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— Napoleon Bonaparte

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Grüne, lernt von Merkel!

Wenn Ihr Eure Macht erhalten wollt, dann macht es wie Merkel! Was Merkel getan hat, war für sie selbst gut und für Deutschland tödlich. Wenn Ihr aber so rangeht wie Merkel, dann ist ………………………………



Bundesnetzagentur verbietet vorzeitige Stilllegung von Kohlekraftwerken

Von Holger Douglas Fr, 22. Dezember 2023

Die Ampelkoalition will den „Kohleausstieg“ auf 2030 vorziehen. Die Bundesnetzagentur hat ……………………………..



Orbán: „Dann würden bei uns Nato-Truppen intervenieren“

Von Boris Kálnoky Do, 21. Dezember 2023

Ein Nato-Beitritt der Ukraine komme nicht in Frage, weitere gemeinsame Kreditaufnahmen mit der EU auch nicht. – Kurz vor Weihnachten hielt Ungarns Ministerpräsident Viktor Orbán …………………….



Diesen Berliner Abgeordneten droht der Rauswurf aus dem Bundestag

Do, 21. Dezember 2023

Bei der Wiederholung der Bundestagswahl in Berlin kommt es auf jede Stimme an – denn schon bei der Wahl 2021 ging es knapp aus. Ein grüner Autohasser könnte aus dem ……………………….



The Biden Administration, Palestinians and Inconvenient Truths

by Bassam Tawil December 21, 2023

The results of the poll also showed that, unlike the Biden administration, most Palestinians do not trust the Palestinian Authority and prefer Hamas’s terrorism to a peaceful settlement with …………………………



Escobar: Yemen Ready To Stare Down A New Imperial Coalition

by Tyler Durden Friday, Dec 22, 2023 – 05:40 AM Authored by Pepe Escobar,

No one ever lost money betting on the ability of the Empire of Chaos, Lies and Plunder to construct a “coalition of the willing” whenever faced with a geopolitical quandary.




Does Debt Make Capitalism Financially Unstable?

12/20/2023 Frank Shostak

According to the post-Keynesian School of Economics economist Hyman Minsky, the capitalist economy has an inherent tendency to develop instability that culminates in a severe ………………….






The Colorado Supreme Court Reminds Us „Democracy“ Means Whatever the Elites Say it Means

12/20/2023 Ryan McMaken

The Colorado Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled that Donald Trump cannot appear on the ……………………..



A Rigged System From Top to Bottom

George Orwell Meets Lewis Carroll, Donald Jeffries 20.12.2023

Just the other day, New York Attorney General Letitia James issued a remarkable statement. “Before this trial even began, the judge ruled in our favor and found that Donald Trump did …………………….



What Zelenskyy Should Have Said

By Laurence M. Vance December 22, 2023

Former actor and comedian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine was back in Washington last week seeking more American tax dollars to aid in his “defense” of the …………………………….



The Fed’s Empire of Speculation and the Ecohes of 1929
December 19, 2023

Speculation has its own expiration dynamics, and they don’t depend on us recognizing speculative excess for what it is. They will unravel the excesses regardless of what we think, ……………………..



The Greates Gift For All

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org December 22, 2023

My traditional Christmas column goes back to sometime in the 1990s when one of my occupations was being a newspaper columnist. It has been widely reprinted at home and …………………..



Free Banking: Myth and Reality

By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney December 22, 2023

Surely, it is now apparent that central banks are guilty of mismanaging the economy. By slashing interest rates to zero and in some cases to an unnatural minus figure, then flooding ……………………



Christiams: A Sign of Contradiction and Hope, Against the Demons of This World

By Boyd D. Cathey My Corner December 22, 2023

As Christmas 2023 rapidly approaches I am put in mind of a short poem, “The Broad ……………………..



Fake Pandemic Triggers Worldwide Economic and Social Collapse

By Michel Chossudovsky MichelChossudovsky.com December 22, 2023

The unspoken truth is that a non-existent pandemic has provided a pretext and a justification ……………………….



If the Houthis Can Shut down Naval Traffic in the Red Sea, Iran Can Close the Persian Gulf

22 December 2023 by Larry Johnson

Credit to Scott Ritter for this salient observation. We made a joint appearance on Danny ………………………



Civilian Always Die in War – War is Hell

You overlook all the civilians being killed in Ukraine and in Palestine.





Why „Digging In“ Won’t Save Ukraine & What the West Got Wrong about Russian Defenses



A Political Disaster – 2024 will be Worse

This is in regards to your blog labeled “Homelessness at All-Time High in World’s Wealthiest Nation.” My wife tried to get her Aunt, who has nothing but the clothes on her ………………………..



X Marks the Spot: Social Media’s Last Stand

12/19/2023 Michael Rectenwald

Ever since Elon Musk acquired Twitter, now X, the censorship regime has been hell-bent on ………………………



Colorado Supreme Court Violates the Constitution Itself – 4 Justices Should be Criminally Charged Now

I took some time before posting about this decision by the Colorado Supreme Court, which is an all-Democrat-appointed court, because what I had to analyze was from a legal viewpoint ……………………



EU-Spitzen beharren: Humanität bedeutet das Anlocken von mehr Schlepperbooten

Von Mattias Nikolaidis Do, 21. Dezember 2023

Die EU-Asylreform verspricht mehr, als sie halten kann. Die 14 Puzzleteile des Pakets werden den Migrationsdruck an den EU-Grenzen nicht verringern. Das Modell illegale …………………..



Suez Canal & Red Sea Shipping Route Shut Down

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice December 21, 2023

Deutsche Welle: After a rise in attacks by the Iran-backed Houthis, the world’s largest ……………………..



The Dishonesty of the New York Times Revealed

12/20/2023 Connor O’Keeffe

Last May, the chairman and publisher of the New York Times, A.G. Sulzberger, wrote a twelve-thousand-word feature in the Columbia Journalism Review appealing to the ……………………………



Jesus, Gaza, and the Murder of Useless People

By Edward Curtin EdwardCurtin.com December 21, 2023

Jesus was a Palestinian Jew born in Bethlehem.  He grew up in Nazareth and was executed as a criminal in Jerusalem. It is because of him that we celebrate Christmas.  But it is in spite of …………………



Anarchy and Volunaryism

By Doug Casey International Man December 21, 2023

You’re likely aware that I’m a libertarian. But I’m actually more than a libertarian. I don’t believe in the right of the State to exist. The reason is that anything that has a monopoly of ………………………….




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