, was die Palästinenser tun, falsch. Warum das so ist, darauf sucht der ungarisch-jüdische Journalist Gábor Sebes eine Antwort.
Wer so eine Führung hat, braucht keine Feinde mehr
Ein Mann durchbricht mit seiner Tochter als Geisel die Sicherheitsanlagen des Hamburger Flughafens, der daraufhin viele Stunden gesperrt werden muss. Was, wenn das ein zu allem entschlossener Terrorrist gewesen wäre? Doch das ist nur ein Beispiel, an dem sich aktuell …………………
Jens und die deutschen Moscheen
Jens Spahn hat da eine Idee, wie man den antisemitischen Ungeist aus hiesigen Moscheen vertreiben kann. Na? Vielleicht indem – statt fremder Mächte – der deutsche Steuerzahler für neue Moschee-Bauten bezahlt?
Kein „Wirtschaftswunder“, auch nicht im Herbst
Mo, 6. November 2023
Lebensmittelpreise verteuern sich seit Frühjahr 2022 um 91 Prozent, die Arbeitslosigkeit steigt im Oktober um 165.000, Fliegen wird teurer, und für die Autoindustrie sieht es mau ………………….
Waterloo für die Träume vom Buntland?
Von Emil Kohleofen So, 5. November 2023
Nun geht es ans „Eingemachte“. Vizekanzler Habeck berichtet über das, was ihm Dritte an düsteren Botschaften zugetragen hätten: „Wenn weiterhin so viele Menschen so schnell …………………….
Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland in ihrer Spätphase
Von Ronald G. Asch So, 5. November 2023
Wenn die Bundesregierung entschlossen ist, die Dinge weiter laufen zu lassen, und sie erweckt diesen Eindruck, dann sollte sie wenigstens die heuchlerischen Lippenbekenntnisse …………………..
Israel Shoots Down the First Missile in Space
Israel has just made an important step in warfare. Their Arrow missile-defense system has shot down a ballistic missile outside of Earth’s atmosphere, which is the first time warfare has ………………..
Simulationsministerin Nancy Faeser wird nun doch zum Scholz-Problem
Von Roland Tichy So, 5. November 2023
Egal ob Begrenzung der Zuwanderung oder Bekämpfung der aktuellen islamischen ………………………
Game Over: US, European Officials Quietly Nudge Ukraine To Seek Peace
by Tyler Durden Saturday, Nov 04, 2023
With the world’s attention squarely fixed on the Israel-Gaza war — while baseless hope for a ………………….
The Ukraine Peace Talk Trial Balloon
Moon of Alabama November 6, 2023
A trial ballon has gone up on the NBCnews website. It is testing the public reaction to the …………………….
Will the Internet as We Know It Disappear in the Next Year?
By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com November 6, 2023
In my mind Whitney Webb is one of the best investigative journalists on the web and does …………………….
Invasion of Gaza – Rothbard vs. Block
By Kevin Duffy November 6, 2023
Sadly, the great Murray Rothbard is not with us to condemn the recent slaughter of innocents …………………
Western Officials Increasingly Pushing „Peace Talks“ + War Updates
Simplicius The Thinker 06.11.2023
It seems every day there’s a new bombshell as the Ukrainian project tailspins out of control. The new one making waves is from NBC, which has broached what was already being ……………..
The Futility and Destructiveness of the Drug War
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation November 6, 2023
The U.S. Attorney’s office in the Eastern District of Louisiana just sent out a ………………………..
U.S. Officials: Ukraine May Have to Negotiate
Acknowledging reality after wealth transfer and hundreds of thousands dead.
05.11.2023 John Leake
Carbon Dioxide Does Not Cause Warming – No Gas Causes Warming
By James T. Moodey November 6, 2023
The climate-change scheme and net-zero carbon policy are based upon a false notion that carbon dioxide and other gases cause global warming. They do not. We don’t have to guess about this. We have empirical and scientific proof. I owned a Weights and Measures gas-…………………….
BREAKING: Israeli MoH data released in March 2023 proves the vaccines are killing people. How come nobody noticed?? Hello!?!?
In March 2023, MIT Professor Retsef Levi disclosed a troubling figure produced by the Israeli Ministry of Health. This is unassailable proof the vaccines are killing people. Nobody noticed.
„Heizgesetz wirkt wie ein Sargnagel“ – Jetzt tappt der Osten in die große Immobilienfalle
Plötzlich ist das Haus in Ostdeutschland nur noch die Hälfte wert: Die Preiskrise am Wohnungsmarkt trifft Eigentümer besonders stark. Vor allem in den ländlichen Regionen muss zudem oft noch aufwendig saniert werden. Entpuppt sich der Osten als Verlierer der ……………………
What is Happening to Israel’s Offensive in Gaza and Blinken’s Diplomacy?
