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Nichts ist in der Regel unsozialer als der sogenannte Wohlfahrtsstaat. Solche Wohltaten muß das Volk immer teuer bezahlen, weil kein Staat seinen Bürgern mehr geben kann, als er ihnen vorher abgenommen hat – und dann noch abzüglich der Kosten einer zwangsläufig immer mehr zum Selbstzweck ausartenden Sozialbürokratie.

— Ludwig Erhard (CDU)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Corona-Symposium im Bundestag – und Mainstream schaut weg Zu starker Tobak für die Nerven von staatstreuen Journalisten bei Covid-Aufarbeitung?


Die zweitgrößte Oppositionspartei veranstaltet ein zweitägiges Symposium zu einem der strittigsten Themen der vergangenen Jahre – und die großen Medien ignorieren es komplett. Von den öffentlich-rechtlichen Sendern, die Milliarden Zwangsgebühren einsammeln unter …………………….



Propaganda Update — Wash Post Floats Bizarre Claim on Nord stream and Anne Applebaum’s Persistent Delusion

12 November 2023 by Larry Johnson

A hilarious story today in the Washington Post claiming that a rogue Ukrainian Colonel — one of Zaluzhny’s boys — was the skipper of the SS Minnow that destroyed the Nord Stream …………………….



Neue Serie “Wir haben es gesagt”. Heute: Gunnar Heinsohn

Ab heute wird Achgut.com regelmäßig Texte aus den vergangenen Jahren veröffentlichen, ……………………



Worthülsen-Wettstreit mit dem Islam

Die „Deutsche Islam Konferenz“ beweint den islamischen Opferstatus und klammert den Antisemitismus in den eigenen Reihen aus. Das Innenministerium veranstaltet die Farce. Der Islam ist da. Ob er zu Deutschland gehört, ist eine ganz andere Frage.




Wieder deutsches Steuergeld für den Terror-Staat

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mo, 13. November 2023 Baerbock überweist weitere Millionen an Gaza

Nach ihrem halblauen Bekenntnis zu Israel überweist Baerbock erneut Millionen an die Gaza-Oberen, die sämtlich zur Hamas gehören – auch um das ansonsten inexistente deutsche ………………………



Markus Reisner im Interview – Militärhistoriker spricht Klartext: „Westen redet sich den Ukraine-Krieg schön“

Freitag, 10.11.2023,

Der Westen ist auf einen Stellungkrieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine nicht vorbereitet, warnt …………………………



The Eurozone Disaster: Between Stagnation and Stagflation

11/11/2023 Daniel Lacalle

The eurozone economy is more than weak. It is in deep contraction, and the data is staggering.

The eurozone manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI), compiled by S&P Global, …………………..



Exposing Our Fed-Driven Bubble Economy

11/10/2023 David Gordon

David Stockman served for a short while as budget director during Ronald Reagan’s first term as president, but he soon resigned owing to Reagan’s refusal to cut government spending. He ……………………..



Nasrallah’s Second Speech On Gaza

This afternoon Beirut time Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered a speech on the occasion of Hizbullah’s Martyr’s Day.




Arab Islamic Summit in Riyadh and What Did You Make of Nasrallah’s Sermon today?

12 November 2023 by Larry Johnson

My apologies for the late post. I have been on the road all day driving to the East Coast of Florida and then back. I have not had a chance yet to listen to what Nasrallah said today. ……………..



Why I am now a Christian

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an UnHerd columnist. She is also a research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, Founder of the AHA Foundation, and host of The Ayaan Hirsi Ali Podcast. Her new book is Prey: Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of Women’s Rights. Atheism can’t equip us for civilisational war. November 11, 2023




False Virtue: The Life and Death of ‘American Exceptionalism’

By Thomas DiLorenzo Mises.org November 11, 2023

The impending decline of the dollar is apparently imposing a real Halloween scare on the American foreign policy establishment. An August 22, 2023, article on the Council on …………………….



