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Wahnsinn bei Individuen ist selten, aber in Gruppen, Nationen und Epochen die Regel.

— Friedrich Nietzsche

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Es fehlt an ErsatzteilenNur noch wenige kampfbereite deutsche Leopard-Panzer in der Ukraine


Im März schickt Deutschland der Ukraine nach langem Hadern 18 Leopard-2-Panzer. Von ……………………



Pay Attention to What Vladimir Putin Says

2 January 2024 by Larry Johnson

Vladimir Putin showed up at Branch No 2 of the National Medical Research Centre of High Medical Technologies – Vishnevsky Central Military Clinical Hospital of the Russian ………………….



Ukraine SitRep: Tit For Tat, Tat, Tat – Russia Intensifies Missile Strikes

On the 29th of December Russia fired swarms of drones and missiles against Ukrainian weapon factories and depots.

Ukraine responded on new year’s eve with a missile attack against the Russian city of Belgorod. The attack led to a number of civilian casualties.




Joschka Fischer und Signa: Da simmer dabei, dat is prima!

Von Fritz Goergen Mi, 3. Januar 2024

Berufspolitiker unterscheiden sich beim Machtmissbrauch zwar von anderen in Staat und Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Medien nicht, aber gehen mit beruflich geschärfter Routine vor. ………………….



Ja, wo ist es denn? Impfkommission auf Vertrauens-Suche

Von Andreas Zimmermann.

Wie bekommt man das verlorene Vertrauen der Bevölkerung in offizielle Impf-Empfehlungen zurück? Das war Thema eines Fachgesprächs über die Neuausrichtung der Ständigen …………………….



Sachsen: Verfassungsschutz will AfD-Gutachten geheimhalten

Im Dezember platzte eine brisante Meldung in die Vorweihnachtszeit: Das Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz (LfV) Sachsen stufte den AfD-Landesverband Sachsen als „gesichert …………………..



Israel’s Incursion into Gaza Continues as US Seeks Wider War with Iran



Israels Justizreform und die Dämonisierung des Gegners

Israels Oberstes Gericht hat mit einer knappen Mehrheit von acht der fünfzehn Richter eine im Juli verabschiedete Gesetzesänderung für nichtig erklärt. Es stehen sich zwei Seiten unversöhnlich gegenüber, die glauben, dass der jeweilige Gegner die Rechtsstaatlichkeit …………………..



Die FDP in ihrem Lauf hält weder Ochs noch Esel auf

Von Olaf Opitz Di, 2. Januar 2024

Weiter so immer, Ausstieg nimmer, das ist und bleibt der Ampel-Kompass von Lindners Freidemokraten. Seine FDP ist gespalten, liberale Anhänger rebellieren. Egal, die Oberen wollen sich bis zur Bundestagswahl retten Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftskrise zum Trotz. Bei ……………………



A New Year’s Resolution Worth Keeping

By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul Institute January 3, 2024

In the closing days of 2023, the Biden Administration once again announced a large military aid package for Ukraine, this time a “mere” quarter of a billion dollars. Without a new ……………………….



2024: Do We Hit the Iceberg or Finally Change Course?

By J.B. Shurk

It is difficult for any American who loves this country to watch its political, economic, and military “leaders” destroy it.  Part of the political theater propping up the illusion of electoral ……………………



Killer Coverup – Scientists Misled Pentagon About Wuhan Research

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com January 3, 2024

As noted by Spiked reporter Matt Ridley,1 “It is completely normal to start inquiries into mass deaths by asking how they happened — so that you can stop them happening again …”




The War Party Tantrum

Voters keep rejecting the colonial project, but institutional America won’t take no for an answer

Matt Taibbi 02.01.2024




Climate Change via JP Morgan, Fossil Fuels, and Dinosaurs

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice January 3, 2024

The US Military is the biggest polluter next to China.  That only accounts for the military’s ……………….



The brink of extradition: Julian Assange set to take a final swing at an appeal to block removal to US for trial

„It is time for the US government to end its prosecution of Julian Assange for publishing secrets. Publishing is not a crime.“ Jan 1, 2024







Douglas Macgregor: Ukraine throw away 500K lives against Russia pointlessly, Chinese Taiwan join war



First of the Year SITREP – Hypersonic Strikes, Disasters, War, and More Global Trends

Simplicius The Thinker 03.01.2024

2024 has exploded off the sprinting blocks—in some cases literally.

Just in the first two days of the new year, we’ve had a huge Japanese earthquake and tsunami, …………………



The EU is Willing to Go To War Over Lithium?

By Phil Butler New Eastern Outlook  January 3, 2024

The riddle of unhinged EU support for the Zelensky regime in Kyiv is now solved. Anyone inclined can unravel why the Germans, in particular, backstabbed Russia in the Minsk peace ………………….



When Nationalism Fuels Decentralization and Secession: Lessons from the Cold War

By Ryan McMaken Mises.org January 2, 2024

During the early 1990s, as the world of the old Soviet Bloc was rapidly falling apart, the economist and historian Murray Rothbard saw it all for what it was: a trend of mass ………………..



An Immense Hunger

By Edward Curtin EdwardCurtin.com January 2, 2024

“Standing there I wondered how much of what we had felt on the bridge was just hunger. I asked my wife and she said, ‘I don’t know, Tatie. There are so many sorts of hunger. In the spring there are more. But that’s gone now. Memory is hunger.”
Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast




Drug-Induced Dementia Is Not Alzheimer’s Disease

By Gary G. Kohls, MD January 2, 2024

This important article by Dr. Gary G. Kohls was first published on September 13, 2016

“The desire to take medicine is perhaps  the greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals.” –– Sir William Osler




The Great larification

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com January 2, 2024

“Time for The Great Uprising to defeat The Great Reset. This isn’t just an R vs. D question in 2023. It’s a 1776 moment.” —Vivek Ramaswamy




The Incredibly Costly Path To Attaining Equality

By Walter E. Block Real Clear Markets January 2, 2024

It is now the year 2525. Equality has finally been attained. Yes, it took quite a while to attain this goal. Why? This is because as we approached it, as we became closer and closer to this ……………….



The single most important interview I’ve ever done: former Kaiser nurse Gail Macrae

90% of the COVID deaths in hospitals were attributed to COVID treatment protocols. ICU doc estimated ………………..



Biden Says US Troops will Fight Russian if Ukraine Loses

On Friday, President Biden, the hand puppet of the Neocons, warned that the US Military ………………….



Iran schwört Israel Rache nach der Tötung einer seiner hochrangigen Generäle: Droht ein grosser regionaler Krieg?

Der getötete General gehörte zum engsten Zirkel der iranischen Führung. Für Iran ist die Tötung ein schwerer Schlag. Karin A. Wenger 02.01.2024,




Fasten Your Seat Belt

By Jeff Thomas International Man January 2, 2024

Imagine you’re in mid-flight on a passenger jet, and the captain flies directly into a Category …………………..



The world should fear 2024

Aris Roussinos is an UnHerd columnist and a former war reporter.

January 2, 2024

When asked in 2020 to envisage the world after Covid, Michel Houellebecq proclaimed, ……………………



Watermarks Won’t Save the Politicians

By George F. Smith January 2, 2024

It is sometimes tempting to feel sorry for politicians, or for that matter any group of like …………………




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