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Wenn Plündern für eine Gruppe in der Gesellschaft zur Lebensart wird, schafft sie im Laufe der Zeit ein Rechtssystem, das dies legalisiert, und einen Moralkodex, der es glorifiziert.

— Frédéric Bastiat

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Gastbeitrag von Gabor Steingart – Banken-Beben droht: US-Finanzinstitute sitzen auf 650 Milliarden Dollar Miesen

Gastautor Gabor Steingart (Berlin) 18.11.23

Die aktuelle Nachrichtenlage überschattet die Geschehnisse am Finanzmarkt. Dabei geht unter, wie hoch die Schulden der USA inzwischen sind und wie schwierig die Refinanzierung. Was für die Weltwirtschaft schwere Folgen haben könnte.




US Proxy Wars: Ukraine Crumbles, Gaza Burns, as Tensions Rise in Asia-Pacific



Scott Ritter: Iran & Hezbollah will destroy all of Israel with precision guided ballistic missiles



Douglas Macgregor: Their Army Is No More!



New Raft of Articles Tighten the Screws on Zelensky, Plead for Course Correction

Simplicius The Thinker 20.11.2023

Mainstream publications have fired another salvo of articles this week conveying a cratering ……………………..



Ep. 9) Roger Stone | Election 2024 | The Future Of The Right | How To Survive The Swamp



Die Botschaft der Barbaren

Von Laszlo Trankovits So, 19. November 2023

Der historische Terroranschlag der Hamas auf Israel hat klare Botschaften. Wir sollten sie aufmerksam registrieren und uns gut merken. Sieben Erkenntnisse nach dem 7. Oktober




When Neutrality is Immoral: Israel, Hamas, and the Problem of Moral Equivalence

by André Villeneuve November 19, 2023

While many the world over had the integrity to condemn „the hideous crime, naming its perpetrators and acknowledging Israel’s basic right to defend itself against the atrocity,“ the ………………………



How losers write history

Tom McTague is UnHerd’s Political Editor. He is the author of Betting The House: The Inside Story of the 2017 Election. Britain’s political future belongs to disgruntled outcasts.

November 18, 2023




More Delusional Nonsense From Richard Haas and Charles Kupchan

19 November 2023 by Larry Johnson

If you are looking for more evidence of the panic that has seized the Washington foreign ………………



Die Selbstverliebten im Politbetrieb

Wie kommt es, dass sich selbst offensichtlich minderbegabte Politiker unfassbar selbstbewusst geben? Da ist zum einen der „grandiose“ Typus, vorrangig gekennzeichnet durch ein starkes Streben nach sozialer Bewunderung, zum anderen der durch Rivalität …………………….



Wie Deborah Feldman zur Extremistin wurde

Die Autorin Deborah Feldman positioniert sich als in Deutschland lebende Jüdin gegen Israel, wie gerade bei Lanz. Derzeit steht sie im Medienfokus, den sie dazu nutzt, sich zum Opfer ihrer Kritiker zu stilisieren. Ich kenne sie schon länger.




Deutschland ausgepfiffen, Israel spielt in Ungarn

Weil die Ungarn mit ihrer Willkommenskultur deutlich maßvoller umgegangen sind, können sie jetzt die israelischen Fußballer für ihre Qualifikationsspiele zur




Rus Advances Avdeyevka Industry Zone, Railway; Ukr SU27 Pilot Defects, West/Ukr Face Defeat



Herr K. und die Schuldenbremse

Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat geurteilt, dass der Bund zur Bekämpfung der Corona-Krise gedachte Gelder nicht für den Klimaschutz nutzen darf. Der damit von der Ampelkoalition ……………………..



Als Katrin Göring-Eckardt die Unfreiheit für Deutschland umarmte

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mo, 20. November 2023

Während in Brüssel Soldaten wegen Terroralarm patrouillierten, begründete Katrin Göring-………………….



Ein führender Taliban tingelt redenschwingend durch die EU und Deutschland

Von Josef Kraus So, 19. November 2023

Faeser, Baerbock, Haldenwang völlig ahnungslos, dann das übliche Empörung-Blabla. Früher waren bei einer solchen Aneinanderreihung an Versagen um Versagen Rücktritte fällig. Man ……………….



Nuhr: Abrechnung mit Böhmermann, der Ampel & dem Land | „Schuler! Fragen, was ist“ vom 16. Juni 2023



More Media Schizophrenia on Russian Missiles

18 November 2023 by Larry Johnson

This stuff just writes itself. Newsweek and the New York Times published pieces that present ……………………..



Urging Ukraine To Sue For Peace

Larry Johnson has spotted one of the many signs that „the West“ is giving up on its war in Ukraine:




Rus Taking Khromovo; Advancing 3 Sides Avdeyevka; West Ukr Funding Ending; USS Eisenhower Near Iran



Leaving Blobtopia

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com November 18, 2023

“The vibe shift being witnessed is nothing more then a managerial class losing the mandate of heaven as they squander the inheritance of empire.”




Technology, Propaganda, and Mind Control

Dr. Joseph Sansone 17.11.2023

Government has been in the business of mind control since government was invented. We call that propaganda. The ancient Egyptians, for instance, would depict their pharaohs winning …………………….



