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Um die Unabhängigkeit des Volkes zu bewahren, dürfen wir unserer Regierung nicht erlauben, uns mit ewigen Schulden zu belasten.

— Thomas Jefferson

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Correctiv ohne Wirkung auf Umfrageergebnisse Bund, Brandenburg, Sachsen – Österreich debattiert „Asylgrenze Null“

Mi, 6. März 2024 Alarm im Parteienstaat

Mit Correctiv ließen sich Aufmärsche begründen, aber keine Mehrheiten bewegen ++ In Sachsen wollen CDU und AfD um die 30 Prozent wählen, 7 Prozent Grüne und 6 Prozent …………………….



And Here Comes April/May 2024

The Supreme Court has set April 25th as the oral argument for the decision on whether Trump has immunity. I do not know why events will always show up with our cycle targets. I have …………………..



Why Torture is a Failed Policy and Practice

6 March 2024 by Larry Johnson

Judge Napolitano was the inspiration for doing this post. He wrote an excellent piece in the Daily Wire last week commenting on the apparent collapse of the criminal case against Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the 9-11 attacks. The Judge wrote:




Ukraine SitRep: The Slow Grind – New Bombs – Calling For Talks

Stephen Bryan continues with his valuable summaries of the situation in Ukraine:

A number of counterattacks by the Ukrainians, in some cases using reserve forces, have taken place along the line of contact. While reports are not yet complete, it appears that all the Ukrainian attempts to roll ………………….



How to Pave the Way for Diplomacy to End the War in Ukraine

No Negotiations Yet—but It’s Time to Talk About Talking , Samuel Charap Jeremy Shapiro, March 5, 2024

Ukraine and its Western backers have precious little common ground with Russia. Yet all the ………………….



Kippt der Emissionsbetrug beim E-Auto das EU-Verbrennerverbot? – Warum Kiew und Moskau den Krieg nach sechs Wochen nicht beendeten

Do, 7. März 2024

Emissionsbetrug von null CO2 beim E-Auto hält nicht mehr ++ das „grünste“ Auto des Jahres …………………



Wer die Demokratie wirklich rettet

Demokraten-Darsteller versuchen, die Demokratie mit undemokratischen Mitteln zu retten. Doch Gerichte und Institutionen wachen langsam auf – vom Supreme Court in USA bis zum Wissenschaftlichen Dienst des Bundestages.




‚Gegen Rechts‘-Aufmarsch-Organisatorin zeigt Verständnis für linksextremen Anschlag

Mi, 6. März 2024

In München organisierte die Lehramtsstudentin Lisa Pöttinger eine einseitig linke Demonstration. Jetzt findet sie die terroristische Attacke auf das Tesla-Werk ganz prima.

Sehr vielen Münchnern ist Lisa Pöttinger ein Begriff: Die Lehramtsstudentin organisierte den ersten …………………..



Corona-Ticker (13): Wider die Verharmloser

Das Thema Corona ist in seinen Folgen für viele Menschen nach wie vor dramatisch, es wurden Leben und Existenzen vernichtet. Hier wichtige Meldungen aus den letzten Tagen ……………………..



Droht ein Blackout durch linksextremen Terror?

Ein terroristischer Angriff von Linksextremisten auf die Infrastruktur des Stromnetzes wird zum Stromausfall für eine Autofabrik verniedlicht. Er war und ist kein Einzelfall. Die Gefahr ………………….






Letzte Generation: Verfahren wegen krimineller Vereinigung wird konkreter

Von Charlotte Kirchhof Mi, 6. März 2024

Extremisten der Letzten Generation könnten bald dafür angeklagt werden, eine kriminelle Vereinigung zu bilden. Die Klima-Extremisten sollen nun Stellung zur geplanten Anklage …………………



A US Arny Composed of Immigrant-invaders?

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org March 7, 2024

California’s Democrat Government Permits illegal immigrants to be police officers. It is only a logical step to put them into the US Army.




