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— Napoleon Bonaparte

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Als die Grünen jenseits der Brandmauer saßen

Der neueste Hit gegen die AfD heißt: Zielführendes Regierungshandeln, etwa in der Migrationspolitik, nutze nur der radikalen Opposition! Hätte man sich früher daran gehalten, gäbe es bis heute keinen Umweltschutz.




Der Ampel geht sogar das laue Lüftchen aus

Von Mario Thurnes Di, 20. Februar 2024

Ampel und Union streiten aktuell um das „Wachstumschancengesetz“. 18 Wirtschaftsverbände haben sich jetzt mit der Bitte an die CDU gewandt, den Weg für das …………………………



Habeck, von Klimaminister zum Rüstungsminister, und Baerbock besiegt Putin

Di, 20. Februar 2024

Nach dem Scheitern als Weltmarktführer bei Wind und Sonne Umstieg in die Rüstungsindustrie ++ Die EU-Konservativen wollen keine zweite Amtszeit von der Leyens …………………



Die Mehrheit steht rechts der Brandmauer

Von Mario Thurnes Mo, 19. Februar 2024

Rot-Grün hat keine gesellschaftliche Mehrheit. Derzeit setzt die FDP im Bundestag deren Positionen gegen den Willen der Bürger durch. Friedrich Merz könnte das spätestens 2025 ändern. Nur: Will er das überhaupt?




Deutschland sitzt im Wirtschaftsloch – EU gräbt weiter

Die EU gibt in ihrer Winterprognose zu: Die Wirtschaft schrumpft. Vor allem in Deutschland. Mit ihrem Green Deal, der mitverantwortlich für den Niedergang ist, will sie aber ungerührt …………………



Rus Completes Avdeyevka Victory Captures Coke Plant; Zelensky Threatens Ukr Officers; West in Shock



Four States Race To Stop ‚Great Taking‘ of All Bank Accounts, Stocks, Bonds, Pensions Before Financial/Election Apocalypse

By Wayne Lusvardi February 20, 2024

The good news is this “great taking” can be stopped at the state level. Americans don’t need to count on a …………………..



State Department threatening to obstruct ‘censorship’ investigation: House GOP

By Gabe Kaminsky February 17, 2024

EXCLUSIVE Republican lawmakers are accusing the State Department of threatening to obstruct their investigation into “censorship” of companies in the United States.




Uncensored: The National Security State & the Inversion of Democracy

Tucker Carlson Feb 16, 2024

The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. „What I’m describing is military rule,“ says Mike Benz. „It’s the inversion of democracy.“




The Brain Drain

By Jeff Thomas International Man February 20, 2024

In 1933, Albert Einstein renounced his German citizenship soon after Adolf Hitler became Chancellor. Although that left him without a legal home, he was welcomed in England and …………………..



General Patton Warnings of Communist Bolshevism

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice February 20, 2024

I decided to research some quotes by General Patton during and after WWII and delightedly found some doozies! Patton was hard core to be sure.  He came from a generation where The ……………….



Col. Douglas Macgregor: What Endgame Means for Political Elite, Election, Financial System, Bitcoin



No Fossils, Lots of Fuel

100% renewable and organic 18.02.2024, Radio Far Side

There is no such thing as “fossil fuels”.

The term arose in the 17th century, coined by a German physicist named Georg Agricola, in ……………..



Authoritarian politics in postwar Europe, or: Why fascism is a bad way to describe what is happening in Germany

eugyppius 19.02.2024

Saturday’s post on the authoritarian turn in German politics has become one of the most widely shared pieces I’ve ever written. I am truly grateful to all of my readers for helping me ………………….



France’s New Horribly Written Medical Law

Laying the legal groundwork for the next Inquisition of dissident doctors. John Leake 17.02.2024

On February 14, the French National Assembly passed a bill into law that was quickly ………………………



2024 Is the Last Year of Free Speech and Democracy in the Western World

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org February 20, 2024

Don’t let the alarmist sound of this column’s title put you off.  It is not a “conspiracy theory.” This column is a factual report as you will see if you read on.




Protect the First Amendment: Impeach Joe Biden!

By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul Institute February 20, 2024

Protecting democracy and the Constitution from Donald Trump and the “MAGA extremists” is a major theme of President Biden’s reelection campaign. As is often the case in American ………………….



