Schwere Kritik an Kanzler – Politik-Expertin rechnet mit Scholz ab: „Es fehlt ihm im Prinzip an allem“
22.12.23 Die Politikwissenschaftlerin Ursula Münch kritisiert den Haushaltskompromiss der Ampel. Die Regierung könne nur aus der Krise kommen, wenn sie für die Bevölkerung ……………………
Iran droht mit Vergeltung für getöteten General
Der Iran wirft Israel vor, einen hochrangigen General der iranischen Revolutionsgarde getötet zu haben. Das Regime kündigt einen Gegenschlag an. 25. Dezember 2023
‘If Jesus was born today, he’d be born under the rubble’: Bethlehem set for forlorn Christmas
Usually full of tourists, Manger Square is now sad and empty, and a nativity baby Jesus lies …………………..
Joke: BREAKING NEWS — Russia Admits to Interfering in U.S. Elections and They Vow To Do It Again!
26 December 2023 by Larry Johnson
Caution. Yes, this is a genuine “click bait” headline. I am sorry. I couldn’t resist the ……………………..
Scott Ritter: „Hezzboollah all-out war on Israel – H@mas offers new ceasefire deal“
Rus Breakthrough Shoigu Confirms Marinka Captured; US Pushes Kiev Talks, Ukr Spins Air Sea Victories
The Growing US Military Recruitment Crisis: There is no Solution & the Crisis Will Only Grow…
White House Insists Media Praises Bidenomics
News outlets are circulating that the White House is “deeply frustrated” that the media is not glorifying the unseen success of Bidenomics. A source told the Hill that meetings are taking ……………………..
The Christmas Truce of World War I
12/25/2023J ohn V. Denson
The Christmas truce, which occurred primarily between the British and German soldiers along the Western front in December 1914, is an event the official histories of the „Great War“ …………………..
Is the West Bank heading for war?
David Patrikarakos is UnHerd’s foreign correspondent. His latest book is War in 140 characters: how social media is reshaping conflict in the 21st century. (Hachette). Israeli settlers are spreading terror and resentment. December 26, 2023
Scott Ritter: „Hezzboollah all-out war on Israel – H@mas offers new ceasefire deal“
Schöne Bescherung: Monika Gruber soll jetzt niedergeklagt werden
In ihrem neuen Buch nennt die bayerische Kabarettistin Monika Gruber (52) namentlich eine Bloggerin, die vor rechtsextremen Strickerinnen (!) warnt – und diese will jetzt eine Klage ……………………
Vertrauens-Crash im Gesundheitssystem (1)
Von Hans Petereit.
Für die Pharmaindustrie waren die mRNA-impfstoffe eine risikolose Wette auf die Zukunft – für die Bevölkerung leider nicht. Das Vertrauen in die Konzerne und das kollaborierende ……………………..
Frau Weisband und die Twitter-Sezession
Marina Weisband von den Grünen, eine beliebte Talkshow-Figur, fordert dazu auf, Twitter/X zu verlassen, nicht mehr „zu schauen, zu lesen und zu zitieren“. Die Wirklichkeit ist in einer Weise konservativ und rechts, wie Leute von ihrem Schlage sich das nicht vorstellen können. ……………………….
2024’s Deficit Is Already on Track to Be the Worst Since Covid
12/25/2023 Ryan McMaken
Weakness in the US economy continues to hide behind surging debt levels and government spending. As noted last month by Daniel LaCalle,
Anspruchsberechtigung statt Nächstenliebe
Mi, 27. Dezember 2023
Bleibt zu Hause, hat ein humanitär denkender Mann wie Mario Vargas Llosa seinen Landsleuten zugerufen. Statt dazu beizutragen, dass es anderswo schlechter läuft, sorgt lieber …………………….
Neuer Asyl-Kurs Schwedens: Sanktionen gegen nicht kooperative Länder
Di, 26. Dezember 2023
Schweden einmal mehr als Vorbild für den Rest Europas? Lange war es eines der liberalsten Länder, wenn es um Zuwanderung geht. Doch damit ist es vorbei. Der Kampf gegen illegale ……………………
Wie die Ampel das Geld verschleudert
Von Charlotte Kirchhof Di, 26. Dezember 2023
Die Ampel gibt Millionen von Euro für allerlei Projekte im Ausland aus: von „Gender-……………………….