Worshipping Gaia

As much as Francis of Assisi loved nature, he understood that our first responsibility is to God and not to nature. It’s not clear if his namesake pope feels the same. Donald DeMarco




More Churches Need to Support a Secular One-State Solution for Palestine-Israel

By Roger Copple World Without Empire! March 7, 2024

After the Holocaust, the idea of creating a safe homeland for the Jews in Palestine …………………….



What Does US Intelligence Know About the Hostages?

Notes from the annals of American surveillance in the Mediterranean

By Seymour Hersh SeymourHersh.com March 7, 2024

I abhor the word “dystopia,” commonly defined as an imaginary realm plagued by injustice, ………………….



Trumpenstein and the Death of Politics

05.03.2024 Fake News and Deep State Theater, Donald Jeffries

I’m the guy who coined the term The Trumpenstein Project. My good friend John Barbour came up with Trump Agnostic to describe how we felt about the former Reality TV star. …………………….



Ukraine – Cookie Monster Retires

A big fat rat is leaving the ship.

One might interpret this as the State Department’s admittance of defeat in the U.S. war against Russia in Ukraine:




Murder in Gaza

By Eric S. Margolis March 6, 2024

Good work, Mr. President Biden.  You have managed to do what America’s enemies have not – creating widespread hatred for the United States around the globe.  Your destruction of the Gaza refugee camps ……………………



Containing China: US Using Taiwan as East Asian „Ukraine“



ALARM! Schroeder vs Reichelt: Der größte Streit des Jahres! | Achtung, Reichelt! vom 04.03.2024



“Preemptive Nuclear War”: The Historic Battle for Peace and Democracy. A Third World War Threatens the Future of Humanity

At no point since the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945, has humanity …………………..



Ukraine & the Pentagon: Follow the Number

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice March 6, 2024

In 2021, before the Pandemic, Ukraine exports suddenly rose by more than 30% after nominal increases in the two previous years;  4.7% and 7.3%.  And then in 2022 exports tanked.  But it ………………….



Republicans Should Join Demands For Ceasefire in Gaza

By John J. Duncan, Jr. March 6, 2024

Israel has received worldwide condemnation for killing more than 30,000 civilians in its war against Hamas, including many thousands of small children.




Iran’s Jewish Population Belies Claims Of Tehran’s Genocidal Intent

Brian McGlinchey

Echoing run-up to Iraq invasion, Israel and its allies exaggerate Iran threat  27.02.2024

For decades, Israeli government officials — chief among them, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — have accused Iran of plotting a new Holocaust against the millions of Jews who …………………



Proposed Peace Amendment to the United States Constitution

By Emanuel Pastreich Fear No Evil March 6, 2024

It is one of the great ironies of history that at the very moment the United States plunges deeper and deeper into war hysteria, that our politicians and government officials are ………………..



Western Governments Have Declared Open Season on Their White Citizens

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org March 6, 2024

Normal heterosexual white people are losing the protection of law in the Western world.  It is happening in some countries faster than in others.  Although women in Sweden and Norway ………………..



The Final Battle

By Robert Ringer RobertRinger.com March 6, 2024

With the Super Tuesday massacre now behind us, it’s clear Donald Trump will be the 2024 Republican Party nominee, and panicked Democrats are concerned that even their well-oiled …………………



Die Welt ist im Umbruch – Geopolitische Entwicklungen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Finanzmärkte

Der Krieg in der Ukraine und der Konflikt im Mittleren Osten zwischen Israel und den Palästinensern beschleunigen eine Entwicklung,die bereits seit einigen Jahren im Gange ist. …………………..



Really Simple Questions for Climate Changers

By Dan Rabil March 6, 2024

Dear Climate Crisis Guy,

The climate in the northern hemisphere was much colder in the late 1700s than in the 20th century, with large American rivers like the Delaware routinely freezing over during the ……………….





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