Today’s Conversations with Judge Napolitano and Stephen Gardner

19 February 2024 by Larry Johnson

I cover a range of subjects with Judge Napolitano and Stephen Gardner. Both enjoy robust audiences and I am able to reach over one million viewers. I discuss the Ukrainian defeat at …………….



Get Out of NY Before It’s Too Late

I cannot stress enough that many businesses have been put on notice – get the hell out of NY ASAP! After Judge Engoron’s ruling, even the absurd Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul has ………………..



The Insanity of War

Is this avoidable conflict driving Ukraine out of its mind? Tarik Cyril Amar,  16.02.2024

The country’s resilience and strength have been abused and betrayed by a regime that has sold out to Western interests.




Islamism is exploiting Britain’s political vacuum Our leaders have allowed fanaticism to thrive

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, 19.2.24

Way back in 2005, when I was an MP in the Netherlands, my party was strategising about the upcoming local elections. I belonged to the centre-right VVD, and we were particularly ……………………



Brace for Impact: Inflation Rises, Bitcoin EGFs, and the Final Gold Shakeout

SchiffGold.com February 19, 2024



The Genocide of the West

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org February 19, 2024

Are NGOs another example of liberal goody two shoes good intentions going wrong, or are they an organized plot against white countries?




Julian Assange’s Final Appeal

Julian Assange will make his final appeal this week to the British courts to avoid extradition. If he is extradited it is the death of investigations into the inner workings of power by the press.

Chris Hedges 18.02.2024




Spott über Grüne jetzt verboten – Hausdurchsuchung bei Unternehmer Justiz soll Angst in der Gesellschaft schüren und Kritik im Keim ersticken


Wäre die Vergangenheitsbewältigung in Deutschland nicht völlig fehlgeschlagen, hätte es ……………………




Olaf Scholz fehlt es inhaltlich an jedem strategischen Konzept

Von Mario Thurnes Mo, 19. Februar 2024 Gründe der Ampelkrise

Sozialdemokraten sind stolz darauf, keine Visionen mehr zu haben. Doch der Verzicht auf jedes strategische Denken hat zu verheerenden Folgen geführt – nämlich dem Ampelchaos, ……………….



Ausschreitungen gegen Eritrea-Fest in Den Haag: Bürgermeister ruft Notstand aus

Von Matthias Nikolaidis So, 18. Februar 2024

In Den Haag kam es nun wie zuvor in Gießen, Stockholm, Tel Aviv und Stuttgart zu Unruhen gegen eine Veranstaltung von Auslands-Eritreern. Dahinter steckt erneut die „Brigade ……………………



Reconsidering Reparations

By Wanjiru Njoya and David Gordon February 17, 2024

Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò, who teaches philosophy at Georgetown University, has a very different view of justice from ours. We believe that justice is based on the libertarian rights of self-…………………



Many Reporters Paid for Covering the Russiagate Story

Media figures who exposed illegal surveillance, manufactured intelligence, and other abuses in the Trump-Russia investigation almost always paid a price. Matt Taibbi 16.02.2024





What really happened in the Gulf of Aden, Seymour Hersh, 16.02.2024

This is a painful story for the families of three Navy SEALs. Two of the SEALs were lost at sea and a third was critically injured on a mission on January 11 in the Gulf of Aden between ………………



Pontius Pilate Was Just a Roman Joe Biden

By Fr. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy February 19, 2024

Since the late 1960s, it has been a continuous refrain in Catholic and most mainline …………………….



Navalny and Lira: A Case Study in Western Hypocrisy

By Karen Kwiatkowski February 19, 2024

Alexei Navalny – seen as a pro-democracy, transparency, anti-corruption Russian nationalist gadfly – died while on a walk in his Siberian prison.  He was serving a long sentence, one the ………………….



It Is Past Time for Washington to Come to Its Senses

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org February 17, 2024

It appears that the pigmies in Washington have chosen the wrong country for the role of ……………….



NATO & The EU European Peace Facility War Machine

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice February 17, 2024

In 2021, the European Union created their own military – European Peace Facility.   Despite its claim of building peace and preventing conflicts – they have instead instigated conflicts ………………



Russia v. America – the View from Alexander Dugin and Pepe Escobar

Slaying the dragon of globalism By Alasdair Macleod MacleodFinance Substack

February 19, 2024




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