It Seems Most All of Society Is Going About the Problem of Injustice, Fraud, and Tyranny the Wrong Way

By Gary D. Barnett November 18, 2023

“Without justice being freely, fully, and impartially administered, neither our persons, nor our rights, nor our property, can be protected. And if these, or either of them, are regulated …………………………



Washington’s Fiscal Doomsday Machine

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner November 18, 2023

Here’s one that will make your hair stand on end: The US Treasury closed the books on FY …………………..



Cryptocurrency: Integrity Destroyer or Policy Scapegoat?

11/17/2023 Matthew Pan

Cryptocurrency is failing. Or so it seems.

Last week, the arrest of Su Zhu, cofounder of failed crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital, ……………………



100 Years Ago: The End of German Hyperinflation

By Thorsten Polleit Mises.org November 18, 2023

On 15 November 1923 decisive steps were taken to end the nightmare of hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic: The Reichsbank, the German central bank, stopped monetizing ………………………….



In Attempt To Save Themselves Democrats Go to the Cradle of Nomads

By Frederick Stolly November 18, 2023

While the world’s attention is focused on Israel, the United States is cautiously working to ………………………..



Xi Jinping is Right About the U.S. Empire

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation November 18, 2023

On the eve of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s current visit to the United States, the New York Times published an article detailing some of Xi’s thoughts about the United States.




Billionaire Ken Griffin says Miami could overtake New York as a financial hub

Tom Carter Nov 15, 2023,

Ken Griffin told Bloomberg that he thinks Miami „represents the future of America.“




The Problem with Joe Manchin’s Centrism

11/15/2023 Connor O’Keeffe

Last week, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) announced he would not seek reelection in 2024. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, Manchin explained his reasons for leaving. He starts with a relatively noncontroversial assessment of the problems facing America—rising costs, …………………….



The Worse-than-Medieval Economics of Climate Technocrats

11/16/2023 Ryan Turnipseed

Throughout my life, a specter developed by the state has been used to haunt and cajole the world’s politics to favor centralized technocracy. I remember it first being called “global ………………………



As the CPI Eases, Economists Declare „No Recession“ Because This Time Is Different

11/15/2023 Ryan McMaken

The federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics released new price inflation data on Tuesday, and according to the report, year-over year inflation continued to climb—although at the slowest pace since July of this year. According to the BLS, Consumer Price Index (CPI) …………………..



Israel and America’s Growing Zugzwang

Simplicius The Thinker 18.11.2023

We can now safely say that our previous reading of the Israeli situation appears to be accurate. The U.S. is acting as a rudderless ship, rushing to the MidEast out of reflex with no clear gameplan, and is in fact terrified of Iranian escalations.




Some Neo-Cons Slowly Coming to Grips With REality in Ukraine

18 November 2023 by Larry Johnson

This week’s “No Shit Analysis” award goes to Eugene B. Rumer for his Wall Street Journal …………………..



One Religion’s War Against All Others

Alastair Crooke in Al Mayadeen:

Israeli popular sentiment — even amongst former liberals — is moving toward a Greater Nakba. Gaza is under Nakba pressures. So is the West Bank, as settler violence against Palestinians surges. Even a ………………………….



Die nächste Meldestelle kommt bestimmt

Von Steffen Meltzer Fr, 17. November 2023 Politisch gelenkte Ermittlungsbehörde

Der Beauftragte Nr. 40 der Bundesregierung ist im Anmarsch. Diesmal soll es ein Polizeibeauftragter werden, der die Bundespolizei kontrolliert. Der ist so unabhängig wie ein ……………………



Israeli War: Assumptions vs. Realities. An Analysis

By Helena Glass  Helena-The Nationalist Voice November 17, 2023

Today is Wednesday, November 15, 2023;  A) The Pentagon is revealed to have been buying ……………………



Argentinier haben den Glauben an den Staat verloren – davon profitiert Javier Milei

  1. November 2023 –Rainer Zitelmann

Am 19. November findet in Argentinien die Stichwahl zwischen dem Peronisten Sergio Massa und dem Anarchokapitalisten Javier Milei statt. Künftig könnte ein vehementer ……………………..



Watch: Blinken Dies Inside While Biden Blunders Through Major Geopolitical Moment

by Tyler Durden Friday, Nov 17, 2023 –




Scott Ritter: NATO is DONE as Russia Leads BRICS to Win Over Sanctions



Xi’s APEC speech embodies Asia-Pacific region’s common expectations for cooperation instead of confrontation

By Shen Weiduo , Chen Qingqing , Xie Wenting, Bai Yunyi and Xing Xiaojing in San Francisco and

Li Xuanmin in Beijing Nov 17, 2023

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a written speech to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ……………………..



Peter Schiff: The Death of Inflation Is Greatly Exaggerated

SchiffGold.com November 17, 2023

The October CPI came in lower than expected, sparking a rally in stocks, bonds, and gold. Cooling prices reinforced the belief that the Federal Reserve won the inflation fight and the ………………………



MBS positions himself as leader of Arab world



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