And So Ends an Era
By James Howard Kunstler December 26, 2023
“The old politics of right versus left, and Republican opposed to Democrat have now given way to a new existential struggle: Americans must choose between civilization—or its destroyers.” –Victor Davis Hanson
Svenja Schulze im Spendierrausch
Die Tagesschau meldet: „Während im Gazastreifen weiter die Waffen sprechen, bereist Entwicklungsministerin Schulze die Region. Bei einem Besuch in Israel und im Westjordanland will sie Möglichkeiten für eine Friedensperspektive nach dem Krieg ausloten.“
Weihnachten unter Räubern
„Nimm das Recht weg – was ist dann ein Staat noch anderes als eine große Räuberbande?“, hieß es von Augustinus vor knapp 1.600 Jahren und diese Frage ist gerade in einer Zeit, in der ……………………….
Massive Dark Hole Opens in the Sun – We are in a Solar MINIMUM
An enormous dark hole has opened up in the surface of the sun, emitting streams of unusually fast radiation, known as solar wind, right at Earth. The size of the temporary gap is wider than …………………….
Das große Beben
Von Alexander Wendt Di, 26. Dezember 2023
Die Traditionsparteien bringen die Kraft zum Kurswechsel nicht auf, neue Herausforderer links und rechts drängen nach oben. Die Wahlen 2024 werden das Bild des Landes verändern. …………………
Windräder im Wald: Erschreckend hohe Risiken für Waldeigentümer bei Pachtende
Mo, 25. Dezember 2023
Windkraftanlagen sind bei vielen Waldeigentümern populär. Erstaunlich ist, dass die damit verbundenen Risiken kaum diskutiert und die Entscheidungen ohne Beachtung aller ……………………..
In memory of Michael Nussbaum, Seymour Hersh, 25.12.2023
With the world in such disarray, there is a lot of reason now, during the holiday season, to ………………..
Putin’s strong mistrust of the west
5 Things You Can Do This Christmas to Make the Marxists Miserable
December 23, 2023 Kevin Downey Jr.
Why is Christmas the most wonderful time of the year? Is it all the mistletoeing and hearts that are glowing? Yeah, that all rocks, but my values — and kicks — revolving around ……………….
A Christmas Story: Open AI Ambivalent on White Genocide
By Ben Bartee Armageddon Prose December 26, 2023
On this, the Eve of the Birth of Christ, I deliver to you a story of The Beast that might have been ripped straight from Revelations.
The Deep State’s Control of NATO and Congress
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation December 25, 2023
Longtime readers of my blog know that I have long recommended a book entitled
Whatever It Takes Won’t Be Enough
By James Howard Kunstler December 25, 2023
“Like many people, I assumed every impeachment, every indictment, every criminal count would be the end of him.” — Robert B. Reich, celebrated Trump hunter, career summation.
Washington Regards Truth As Ist Most Dangerous Enemy
By Paul Craig Roberts December 25, 2023
Tucker Carlson Tells Us in Less than 6 Minutes the Enormous Crime that the US & UK governments have committed, and are committing, against Julian Assange.
The Devil Always Introduces Himself
On LBJ and the obviousness of corruption. By John Leake
Courageous Discourse December 25, 2023
When I was a kid growing up in Dallas in the early eighties, my paternal grandfather would occasionally rant about the corruption of the Democratic Party, especially during the era of …………………….
How Capitalism Made Christmas a Holiday for Children
12/23/2023 Ryan McMaken
During the 1980s, millions of American children pored over the Toys ‚R‘ Us catalog, daydreaming about what toys we hoped to receive in a few weeks on Christmas morning. After all, by the mid twentieth century, Christmas—for countless middle-class households …………………….
Murray N. Rothbard: A Legacy of Liberty
12/23/2023 Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.
