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Der vorherrschende Glaube an ‚soziale Gerechtigkeit‘ ist gegenwärtig wahrscheinlich die schwerste Bedrohung der meisten anderen Werte einer freien Zivilisation.

— Friedrich A. von Hayek

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Habeck nach massiver Kritik vom Bundesrechnungshof beleidigt: „Schönen Dank dafür!“

Fr, 8. März 2024

Nachdem der Bundesrechnungshof der Ampel ein vernichtendes Zeugnis ausgestellt hat, schlug Robert Habeck während seiner USA-Reise auf seine ihm eigene Art zurück: beleidigt. Der Bericht zeuge von einer „erstaunlichen Wahrnehmung, die nichts mit der Realität zu tun hat“, so Habeck.




Linksradikale feiern RAF-Terroristen – Solidaritäts-Kundgebung in Berlin

Der Demozug am Samstagabend in Kreuzberg solidarisierte sich mit Ex-Terroristen

Von: Til Biermann 10.03.2024 –

Berlin – Irre Parolen bei einer Demo von Linksradikalen am Samstagabend in Berlin-………………………



‚We Got To Rein Her In‘: Behind The Scenes Of Nuland’s Early Retirement

by Tyler Durden Mar 10, 2024

Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern in a new interview has speculated over the reasons behind Victoria Nuland stepping down from her high-ranking position as Under Secretary of ……………………….



International Law or Antisemitism?

by Bat Ye’orMarch 10, 2024 In his study on this subject, David Elber demonstrates that the UN has no possession of territorial sovereignty and therefore cannot decree the allocation of a




Drei Punkte zeigen, warum nur eine Gruppe vom neuen Renten-Plan profitiert

9.3.24 Die Bundesregierung strebt an, künftige Generationen finanziell durch die Einführung eines sogenannten Generationenkapitals zu entlasten. Dieses wird jedoch genau das Gegenteil …………………



Renaissance of the Bomb – Gliding FABs [i]

Russian Glide Bombs – a true menace Mike Mihajlovic 10.03.2024

For a long time, the use of the glide bombs was only “reserved” for the US and its allies. The former Soviet Union also worked on that, but it never gained any traction with the Soviet ……………………..



Politikwissenschaftlerin: Die großen EU-Länder sind „führungsunfähig“

Von Charlotte Kirchhof Mo, 11. März 2024

Bei Caren Miosga bezeichnet eine finnische Politikwissenschaftlerin sämtliche großen EU-Länder als „führungsunfähig“. Dabei gibt sich Annalena Baerbock in dieser Sendung alle ………………………



Vorschlag von Lindner und Heil ist eine Renten-Missgeburt – Börsen geraten ins Stottern

Mo, 11. März 2024

Am Vorschlag zur Generationen-Rente verwundert, dass Lindner und Heil auf ……………………



Habeck in USA: Arroganz aus der Provinz

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai So, 10. März 2024 Peinlich, peinlicher, Habeck

Habeck reiste in die USA mit dem Hochmut eines Zwerges aus dem Dorf, der in die Stadt der Riesen kommt. US-Medien und Politik sehen den sonderlichen Irrweg in Deutschlands …………………….



SITREP 3/11/24: Patriots Blown Up as Mix-Messaged NATO Fumbles On

Simplicius The Thinker 11.03.2024

Last time we spoke on the sudden upswell of threatening rhetoric booming up from the crumbling sepulcher of Old Europe.




Uncensored: Tucker’s Response to Biden’s State of the Union 2024

Mar 8, 2024



Das Phänomen Trump und die deutsche Angst

Er ist wieder da! Und in Deutschland zittern die Medienschaffenden beim Gedanken an Donald Trumps Rückkehr an die Macht.




Der Sonntagsfahrer: Das Verbrenner-Aus-Aus

Die EU will das Verbrenner-Aus beenden und der Bundesrechnungshof charakterisiert die Energiewende als Blindgänger. Das Aus-Aus wird zum direkten Nachfolger des Doppelwumms.




