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Wenn man zehntausend Vorschriften erlässt, zerstört man jede Achtung für das Gesetz.

— Winston Churchill

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

NIUS exklusiv! Bundeskanzler Scholz traf sich kurz vor „Geheimkonferenz“ mit Correctiv

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) – wusste er von der sogenannten „Correctiv-Recherche“ bevor sie durchgeführt wurde? 13.02.2024 Björn Harms Jan A. Karon



General Syrsky Takes Charge and Ukraine Continues to Falter

13 February 2024 by Larry Johnson

The leadership shakeup in Kiev, with President Zelensky giving the boot to General Zaluzhny and promoting General Syrsky to the top military slot, has not changed the dire situation the ……………….



Der Mittelstand im Tunnel – am Ende leider kein Licht (1)

Der Mittelstand steht nach vier schwierigen Jahren vor weiteren misslichen 12 Monaten. Lage und Stimmung sind gleich schlecht.

Mitte März 2020 wurde unsere Volkswirtschaft quasi über Nacht in weiten Bereichen zum ………………………



Nächste Ausfahrt Kriegskanzler

Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 14. Februar 2024

Olaf Scholz bereitet einen Imagewandel vor. Schon wieder. Doch der nächste könnte schwerwiegende Folgen haben. Denn Scholz bereitet sich auf die Rolle des Kriegskanzlers ……………………



Vorwand „gegen rechts“: Je mehr die Ampel scheitert, desto weniger Freiheit soll’s geben

Mi, 14. Februar 2024

Mit ihrer Strategie „gegen rechts“ verlor die Faeser-und-Scholz-SPD die Landtagswahl in …………………….



Stop Concealing Soviet Crimes

By Eric S. Margolis February 14, 2024

As we rightly remember the Auschwitz death camp and the rest of the Jewish Holocaust, let’s take a moment to recall the greatest mass killer of prisoners during World War II, the by now forgotten Soviet Major General Vasily Blokhin.




Land of Spooks and Shills and Sheeple

Trust is hard to find, Donald Jeffries 12.02.2024

Trust is a rare commodity in today’s world. Maybe it always has been. I remember trusting some older males who were relatives or neighbors, as a child. Then later as an adult, I’d hear ……………………..



‚That is Not the Judgement of the Press‘: The White House Calls the Media to Heel With Disinformation Campaign

By Jonathan Turley JonathanTurley.org February 14, 2024

“That is not the judgment of the press.” Those words from President Joe Biden were a telling moment after a reporter noted that there is widespread concern that he is mentally diminished. ………………………..



Javier Milei Understands the Road to Serfdom

02/12/2024 Augusto Bottari

Each week we encounter mouthwatering policies implemented by the newly elected libertarian president of Argentina Javier Milei. He has the libertarian community in awe.




The Paper Gold Shorts Are Desperate To Go Long….

By Alasdair Macleod MacleodFinance Substack February 14, 2024

Today, US CPI came in a little better than expected, not that a few decimals mean anything. Gold was marked down $35. So what was that about?




The Stronger the Government, the Weaker the Nation

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation February 14, 2024

For all of our lives, it has been the aim of most Americans to make the federal government stronger, especially with respect to the warfare state. The principal justification for an ever …………………..



Bank Crises and the Interventionist Spiral

02/12/2024 Jonathan Newman

Silvergate Bank, Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and First Republic Bank fell like dominos in March–April 2023. The United States Treasury, Federal Reserve, and Federal …………………….



The Age of Zugzwang

The Merciless Grip of Geostrategic Logic, Big Serge, 14.02.2024




Inflation Hotter-Than-Expected at 3.1 Percent as Price Pressures Remain High

Inflation has eased to 3.1 percent, but the month-over-month data shows inflationary pressures remain elevated.



SITREP 2/13/24: Avdeevka Turns Critical as Iskander Strike Devastates AFU Staging Area

Simplicius The Thinker 14.02.2024

Another huge breakthrough has occurred in Avdeevka that may have put the final nail in the coffin of the bitterly disputed town. Though Avdeevka is smaller than Bakhmut, Mariupol, ………………….



What Is the Democrats‘ Playbook?

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org February 13, 2024

I raised this question in a column or an interview as polls revealed declining public confidence even among Democrats that Biden was fit to serve a second term. I suggested that …………………….



When Gaza came to Rochdale Inside the nastiest by-election in modern history

Michael Crick, February 13, 2024

“From the river to the sea,” the familiar-hatted figure roars. “Palestine will be free,” his supporters chant in unison. George Galloway is conducting his followers like a religious cleric. “In our thousands, in our millions,” the high-priest cries. “We are all Palestinian,” they respond.




Israel’s Starvation Strategy

By Mike Whitney The Unz Review February 13, 2024

It’s not a coincidence that the attacks on UNRWA took place after the ICJ ruling. Israel is trying to discredit the International Court of Justice, and one way of doing that is by …………………….



Schaden in Milliardenhöhe – Wirbel um Bürgergeld-Betrug durch Ukrainer – es ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs

12.2.24, Der Betrug mit Sozialleistungen verursacht Schäden in Milliardenhöhe. Verschiedene Fälle zeigen, mit welchen Tricks sich Betrüger das Bürgergeld und früher Hartz ……………….



Acatis und Gané: Das Ende eines deutschen Fonds-Märchens

Es begann als Märchen und endete im Streit: Acatis beendete am Montag die Zusammenarbeit ………………..



Video: Vladimir Putin Interviewed by Tucker Carlson. History of Russia, Ukraine. Denazification. Diplomacy, the U.S. Dollar. Peace Initiatives. Transcript

Talks on Ukraine and Elon Musk: What Putin Spoke About in Interview with Carlson

By TASS, February 9, 2024




Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin Interview: What President Putin Really Said

Peter Koenig and Michel Chossudovsky 12.02.2024





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