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If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.

— James Madison

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Experten schlagen Islamismus-Alarm – Viele Schulen „im Grunde ein rechtsfreier Raum“

Von: Sebastian Geisler 07.12.2023

Nach dem schlechten Abschneiden Deutschlands bei der jüngsten Pisa-Studie schlagen ……………………



Otto, Sixt, Müller, Darboven Der Vater-Sohn-Komplex

Der Junior folgt dem Senior nach, so war es früher. Aber immer mehr Sprösslinge verweigern den Übervätern inzwischen die Gefolgschaft. Gut so.




Liste: Die reichsten Deutschen 2023

  1. Februar 2023 Wer sind die reichsten Deutschen?

Deutschland, im Herzen Europas, zählt zu den führenden Ländern der Welt. Wirtschaftlich ist ………………….



Right Before Hamas Attacked Someone Shorted Israeli Stocks And Funds

The Israeli Haaretz headlines:




Why The United States Military is Clueless When It Comes to Ukraine

10 December 2023 by Larry Johnson

The two-part Washington Post report on the failed Ukraine counter offensive was written ……………………



Subscriber Mailbag: Answers – 12/10/23 [Part 3] Finale

Simplicius The Thinker 11.12.2023

Hello, all—welcome back to the final segment of this month’s subscriber mailbag. A lot of interesting topics covered. Apologies to anyone I might have missed despite my diligence in ……………………



Wie geht es weiter mit den modRNA Impfungen?

Von Jochen Ziegler.

modRNA-„Impfstoffe” sind Pharmaka, was auf Griechisch Heilmittel und Gift bedeutet. In diesem Falle wohl Letzteres. Dennoch werden bald neue „Impfstoffe“ dieser Art zugelassen ……………………



Die Parallelwelt des Genossen Kanzler

Am Wochenende feierte die SPD auf ihrem Parteitag ihren Genossen Bundeskanzler. Olaf Scholz hielt eine Rede, als hätte er vergessen, in welchen Krisen seine Regierung und das von ………………….



Warum deutsche Politiker sind, wie sie nicht sein sollten

Von Wolfgang Schlage.

Ist das, was man braucht, um Kanzler zu werden, das Gleiche, das man braucht, um …………………..



Neuester Gipfel der Classe Politique: Zehnjahresplan

Von Fritz Goergen Mo, 11. Dezember 2023

Nach Fünfjahresplänen in kommunistischen Zentralverwaltungswirtschaften wäre doch ein Zehnjahresplan der sozialistischen deutschen Einheitsmeinungsfront ein planwirtschaftlicher …………………



Die schlechtesten Journalisten der Welt

Von Alexander Wendt So, 10. Dezember 2023

Ein guter Teil der Medienschaffenden übertrifft alle anderen Kräfte der Gesellschaft in Illiberalität, Heuchelei und Zerstörungswut. An den Sendungsbewussten des neuen Typs ………………….



West’s „New“ Strategy for Ukraine Victory: Same as the Old One & Why it Can’t Work…



Moscow Trip Report

9 December 2023 by Larry Johnson

Why was I in Moscow? It was not a secret mission. Let’s call it a mission of peace. I was invited to speak at a round table on multi-polarity and the future of Russian/American ………………….



Stop the Slaughter in Palestine!

By Eric S. Margolis December 9, 2023

Palestinians have become sand in the eyes of the Mideast. How did this happen? From where ……………………….



So What Do ‚Libertarians‘ and the ‚Right Wing‘ Think of Milei Now?

By Gary D. Barnett December 9, 2023

“You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic.”




US Congress‘ Disfunctional Agendas Driving a Trump Victory

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice December 9, 2023

The Main Congressional issues that are being focused on before Christmas include;  abortion, ………………….



Grinding Down Into Deflation: The National Debt Disaster No One Is Talking About

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us December 9, 2023

Several years ago I predicted that the US would ultimately be confronted with the debilitating economic conundrum of stagflation, something which the nation had not seen since the 1970s. …………………..



Peter Schiff: Gold Up and Down! What’s Next?

SchiffGold.com December 9, 2023




Tyranny Comes to Main Street

By James Bovard The Future of Freedom Foundation December 9, 2023

Americans today have the “freedom” to be fleeced, groped, wiretapped, injected, censored, injected, ticketed, disarmed, beaten, vilified, detained, and maybe shot by government agents. …………………..



Jesus Buried Under Rubble in Bethlehem

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture December 9, 2023

All the Christian Churches in Bethlehem will not be celebrating Christmas in the usual way this year. There will be religious services and prayers but there will be no festivities and ……………………..