Another Snapshot of Kiev’s Military Collapse: But It Ain’t Over Yet

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture November 11, 2023

The spectacular “success” of Kiev’s counter-offensive, which echoed throughout the geopolitical galaxy, has predictably engendered what everyone with a brain was expecting: a ……………….



The Censorship ‘Switchboard’: A New Layer to the Biden Administration’s ‘Orwellian Ministry of Truth’

By Jonathan Turley JonathanTurley.org November 11, 2023

Free speech is in a free fall as millions embrace censorship as a political cause, including …………………….



Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s intention is to harm souls, discredit the Church, and offend God

Bergoglio is trying to normalize the sins of sodomy, concubinage, and transsexualism

Thu Nov 9, 2023 –




An Epistle to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

By Edward Curtin EdwardCurtin.com November 11, 2023

Dear Bobby,

As you know, I have supported your bid for the presidency even before you declared last ………………….



The Polarizing Nature of Exposing Truth Reveals the Hypocrisy and Contradiction of Insincere Positions

By Gary D. Barnett November 11, 2023

He wears a mask, and his face grows to fit it.”

George Orwell (Shooting an Elephant)




MBS Raisi Assad Meet Discuss Gaza; Ukr Defeat Looms; Avdeyevka Crisis, US/Bankrupt EU No Kiev Cash



‘Make a Desert and Call It Peace’

By Eric S. Margolis November 11, 2023

Paris – The great Voltaire wrote ‘show me whom you cannot criticize, and I will show you who rules you.’




Statist Ideology and War: Israel versus Hamas

11/08/2023 Michael Rectenwald

As I wrote in my previous piece on statism and the Israel-Hamas conflict, states are organized crime rackets. Wars between states thus represent warfare between rival gangs. The proper ……………………….



Heads Up

Just in:

Elijah J. Magnier 🇪🇺 @ejmalrai – 7:21 UTC · Nov 11, 2023

This is THE most serious attack and escalation for many years & its consequences are critical, ………………….



False Virtue: The Life and Death of „American Exceptionalism“

11/09/2023 Thomas J. DiLorenzo

The impending decline of the dollar is apparently imposing a real Halloween scare on the American foreign policy establishment. An August 22, 2023, article on the Council on Foreign Relations website entitled “The Future of Dollar Hegemony” explained that




The Fed Has No Plan, and Is Just Hoping for the Best

11/09/2023 Ryan McMaken

The Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) last week left the target policy interest rate (the federal funds rate) unchanged at 5.5 percent. This „pause“ in the target ………………………



Das Böse und die Moral

Von Wolfgang Herles Sa, 11. November 2023

Auch die vermeintlich Guten sind zu Bösem bereit, wenn man ihnen nur hinreichend weismacht, ihr Tun diene dem Guten. Der Zweck heiligt die Mittel. Das Böse beruft sich …………………..



Hessen-CDU möchte zusammen mit der SPD regieren – ohne „Spitzen“-kandidatin Faeser

Von Josef Kraus Fr, 10. November 2023

Nach dem Sieg bei der Landtagswahl in Hessen wollen Ministerpräsident Boris Rhein und ……………..



Latzhosen und Zipfelmützen im Angesicht des Bündnisfalls

Unter den Zipfelmützen ist es zur Erkenntnis gereift, dass man seine „Scholle“, sein „Ländle“, die „Heimat“, „unser Land“, also ein durch Grenzen definiertes Territorium nationaler Identitäten schützen muss. Doch seit Merkel war „Heimatschutz“ immer ein Topos der Feinde ……………………



Das große Klimageschäft in Dubai

Werden die G7 den Rest der Welt dazu bringen, ihre Stromversorgung auf erneuerbare Energiequellen umzustellen? Um das zu beurteilen, muss man die Größe der BRICS-Staaten betrachten – und den dort herrschenden Lebensstandard.




Ein Friedensnobelpreisträger als Präsident des Kongo?