4 November 2023 by Larry Johnson
Looks like Israel is running into stiff opposition in Gaza. I base this conclusion after perusing the latest editions of Hareetz and the Times of Israel. The Times of Israel paints Israeli …………………….
The Ukraine Peace Talk Trial Balloon
A trial ballon has gone up on the NBCnews website. It is testing the public reaction to the upcoming U.S. and NATO acknowledgment of their defeat in Ukraine:
Lateinamerika stellt sich bei Israel-Krieg kreuz und quer
Von Roland Peters, Buenos Aires 04.11.2023,
Eine einheitliche Position bei allen 33 Ländern Lateinamerikas zum Krieg im Nahen Osten wäre erstaunlich. Doch die Bandbreite ist riesig: von voller Solidarität mit Israel bis zu Verbündeten Irans. El Salvadors Präsident Bukele zieht Vergleiche zum Anti-Bandenkrieg im ………………….
Israel Cementing Its Reputation as a War Criminal, U.S. feeling the Heat, and Hezbollah Responds
3 November 2023 by Larry Johnson
I am continuing to hammer on the theme that Israel’s indiscriminate attacks in Gaza, while being praised or tolerated in the West, is having the opposite effect in the rest of the world. ……………………
Interview Zee with Martin Armstrong
Nazrallah Speech On Gaza
Speech by Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah during the ceremony honoring the martyrs on the road to Al-Quds (as noted down incompletely while listening to AlJazeerah’s ………………….
Habeck und der Absturz des grünen Moraldepots
Nach dem 7. Oktober und der Begeisterung, die er unter Moslems ausgelöst hat, können Linke nicht mehr verbergen, was sie mit ihrer Politik guthießen, die die Feinde der Juden hofierte. Die Worte von Robert Habeck, die für sich genommen richtig und nobel sind, …………………
Krieg gegen den Westen
Von Wolfgang Herles Sa, 4. November 2023
Der Westen muss seine Werte verteidigen. Er hat aber überhaupt noch nicht klar genug erkannt, wer seine Feinde sind. Wo die Front verläuft: Süd gegen Nord, Islam gegen Abendland. Moderne gegen Mittelalter. Offene Gesellschaft gegen autoritäre Regime. ………………………
Cum-Ex: Das Watergate des Olaf Scholz
Von Jakob Fröhlich Fr, 3. November 2023 Beweis-Laptops aus Tresor verschwunden
Ein führender Hamburger SPD-Mann versteckt Computer mit 700.000 heiklen E-Mails. Um Olaf Scholz zu schützen und die Aufklärung des größten Steuerskandals der deutschen Geschichte zu behindern, ist den Vertrauten des Bundeskanzlers inzwischen offenbar jedes …………………..
Uncle Sam Doesn’t Have One Thin Dime for Joe Biden’s $ 106 Billion War Package
By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner November 4, 2023
When you are faced with an existential threat to your very national survival, this is what you do. You mobilize your economy for all-out struggle and impose heavy-duty “War Taxes” to …………………..
Ron Paul Institute Director on Best and Worst Middle East Scenarios
By Tom Woods November 4, 2023
Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute joins us to discuss the various calls for further U.S. intervention in the Middle East, and what a plausible answer might be to this seemingly intractable conflict. Also, I do my best to steelman the Israeli position to get Daniel’s response.
Hezbollah vs. IDF – What Happened Last Time?
By L. Reichard White November 4, 2023
It looks like the parable of David and Goliath is about to re-emerged on the world stage. …………………..
Theo Von Interviews Tucker Carlson
November 4, 2023
The Jewish American Dilemma
By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com November 4, 2023
“In a world that is not conforming to the narrative of continuous Progress, the response from self-declared progressives has been to try to rewrite our past into the multicultural utopia that …………………..
When The Chaos is Too great Or The Resources Are Overwhelmed Due to Illness, Panic Or Scale Of The Issue, The Systems We Rely On Now For Support In Bad Times Can Disappear- How Would An Anarchist Society Deal With Crime?
zollie21 Uncategorized November 2, 2023
One of the scenarios we prepare for is the complete absence of any form of government, or at least the local governments we rely on to keep things quasi-normal. When the chaos is too ……………………
Gaza Surrounded, Blinken Israel Humanitarian Pause, Netanyahu Regime Change; Kiev, Avdeyevka Crisis
Zaluzhny Pens Oped for The Economist: „How to Win the War“ – Analysis
Simplicius The Thinker 03.11.2023
The Economist featured a new Oped penned by none other than Valery Zaluzhny—Commander-in-Chief of the AFU—himself.