Washington’s Entrenched War Machine

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner December 9, 2023

After the Berlin Wall fell in November 1989 and the death of the Soviet Union was confirmed two years later as Boris Yeltsin courageously stood down the Red Army tanks in front of ……………………



Kiev Grim News: Rus Advance Rabotino, Congress Hardens Stance, Hyperinflation Fear; US Isolated Gaza



How The Biden Administration Messed Up Its Own Foreign Aid Request

Biden administration has tried to push large foreign aid funds for Ukraine and Israel through Congress. They were held up over immigration issues, a domestic foreign policy issue that …………………….



Biden Administration Fearmongers Over Article 5 Event

Stoltenberg is a mediocre salesman:




RIP Refaat in Gaza

Sad news:

Muhammad Shehada @muhammadshehad2 – 19:52 UTC · Dec 7, 2023

Israel killed Prof. Refaat al-Areer, one of Gaza’s most prominent writers, poets & activists ……………………..



Dissecting The Washington Post’s “Analysis” Of Ukraine’s Failed Counter Offensive — Part 2

8 December 2023 by Larry Johnson

This two part series in the Washington Post is a must read because of what it tells the reader about the abysmal performance of the White House and the Department of Defense. I found it ………………….



Putin Standing 2024 Elections, Says West Financial System Ending; Lloyd Austen Talks War With Russia



US Missiles Made for & Aimed at China



Scott Ritter: „US vetoes UN vote on Israel-H@mas ceasefire – Russia Ukraine negotiations to end war“



Scott Ritter: „H@mas Hezbollah attacks on Israel and want to find a Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza“



Jeffrey Sachs: America’s direct complicity in genocide of Ukraine Israel is a geopolitical disaster



Israel: A Rich Nation Receiving the Bulk of US Foreign Aid

12/06/2023 Lipton Matthews

Why is Israel a primary benefactor of United States foreign aid? Is Israel a proxy for US imperialism in the Middle East? Does American aid to Israel benefit constituencies other than ………………….



The First Enemies of Free Markets Were Conservatives, Not Socialists

12/07/2023 Ryan McMaken

As with the Republican party and the conservative movement in the United States, conservatism in the United Kingdom does not constitute a coherent ideological movement. It ………………….



Friedman versus Rothbard

12/08/2023 David Gordon

When we think of Milton Friedman and Murray Rothbard, what come to mind first are their contrary views on economics, but I’d like to discuss a different subject that might surprise ……………………



Scott Ritter: „H@mas Palestine have every bit right to live in Gaza that belongs no Israel control“



Scott Ritter: H@mas assuming a truce maintain peace and no longer fight for dream ‘Free Palestine‘



Douglas Macgregor: Advantage is on side of H@mas – Ukraine had no chance against Russia in a war



The NYT is wrong about Israeli intelligence

Professor Edward Luttwak is a strategist and historian known for his works on grand strategy, geoeconomics, military history, and international relations. His most recent book is ………………..



Human rights died in Gaza

Yehudah Mirsky served in the US State Department’s human rights bureau, is a Professor at Brandeis University and lives in Jerusalem. Among his books is Rav Kook: Mystic In A Time Of Revolution (Yale University Press). Geneva’s decadent religion needs a Reformation,




„Why No Advertiser Boycott?“ Musk Nails Disney’s Iger After Facebook Child Sexual Abuse Bombshell

by Tyler Durden Friday, Dec 08, 2023

Elon Musk took another shot at Disney CEO Bob Iger Thursday, after the state of New ………………..



Chuck Schummer is a Threat to the World

The Republicans have blocked funding for Ukraine, demanding restraints on the unrelenting onslaught of illegal aliens. Chuck Schumer has put out the propaganda that will risk ……………………..



Förderung des Totalitarismus durch staatlich finanzierte Denunziation

  1. Dezember 2023 – Rainer Fassnacht

Die Ereignisse im Vorfeld der bayerischen Landtagswahlen haben Denunziation in die Schlagzeilen gebracht. Doch auch unabhängig von diesem aktuellen Schlaglicht, verdient das …………………



Wie die Deutsche Bahn besser gesteuert werden könnte

Die Deutsche Bahn AG ist in eine tiefe Krise gerutscht. Der Bund als Eigentümer hat keine Ziele festgelegt. Außerdem sind die Instrumente der Steuerung des Staatskonzerns unklar. …………………..



US‘ ‚fighting a proxy war to avoid a real NATO-Russia war‘ rhetoric is absurd

By Global Times Published: Dec 07, 2023

While the US is running out of money to support Kiev in its war with Moscow, in despair, President Joe …………………….



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