„On the free market, everyone earns according to his productive value in satisfying consumer desires. Under statist distribution, everyone earns in proportion to the amount he can plunder from the producers.“
Mechanized Stalinism
The History of Battle: Maneuver, Part 19, Big Serge, 23.12.2023
“The Russians aren’t made of artillery” ~ Adolf Hitler
Keeping score in a war is not an easy task. All manner of important data relevant to ……………………
The Problem With Israel’s Military
26 December 2023 by Larry Johnson
Israel has enjoyed an undeserved reputation as an exceptional military power. The reality of Israel’s military readiness is being exposed as it struggles to gain control of Gaza. Israel is …………………….
Douglas McGregor: US stopped backing Israel after Iran, Turkey, Egypt & Jordan joined regional war
Florida: Gesundheitsminister warnt vor Krebsrisiko durch DNA-kontaminierte mRNA-Spritzen
- Dezember 2023 Dr. Peter F. Mayer
Der Gesundheitsminister (Generalarzt) des US-Bundesstaates Florida, Prof. Dr. Joseph …………………….
Gerasimov: No Kiev Negotiations, US Proxy, Rus Will Win; ISW Mysticism; Drive Rus Out Black Sea NATO
Musk have?
Von Rocco Burggraf.
In Elon Musk hat sich der Kapitalismus, ganz im Sinne von Ayn Rand, mal wieder neu erfunden. Und zwar, indem er kantiges Unternehmertum mit Genie und der Sorge um den Menschen als Spezies verbindet.
Der entweihte Märchenwald
Der Reinhardswald war für meine Mutter ein Refugium, als sie schon krank an der Seele war. Jetzt entweihen sie den Ort durch den Bau eines gigantischen Windparks, und ich werde ihn nie wieder besuchen können. Es bleibt nur die Erinnerung.
Hahnes weihnachtliche Gardinenpredigt 2023
Weihnachten ist das Fest des Friedens, der Freude und des Eierkuchens. Damit es nicht langweilig wird, muss aber einer den Party-Pupser spielen. Eine weihnachtliche Philippika von Peter Hahne hat auf fast schon Tradition.
Das grüne Halleluja der besten deutschen Weltuntergänge
Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Mo, 25. Dezember 2023 Dystopien aus dem Hause Habeck für alle
Das Kinderbuch von Robert Habecks Gattin Andrea Paluch ist ein
Christmas is a threat to Israel
Giles Fraser is a journalist, broadcaster and Vicar of St Anne’s, Kew. December 25, 2023
Our carol service this year was unusually sombre. We gathered to hear once again the message of the angels, of the cry for the redemption of Israel, of peace on earth and goodwill ………………………….
World’s Most Dangerous Combination: China and Russia
by Gordon G. Chang December 25, 2023
China and Russia are more than just working together. They are forming the core of a new axis. Around this core are proxies and proxies of proxies, such as Iran, North Korea, Algeria, ……………………
Washington Spins Tale to New York Times that Putin is Looking For An Escape Hatch
25 December 2023 by Larry Johnson
Let me make it clear up front — I believe the New York Times is reporting accurately what …………………….
Wir sollen „Ukraine-Soli“ zahlen
Der Krieg in der Ukraine ist festgefahren, das Land nach wie vor auf Unterstützung aus dem ………………….
Why „Digging In“ Won’t Save Ukraine & What the West Got Wrong about Russian Defenses
Scott Ritter: Turkey will ‚destroy‘ Israel with missile strikes in a force-on-force conflict
Douglas Macgregor Interview: Ukraine is defeated – A disaster for Israel
America’s Stagflationary Mess
By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner December 23, 2023
There can be no doubt that the US economy is struggling with a serious bout of stagflation (a period of high inflation rate and slow economic growth), and that’s notwithstanding the foul-…………………….
Betrugswelle überrollt Bankkunden – wer jetzt nicht achtgibt, wird geprellt
Artem Sandler 23. Dezember 2023
Für Betrüger ist an Weihnachten Hochsaison. Die gute Laune der Leute sorgt dafür, dass die Wachsamkeit abnimmt. Ein fataler Fehler. Insbesondere, wenn man Kunde einer der folgenden vier ………………………
Phishing-Betrug: Darauf müssen Nutzer von Amazon, PayPal & Co. achten
- Juli 2022 11. August 2023 Artem Sandler
Phishing-Attacken werden des Öfteren unterschätzt. Dabei stellen sie eine der am häufigsten …………………….