Der Frauenarzt und Friedensnobelpreisträger Dr. med. Denis Mukwege ist ein möglicher Kandidat für die Präsidentschaftswahlen in seinem Land im Dezember 2023. Besteht Grund zur Hoffnung für die geschundene „Demokratische Republik“ Kongo?




US Iran War Risks, Deir Ezzor Battle, US Dpls Slam Biden Policy; Putin Visits HQ, Ukr Out of Troops



Individual Health Insurance Mandates Are Mandates, Not Taxes

11/09/2023 Garrett M. Gess

Imagine that you are a healthy 30-year-old young man who has a respectable job, makes a good living, but decides, you know what? I am not going to spend $200 or $300 a month for …………………….



SITREP 11/10/23: Israeli Economy Buckles, Russia Breaks Through in Avdeevka

Simplicius The Thinker 11.11.2023

There’s not any one particular big update today, but things continue heating up everywhere, on every global front.

Israel steams ahead but still tiptoes around Gaza City without entering its heart. Expert ……………………



Ukraine vs. Palestine — The Numbers Tell the Story

10 November 2023 by Larry Johnson

Civilians, unfortunately, are the true cannon fodder when war breaks out. The graphic at the top of this piece tells the painful, horrible story. The media in the United States continues to …………………..



Our Potemkin Presidency

By James Bovard The Future of Freedom Foundation November 10, 2023

The Founding Fathers sought to create a government that would be under the law and under the Constitution. Since World War One, presidents have amassed far more arbitrary power to rule by decree. Every recent American commander-in-chief has expanded and exploited the ……………………



The 1964 Civil Rights Act Destroyed the 14th Amendment and Resurrected Status-Based Law

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org November 10, 2023

“From status to contract” was the way Sir Henry Maine described the emergence of equality before the law from the status-based law of the past when class distinctions determined rights.




The Wide, Wide World of Imprisonment

Some internments are more equal than others, Donald Jeffries, 06.11.2023

A discussion of involuntary incarceration seems appropriate at this point, as Israel continues to bombard the Palestinians who are in effect their prisoners. In 2006, Israeli senior official Giaora Eiland described Gaza as a “huge concentration camp.” That’s not a “conspiracy theorist” saying it- it’s one of our beloved allies.




US is barreling toward another war in the Middle East

What exactly is the Biden administration doing to avoid the broader conflict?

Jonathan Hoffman Nov 06, 2023

The United States is barreling toward another war in the Middle East. The conflict between Israel and Hamas is rapidly escalating across the region and risks dragging the United States ………………….



Peter Schiff:  The Fed Won’t Achieve Either of Its Mandates

SchiffGold.com November 10, 2023

The Federal Reserve operates under a dual mandate from Congress — to achieve maximum employment and stable prices. In a recent podcast, Peter Schiff explained why the Fed won’t …………………..



The post-America war has begun

Aris Roussinos is an UnHerd columnist and a former war reporter.

November 10, 2023, Biden’s delusions are finally being exposed

Less than a month ago, President Biden was asked on camera if the United States could simultaneously bring conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East to a palatable conclusion. ……………………



Guess What Was Hiding in That 1000-pg Bill

By Tom Woods November 10, 2023

You may have heard that as of yesterday, it’s been decided that beginning in 2026 all cars sold in the United States will be equipped with a “kill switch,” whereby the car can be ………………………



We Live Among Barbarians

The vote to enshrine abortion in Ohio should be a revelation to us: we live among barbarians who do not care about human life in the womb. Richard C. Antall




Scott Ritter: „Why Israel is FINISHED! Prepare for MILLIONS to LEAVE to the WEST!“



Wider die Zerstörung der westlichen Zivilisation

  1. November 2023 –Thorsten Polleit

Dass die Menschen friedvoll und produktiv miteinander zusammenleben, ist möglich. Doch die Politik beschädigt, ja zerstört die dafür erforderlichen Grundlagen. Mittlerweile sind die Schäden so groß geworden, dass sogar der Fortbestand der westlichen Zivilisation auf dem ………………




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