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Der beste Platz für Politiker ist das Wahlplakat. Dort ist er tragbar, geräuschlos und leicht zu entfernen.

— Loriot

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Französische Bauern machen ernst

Von Edgar L. Gärtner

Es geht längst nicht mehr nur um den Agrar-Diesel, sondern um den „Green Deal“ der EU. Die Regierung hat allen Grund zur Beunruhigung. Es riecht nach „Jacquerie“.

Der französische Premierminister Gabriel Attal hat sich offenbar zu früh gefreut. Nachdem er …………………….



Ohne Testament kann es böse Überraschungen geben

DANIEL MOHR 27.01.2024

Wo ist denn bloß dieses Papier? Testamente sollten vorher besprochen und ordentlich hinterlegt werden. Sonst verteilt am Ende der Staat das Erbe.




Wie die CDU die Correctiv-Story übernahm – und zum Eigentor verwandelte

Von Roland Tichy Mo, 29. Januar 2024

Die CDU wollte sich offensichtlich an die Spitze der Correctiv-Bewegung gegen die AfD setzen und führte den Begriff „Deportation“ für das Potsdam-Treffen seitens der Politik ein. Das gelang zunächst gut. Doch ganz unplanmäßig wird auch sie gleich mit abgeräumt.




Bundesregierung bestätigt indirekt die Involvierung des Verfassungsschutzes in der Correctiv-Affäre

Von Marco Gallina Mo, 29. Januar 2024

Gleich zwei Anfragen sollen klären, was die Bundesregierung über das Potsdamer Treffen wusste. Anstatt aber alle Zweifel auszuräumen, dass der Verfassungsschutz in die Correctiv-Affäre involviert sein könnte, bestätigt die Regierung indirekt genau das.




The Promise of Human Action

01/23/2024 Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

In a 1949 memo circulated within Yale University Press, the publicity department expressed astonishment at the rapid sales of Ludwig von Mises’s Human Action. How could such a dense tome, expensive by the standards of the day, written by an economist without a prestigious teaching position or any notable …………………….



Knast für den „kleinen Akif”?

Wieder einmal steht der Schriftsteller Akif Pirinçci vor dem Kadi. Er soll das Volk verhetzt haben. Wie genau, geht aus der Anklageschrift nicht hervor.

„Das ganze Gericht ist grün-links versifft“, schimpft der Angeklagte schon während des ………………..



Kopenhagen nach Berlin – Um drei Stunden eher zuhause zu sein, lässt Baerbock extra Luftwaffen-Piloten einfliegen


Für einen drei Stunden früheren Heimflug nach Berlin ließ Außenministerin Baerbock Luftwaffen-Piloten mit einem extra Regierungsflugzeug einfliegen. Die Strecke betrug 356 Kilometer.




Ulrike Guerot erklärt: Was ist Faschismus und wer sind heute die Faschisten



Computers Why

I have two questions. First, what made you enter the world of computers in the 1960s without laptops or desktops? Did you see the potential for the future? Second, you had said you were working on bringing voice to Socrates online. Where do you stand with that?





Es geht ihr um mehr Macht in Deutschland – Jetzt kommt die Erdogan-Partei


Die Türkei ist kein EU-Mitglied, aber ein Platz im EU-Parlament wäre sicher eine tolle Sache …………………..



Nima and I Discuss Ukraine and the Migrant Crisis in Texas

28 January 2024 by Larry Johnson

No lack of bad, troubling news. I did my usual appearance on Nima’s channel on Friday. He posted it today. This one is closed captioned. My apologies to readers who are hearing impaired and are not able to watch my podcast on Iran. I will consult with Nima and try to figure out how to correct that oversight.



How the Middle East’s Poorest Country Confounds Its Adversaries

By Doug Casey International Man January 27, 2024

International Man: Yemen has sometimes been called “the Afghanistan of the Middle East” because it is an impoverished tribal society that is well-armed, situated on mountainous ………………..



Javier Milei and the „Battle of Davos“

01/23/2024 Philipp Bagus

„Balls, we need balls“ is probably the most famous phrase of German goalkeeping legend Oliver Kahn. Balls, too, are needed by someone who is patronizingly introduced by Klaus …………………



Union und FDP offen für Soldaten ohne deutschen Pass

Stand: 22.01.2024 08:13 Uhr

Die Bundeswehr hat Personalnot – Soldaten ohne deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit könnten Lücken füllen. Diesen Vorschlag brachte Verteidigungsminister Pistorius ins Spiel. Unterstützung dafür kommt nun vom Ampelpartner FDP und auch aus der Union.




It Is a Bloodbath For the Mainstream Media

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse January 27, 2024

Should any of us be surprised that the news industry is being hit by a massive wave of layoffs?  Survey after survey has shown that the American people have lost faith in the ……………………



The United States and Israel are Blowing Up the Mideast To Conceal Their Disastrous Defeat in Gaza

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture January 27, 2024

The longer this horror goes on, the worse it will get for Washington and its Israeli client state.

The United States and Israel have only one reasonable option left, and that is to end the ……………………..



Soft Secession, Insurrection, or the Real Return of Federalism in Texas?

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns January 27, 2024

In this year’s public blog two-part extravaganza I went over my predictions for 2024 ………………………



Can America survive its traitors?

In the same week that the Supreme Court decides to prevent states from protecting their citizens from drugs & violence, we find out three former presidents are funding flights of illegals into the US. Leo Hohmann 23 1 24




Summary of the dangers facing us in 2024

25.01.2024 MacleodFinance

This year is likely to see wealth destruction on a massive scale. The reason this is not widely anticipated in financial markets is due to a mistaken belief that interest rates are at their peak ………………….