Colorado Ruling Makes Trump a Frontrunner
After January 6th, Donald Trump deservedly lost a ton of political capital. Opponents just gave it all back
Matt Taibbi 22.12.2023
NATO Unity Has Cracked | Chas Freeman
Honey Trap for Israelis And Americans In The Red Sea
by John Helmer, Moscow
The Iranian intelligence vessel, MV Behshad, at anchor in the Red Sea, is a honey trap ………………………..
Peter Schiff: Did the Fed Steal the Santa Claus Rally? December 23, 2023
The US stock market had a potentially significant day on Wednesday. Markets have been rallying on the hope of interest rate cuts in the near future. But Fed officials have been trying …………………………
Rus Advances Entire Front, Ukr Mulls Avdeyevka Retreat, Ukr Defeat Coming: ISW: US Faces Disaster
Archdiocese Condemns “Evil” Vatican Document and Prohibits Same-sex Blessings
20.12.23 Archbishop Tomash Peta, Archbishop of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Saint Mary in the city of Astana, and the President of the Bishops’ Conference of Kazakhstan from …………………….
America’s Debt Crisis: People Are Maxed Out
By Mac Slavo SHTFplan December 23, 2023
Americans are largely maxed out when it comes to the amount of debt they have accumulated. ………………..
Our Godless era is dead
Paul Kingsnorth is a novelist and essayist. His latest novel Alexandria is published by Faber. He also has a Substack: The Abbey of Misrule. A second religiousness is sweeping the West.
December 23, 2023
Could Your Thymus Be the Key to Fighting Cancer?
By Dr. Joseph Mercola December 23, 2023
Your thymus is a thyme leaf-shaped double-lobed organ located in the center of your chest, directly beneath your breastbone at the level of your heart. It’s part of your lymphatic system. …………………..
Woodrow Wilson’s Christmas Grift of 1913
12/23/2023 George Ford Smith
We think of thieves as conducting their work when no one is looking, such as breaking into a house while the owners are away. But the most successful thieves have done their stealing in …………………..
How the Free Market Drove History’s „Great Enrichment“
12/22/2023 David Gordon
Beyond Positivism, Behaviorism, and Neoinstitutionalism in Economics
by Deirdre Nansen McCloskey University of Chicago Press, 2022; 222 pp.
Deirdre McCloskey is a great economic historian, and in Beyond Positivism, she makes a ………………………
Substack’s Nazi Problem
By Bretigne Shaffer December 23, 2023
Apparently, there’s a “Nazi problem” on Substack.
Rothbard and Mises vs. Calhoun on the Natural Right to Secede
12/20/2023 Ryan McMaken
There are many reasons to support the breaking up states into smaller pieces. This is done via secession, and acts of secession produce smaller states. All else being equal, smaller states ……………………..
Simon Kuper Wins The Ben Hodges Award for Ukraine Fabulism
22 December 2023 by Larry Johnson
No. That is not Simon Kuper hanging with Def Führer..
He is a “columnist” for the Financial Times. I think a more accurate title is, “fabulist.” For ……………………..
The Fantasy Of Missile Defense In Ukraine
In October 2022 I mocked western media propaganda that was depicting Russia as unable to sustain the war:
Breaking Down Thinktank-land’s Latest: Estonian MoD & ISW Analysis
23.12.2023 Simplicius The Thinker
Two interesting thinktank policy papers were released over the past two weeks, which ………………………..
SITREP 12/20/23: Putin and Zelensky Crossfire, MidEast Heats Up
21.12.2023 Simplicius The Thinker
This will be more scattershot than usual as I wanted to cover a variety of developments in quick succession.
2023: Goodbye To All That
by Tyler Durden Friday, Dec 22, 2023
“There are two kinds of forecasters: those who don’t know, and those who don’t know they don’t know.”
The Biden Administration, Palestinians and Inconvenient Truths
by Bassam Tawil December 21, 2023
The results of the poll also showed that, unlike the Biden administration, most Palestinians do not trust the Palestinian Authority and prefer Hamas’s terrorism to a peaceful settlement with Israel.
Gaza & Ukraine Endgame – John Mearsheimer, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen