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Eine ehemalige FDJ-Sekretärin für Agitation und Propaganda ist heute Kanzlerin. Hätten Sie das für möglich gehalten?

— Oskar Lafontaine (2008)

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Gesundheit und Corona: Einstürzende Lügengebäude

Von Andreas Zimmermann.

Auf eine gewisse, sehr verkorkste Weise ist auf den polit-medialen Komplex Verlass – wenn es um Panikmache oder Fehlinformationen geht, muss man selten lange auf den nächsten …………………..



Dauernotstand ist Verfassungsbruch

Das Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zur Staatsverschuldung muss eine Abkehr von der Politik der endlosen „Rettungen“ zur Konsequenz haben. Sogenannte Zukunftsenergien, die lediglich auf das Prinzip Hoffnung bauen, aber technologisch reihenweise ungelöste Probleme ……………………..



Die Bundesregierung ist in Casino-Laune

Von Marco Gallina Di, 5. Dezember 2023

Die Staatskrise als Chance: „Klimaschädliche Subventionen“ könnten abgeschafft und die Erbschaftssteuer erhöht werden. Irgendjemand wird für die Milliarden bluten müssen. Lindner ……………………



Was die Insolvenz von Signa für Deutschland bedeutet

Fr, 1. Dezember 2023

Das Signa-Imperium ist pleite. Damit geraten die verbleibenden Galeria Karstadt Häuser, die zum Konzern gehören, in die nächste Krise. Gleichzeitig steuert Deutschland auf eine Rekord-Insolvenzwelle zu, was auch an der nach wie vor zu hohen Inflation liegt. Von ………………………



Peter Schiff: Gold Price Breaks Record With More To Come

SchiffGold.com December 5, 2023

Gold set a new record on Friday and broke it again over the weekend. The spot price went as …………………….



Truth Is an Endangered Concept on the Verge of Extermination

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org December 5, 2023

December brings my quarterly request for your support.  This website has no advertising in order to be free of content regulation by Google and other parties.  This website is politically ……………………….



The Real Problem With Our Foreign Policy…

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute December 5, 2023

Over the weekend Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin explained to the American people what’s really wrong with US foreign policy. Some might find his conclusions surprising.




Israel’s New Map, Part 1

By Karen Kwiatkowski December 5, 2023

Our most precious Vice President, Ms. Harris, at COP 28 stated, to a somewhat numbed and ………………………



Will AI Become a Monster or a Benefactor?

By George F. Smith December 5, 2023

“. . . man is a being of volitional consciousness. . . for you, who are a human being, the question ‘to be or not to be’ is the question ‘to think or not to think.’” — Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged (p. 1012) [emphasis in original]




Unilever verabschiedet sich leise vom Sinnauftrag seiner Produkte

Von Oliver Errichiello Mo, 4. Dezember 2023

Der neue CEO von Unilever verabschiedet sich leise vom Sinnauftrag seiner Produkte. In …………………….



Venezuela stimmt für den Anschluss des halben Nachbarlandes

Von Marco Gallina Mo, 4. Dezember 2023

Venezuela zündelt in der Region: Per Volksbeschluss sollen zwei Drittel des Nachbarlandes Guayana als Bundesstaat hinzugefügt werden. Es geht um Rückenwind für Maduro bei den ……………………….



It’s a small World After All

4 December 2023 by Larry Johnson

I am having trouble, apparently a band width issue, of uploading images. Oh well. Today, ……………………



The War In Ukraine Is Done

The Washington Post has produced a long, two part piece, about the failed ‚counter-offensive‘ in Ukraine. It dispenses equal blame on the U.S. and British planning of the whole mess and ……………..



Abuse of Law

Is it true that Lincoln suspended the writ of Habeas Corpus, and when the Supreme Court ruled against him, he just ignored them? Didn’t this also undermine the rule of law to where ………………………



Solidarity with Palestinians is not hate speech, whatever would-be censors say

Freedom of expression is imperilled when speakers are cancelled, whether by the left or the right

Sun 3 Dec 2023 Kenan Malik




Review of: Deception: The Great Covid Cover-up

12/02/2023 Phil Duffy

Ever wonder if you were living in the Dystopian States of America? Senator Rand Paul’s Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up, published October 10, 2023, does not disarm those …………………….



The Unknown Reasoner

12/01/2023 David Gordon

How States Think: The Rationality of Foreign Policy



Ezra Klein’s Progressivism Cannot Build Anything Socially Useful

12/02/2023 William L. Anderson

In 1982, I had the privilege of touring East Berlin with Murray Rothbard and other delegates from the Mont Pelerin Society. At the time, the Western press heaped praise on East Germany …………………….



Spiders in Glass Jar: Ze Desperately Buys Time as Enemies Plot

Simplicius The Thinker 02.12.2023

A clearer picture of the outlook for the next term of the war is starting to resolve before us. We’ve long reported rumors that the issue of offense vs. defense had become a breaking point ……………………



UN and Hamas: Partners in Crime

by Robert Williams December 4, 2023

To understand how the UN effectively runs the Hamas propaganda war, it is important to know that the UN, through its agency for Palestinian refugees, the United Nations Relief and ……………………..



As the US Treasury Runs Out of Creditors, Its Options Dwindle

11/29/2023 Jonathan Newman

Are the chickens coming home to roost for the US Treasury? As Ryan McMaken noted in a ……………………..



How Kiev Wanted to Expand the War to Belarus

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture December 4, 2023

Well, Kiev – literally – never sleeps.

This document – attached, and verified at the highest level, is a report on several recon ……………………..



Musk Wins the Battle of Words Over Twitter

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns December 4, 2023

In any war words matter. In fact, words may matter more than bombs or guns on the …………………….



Bericht aus Argentinien: Vor Javier Milei steht eine Herkulesaufgabe

  1. Dezember 2023 Rainer Zitelmann

Mit 55,7 Prozent wurde der libertäre Javier Milei am 19. November zum neuen Präsidenten Argentiniens gewählt. Das Meinungsforschungsinstitut AtlasIntel führte kurz vor der …………………………



PLA slams US Navy ship for illegally intruding into water near Ren’ai Jiao, violating Chinese sovereignty, regional stability

By Wang Qi and Liu Xuanzun  Dec 04, 2023

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on Monday slammed the US for violating ……………………..



The Four Hormones Most Adults Need More of

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com December 4, 2023

In this interview, repeat guest Georgi Dinkov and I discuss the four hormones most adults need more of if they want to optimize their health. In my introduction I mention that we will ……………………….



Pentagon data shows heart failure spiked nearly 1,000% among pilots in 2022: whistleblower

Lieutenant Ted Macie says he found major spikes in several heart-related ailments over the previous five-year average among pilots, including heart failure (973%) and cardiomyopathy (152%).




Ukraine Another Historic U.S. War Failure a la Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and More

Strategic Culture Foundation December 4, 2023

The war-indebted U.S. empire is faltering towards its historic and final demise. Every empire has its day in the sun.




The US, Not Israel, Is the Main Combatant in the War Against Gaza

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org December 4, 2023

In terms of costs and munitions, Washington, not Israel, is the main combatant against Gaza.  On December 1 the Wall Street Journal reported that




The End of Cabinet War

Putin and Moltke grapple with the limits, Big Serge 01.12.2023

The century intervening from the fall of Napoleon in 1815 to the beginning of the First World War in 1914 is usually regarded as a sort of golden age for Prusso-German militarism. In this ……………………




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