Stopping the Spread . . .
By eric November 2, 2023
If it hadn’t been for Florida, it is very possible the entire country would still be living under a “mask” regime. By ending the “masking” regime in Florida, “masking” became harder and ……………………..
Juden-Hasser marschieren mit Islamisten-Flaggen aufUnfassbare Bilder mitten in Deutschland
Teilnehmer wollen ein Kalifat errichten – wie der Islamische Staat
Martialischer Islamisten-Aufmarsch am Freitagabend in Essen!
Gaza, Ukraine and our quest for catharsis
Arta Moeini is the Director of Research at the Institute for Peace and Diplomacy and founding editor of AGON. Faraway wars have become a form of therapy. November 4, 2023
The moment Hamas carried out its heinous terror attacks against Israel, the war in Gaza was ………………………
War, Crimes, Truth, and Denial
Unthinkable Thoughts and False Memories
By Arnold R. Isaacs TomDispatch.com November 4, 2023
This month’s catastrophic violence in Israel and Gaza — specifically, the contradictory ……………………
Plandemic, Part 2
By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com November 4, 2023
Late in May 2020, media producer Mikki Willis released the
„Palästina den Palästinensern, Deutschland den Deutschen“
Henryk Broder
Woran erkennt man einen typischen Antisemiten? An seinen Tattoos? Am Körpergeruch? Daran, wie er das Wort „Führerschein“ ausspricht? Schön wäre es. Tatsächlich gibt es weder einen Lackmus- noch einen Rorschach-Test, mit dessen Hilfe man einen Antisemiten identifizieren könnte. Antisemiten sind auch keine Deppen, die keine Ahnung vom Judentum ……………………
A World Where Genocide of Civilians Is Not Only Accepted, But Cheered
By Gary D. Barnett November 3, 2023
“In Gaza, some of us cannot completely die.
Every time a bomb falls, every time shrapnel hits our graves,
every time the rubble piles up on our heads,
we are awakened from our temporary death.”
Israeli Historian Ilan Pappé on Gaza War, Hostages & the Context Behind Current Violence
October 31, 2023
We speak with Israeli historian Ilan Pappé about Israel’s escalating war on Gaza, as well as a ……………………
‚Crypto King‘ Sam Bankman-Fried guilty of FTX fraud
By Natalie Sherman & Peter HoskinsBusiness reporters
Sam Bankman-Fried, who once ran one of the world’s biggest cryptocurrency exchanges, has been found guilty of fraud and money laundering at the end of a month-long trial in New York.
The Future for Fiat
By Alasdair Macleod SchiffGold.com November 3, 2023
The day of reckoning for unproductive credit is in sight. With G7 national finances spiralling out of control, debt traps are being sprung on all of them, with the sole exception of Germany.
Another New War?
Azerbaijan’s Heroes: Soldiers Who Behead Armenians
by Uzay Bulut November 3, 2023
After Azerbaijan besieged and starved 120,000 Christian Armenians in the Republic of Artsakh in the South Caucuses for nine months, on September 19, 2023, Azerbaijan bombed ………………….
Our Greatest Ally? I Doubt It
By Tom Woods November 3, 2023
I lost some subscribers yesterday, which I expected. But I’m still here and all is well.
One person accused me of a “double standard” because all lobbying groups pursue their interests. So why was I singling out AIPAC?
Larry C Johnson: Will Hezbollah Join the war?
Current leaders in North America and Western Europe are destroying the system that underpinned their own prosperity- The global majority is shocked by the hypocrisy of the West in the Israel-Palestine conflict
Posted byBrandon Campbell November 2, 2023
Current leaders in North America and Western Europe are destroying the system that underpinned their own prosperity
Trump’s Base Is Everyday Americans Not Fringe Extremists
By Vasko Kohlmayer November 3, 2023
One of the most frequently repeated narratives of the last few years has been that most of Donald Trump’s support comes from a far-right fringe of MAGA extremists.
Endlich will der Merkel-Enkel Zuwanderung begrenzen
Von Till-R. Stoldt
Wie es zur migrationspolitischen Wende Hendrik Wüsts kam, lehrt vor allem über die Grünen so einiges, meint Till-Reimer Stoldt
Douglas Macgregor: „Israeli self-destruction in Gaza“
The Adults in the Room
By Jeff Einstein The Quality of Life Resistance Movement November 3, 2023
What’s wrong with this picture?
“The symbols of freedom and equality that battle during the life of an individual also have a correspondence to their battle in culture. American history in the 20th century offers a good example of this battle between the symbols of freedom and equality.”
John Fraim (Midnight Oil Studios)