Is the Electoral Fix Already In?

The 2024 presidential race increasingly looks like it will be decided by lawyers, not voters, as Democrats unveil plans for America’s first lawfare election, Matt Taibbi, 26.01.2024

The fix is in. To “protect democracy,” democracy is already being canceled. We just haven’t …………………….



It’s Biden vs. Texas, and Texas Is Right

01/25/2024 Ryan McMaken

In what can only be a surprising move, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has openly defied the White House and invoked Article 1 section 10 of the US constitution as a reason to ignore the ………………….



Inflation: Causes, Consequences, and Cure

While the government tries to hide the consequences of inflation in its official statistics, Americans see and feel it every time they visit the grocery store. The state and its media lapdogs try to blame inflation on corporate greed, but the true source of inflation is the Federal Reserve and the banking system.



Biden and Forgotten Federal Financial Tyranny

01/25/2024 James Bovard

Americans were jolted last week to learn that the Joe Biden administration viewed purchasing a Bible as a potential terrorist warning sign. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), chairman of …………………….



The Price of Dying – Repeal the Estate Tax

They say the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. And taxes on dying if you’re in the US. That’s right, the luxury of death comes with a price in the land of the free, thanks to the death tax. Now, Republicans are working to introduce legislation that would allow ……………………..



The Fed Prepares for a Bank Crisis While Telling Americans the Economy is Strong

01/25/2024 Tho Bishop

Last Thursday, Bloomberg reported that federal regulators are preparing a proposal to force US banks to utilize the Federal Reserve’s discount window in preparation for future bank crises. The aim, notes Katanga Johnson, is to remove the stigma around tapping into this …………………….



Nächste Katastrophe: Diese Liste sollte NIE veröffentlicht werden! (LINDNER blamiert sich!)



Energiewende in Deutschland 500 Milliarden Euro mehr für Stromnetze? Jetzt kassiert Habeck-Behörde eigene Zahlen ein

Verwirrung bezüglich der Kosten der Energiewende: Die Bundesnetzagentur hat gegenüber FOCUS Online ihre anfänglichen Schätzungen zu den Investitionen in Stromnetze korrigiert. Was das nun für die Verbraucher bedeutet und wie viel teurer der Umbau in Wahrheit wird.




Another Inflation Whopper From the BLS Puzzle Palace

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner January 29, 2024

We sometimes think that the honchos at the BLS and other government statistical mills had a previous career selling swampland in Florida. After all, they often want you to believe ……………………..



A Hundred Days after Gaza’s October 7 (Part 1 of 4)

Part I: Double Helix over Gaza

by Gwythian Prins January 24, 2024

History has the form of a double helix: history is indeed the DNA of living memory. There is what actually happened and there is what people believe happened. They are not the same but they are inseparable….




Let’s Pray That Texas Doesn’t Blink

|January 27, 2024

The years-long showdown between Texas and the Federal Government over the Texas-…………………..



War on Yemen? Don’t Expect A Cakewalk

Mike Whitney • January 19, 2024

On Wednesday, the Biden administration labeled the Houthis a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist group,” opening the door to the imposition of sweeping sanctions. Aid groups ………………….



Biden’s Middle East Policy Puts Americans at Risk

01/24/2024 Connor O’Keeffe

The situation in the Middle East is growing more and more dangerous for the Americans stationed there. Two Navy SEALs are dead after being lost at sea off the coast of Somalia ……………………



The United States Has No Borders

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org January 25, 2024

I don’t know if Americans have any comprehension of what is happening to their country.  I think not.  I think most Americans are lost in their insouciance and in their comfortable myths about the greatness and freedom of their country.  Flag waving patriots who can believe no ………………….



The Hierarchical Prison That Is Life in America Today

By Gary D. Barnett January 29, 2024

“One way or another, we spend our whole lives being conditioned into accepting some line or order, some position of domination or subjection. It’s hard to unlearn such hierarchy, to undo such control. It’s implicit.”




Red Sea Crisis Is Opportunity for U.S. To Weaken Europa & China

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture January 29, 2024

No wonder the Americans ultimately treat their European vassals with contempt. Because ……………….



Glenn Greenwald Celebrates the Collapse of Corporate Media which Has Lied Ist Way Out of Existence

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org January 29, 2024

This is a long article but worth a read.  And it is some needed good news for a change.  Gives hope.  The despicable presstitutes have killed themselves off.




‚Black Hawk Down‘ For Biden in the Red Sea

By Daniel McAdams January 29, 2024

The breaking news that Ansar Allah (Houthi) fighters have fired on the USS Carney in the Red Sea today (Friday, 26 Jan.) underscores the shocking failure of the Biden Administration, ……………….



Aufgedeckt: Wie die Anti-Rechts-Demos zum Great Reset gehören!




After MAGA, a new Trump rises

Malcom Kyeyune is a freelance writer living in Uppsala, Sweden, His supporters no longer believe the country can be saved, January 29, 2024

As America inches ever closer to its next election, the rest of the world is now forced to face …………………….



The FDR Equation Gave US Zionist Communist Control

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice January 25, 2024

Calling for a ceasefire in Palestine is pointless.   Netanyahu is operating on the highest Zion level to eradicate the population forever.   The UN is stumbling over itself against the ………………………



Government Banks Would Be a Dangerous Tool for Progressive Ideologues

01/23/2024 Tyler Curtis

Last month, Democratic Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez proposed a bill that would allow the incorporation of financial institutions controlled by states …………………..



A Field Guide to Dubious Fact-Checking

01/24/2024 Thomas Buckley

It’s now 2024—the Associated Press says so.

In case a claim was made that it’s still 2023, the Associated Press wants to assure everyone that that is false.





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