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Nimm vom Staat das Recht weg, was bleibt dann als eine große Räuberbande?

— Hl. Augustinus von Hippo (Kirchenlehrer)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Habeck muss Atomkraft-Akten herausgeben

Mit allen juristischen Tricks hat sich Robert Habecks Wirtschaftsministerium dagegen gewehrt, uns seine Akten zur verhinderten Kernkraft-Laufzeitverlängerung zu zeigen. Nun hat …………………




15 February 2024 by Larry Johnson

Yes. I am going to toot my own horn. I am very happy that Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger and Alex Gutentag are publishing a multi-part story on Substack detailing what ……………….



CIA “Cooked The Intelligence” To Hide That Russia Favored Clinton, Not Trump, In 2016, Sources Say

The Russians didn’t fear a Hillary Clinton presidency. “It was a relationship they were comfortable with,” …………………



Löschte EMA Impfnebenwirkungen aus Datenbank? EU-Abgeordnete fordern Aufklärung

  1. Februar 2024

Zehntausende Fälle von Corona-Impfnebenwirkungen sind offenbar sang- und klanglos aus der EMA-Datenbank verschwunden: Eine pensionierte Mitarbeiterin der Pariser …………………….



$50 Minimum Wage?

Lawmakers should be required by law to pass a financial literacy test before taking office. California has repeatedly raised the minimum wage as the cost of living continues to rise. They have not lowered the amount of taxes that the state will collect from these workers. ……………………



EU gibt Bauern-Protesten nach

Die EU-Kommission macht den protestierenden europäischen Bauern einige Zugeständnisse, doch deutsche Minister wollen die für deutsche Landwirte nicht umsetzen.




AfD und Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht üben den Zangenangriff auf SPD und CDU

Von Charlotte Kirchhof Fr, 16. Februar 2024

Bei Maybrit Illner sind Befürworter der unbegrenzten Einwanderung das erste Mal in der Minderheit in einer Talk-Sendung des ZDF. Obwohl erkennbar ein AfD-Tribunal geplant war. AfD, BSW und CDU unterscheiden sich kaum in ihren Aussagen. Ohne viel sagen zu müssen, ……………………



There Is Successful Governance Outside of State Power

02/15/2024 Rowan Parchi

Government and state are terms typically used synonymously these days. But if a state is an institution with a monopoly on the allowable use of aggression in a given territory, is a …………………..



Polizeigewerkschaft für Traktorenverbot auf Demos, Bauernproteste weltweit erst im Beginn

Fr, 16. Februar 2024

CDU-NRW-Wüst für Grün-Schwarz im Bund: ein Präsent für Maaßen zur Parteigründung der ………………….



VIVA, Tucker!

By Chuck Baldwin Chuck Baldwin Live February 16, 2024

By sitting down and having a prolonged, meaningful, televised, face-to-face discussion with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, Tucker Carlson likely delayed global nuclear war.




Why Even Democrats Should Care About the ‚Cooked Intelligence‘ Russiagate Scandal

The last time we let „sexed up“ intelligence guide policy, we were led to war in Iraq. The 2017 …………………….



How Can We Bring Down the National Security State?

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation February 16, 2024

Upon reading my article of yesterday about master worrywart Gen. Paul M. Nakasone, the retired head of the NSA, a longtime supporter of The Future of Freedom Foundation asked …………………



Just Wait Until You See What Happens When They Realize What Is Really Happening to the Economy…

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse February 16, 2024

If stock prices are going to start plunging just because inflation is running a little bit hotter ………………….



America Cannot Afford Another War

The US Government is in a debt trap already, and it would merely hasten the collapse of her finances.

By Alasdair Macleod MacleodFinance Substack February 16, 2024

America cannot afford another war because the US Government is in a debt trap already, and …………….



GDP is a Poor Measure of Economic Health

02/15/2024 J.R. MacLeod

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the most common measure of national wealth and economic growth. Yet the layman—and even many businessmen and economists—is taken aback when mainstream commentators and professionals get very excited about changes to GDP, which ……………………



Saving America’s Future from the Blob

David P. Goldman 2 2024

How to understand—and rectify—the foreign policy disaster of 2024.

Never believe what bipartisan foreign policy establishment hacks say about China and Russia. ……………….



Trump Is the Man Nixon Couldn’t Be

There’s plenty of precedence for presidential law-breaking.

by Newt Gingrich February 12, 2024,

Lately, I have written and focused on the history of Watergate because I find it helpful in understanding American politics and power today. After living through Watergate, President ………………..



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