Stell Dir vor, Putin kommt und keiner geht hin

Von  Roland Tichy 10. März 2024

„Stell dir vor es ist Krieg, und keiner geht hin“ – war der Slogan der Friedensbewegung, Spontis und Grünen. Jetzt sehen sie sich mit den Folgen ihrer „großen Transformation“ konfrontiert. Warum sollte man als Fremder dieses von ihnen zutiefst gespaltene rotgrün lackierte Land verteidigen?




Fani Willis Is Probably Guilty of Perjury: Who Will Prosecute the Prosecutors?

by Alan M. Dershowitz March 11, 2024

If Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis were prosecuting citizen Fani Willis and her former boyfriend Nathan Wade for perjury, conspiracy and obstruction of justice, she would ……………………..



Portugal’s conservatives win election as far-right surges

By Sergio Goncalves, Catarina Demony and David Latona

March 11, 20244:23 AM GMT+1Updated 6 hours ago

Socialists concede defeat despite tight result




Who Could Have Predicted the U.S. War in Somalia Would Fail? The Pentagon

A 2007 Defense Department study found glaring problems with America’s Horn of Africa campaign plan. The U.S. military plunged ahead anyway.

Nick Turse  March 7 2024,




Palestinian Suffering in Gaza Passes Human Understanding

9 March 2024 by Larry Johnson

It has been a while since I have posted anything detailing the horror confronting Palestinians …………………



UNRWA report says Israel coerced some agency employees to falsely admit Hamas links

Reuters, 9.3.24

(Reuters) – The U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees said some employees released into Gaza from Israeli detention reported having been pressured by Israeli authorities into falsely stating …………………..



The Tel Aviv torture trail: Israel’s role in the Abu Ghraib scandal

Israel’s documented torture and abuse of Palestinians may evoke comparisons to US tactics employed ………………………



Zahl der Übergriffe steigt – Zwei blutige Messer-Attacken in der Nacht in Berlin

Von: Dirk Böttger 09.03.2024

Berlin – In der Nacht von Freitag zu Samstag sind mehrere Personen bei Messer-Attacken in Berlin-Friedrichshain verletzt worden.




Employment Falls for the Third Month In Spite of 50,000 New Government Jobs

03/08/2024 Ryan McMaken

According to a new report from the federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics this week, the US economy added 275,000 jobs for the month of February while the …………………………….



The Great Depression and Great Depression II: Similarities, Differences

03/08/2024 James Anthony

Comparing Great Depression I with the current Great Depression II, the cause has been the same, and the responses have been similar.




Textbook Communism: American Version

By Thomas DiLorenzo March 9, 2024

The same U.S. government that spent hundreds of billions of dollars and squandered tens of thousands of American lives in its “cold war” to supposedly defend against a communist …………………….



The Col. Macgregor State of the Union

By Tom Woods March 9, 2024

I didn’t watch the State of the Union last night. I knew it would be lies and impossible promises from start to finish.




Why Main Street Households Are Left High and Dry….

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner March 9, 2024

There should be no doubt that the UniParty has left main street households high and dry. During the past five years inflation-adjusted weekly earnings have barely limped forward at ………………………



A Libertarian Perspective on the Gay Rights Movement

Free association means allowing gay people to lead gay lifestyles, but it also means allowing others to disassociate with them. By Walter E. Block Foundation for Economic Education

March 9, 2024




State of the Union Address

By Emanuel Pastreich Fear No Evil March 9, 2024

Perhaps some of you saw the decrepit and senseless President Biden deliver a “State of the ………………….



The Digital Revolution of Artificial Intelligence: Beneficial Economic Creative Destruction or Systemic Dehumanization

By Dr. Rodrigue Tremblay RodrigueTremblay.com March 9, 2024




Which Country Has The Most Brutal Mafia Or Criminal Organization? (Gangs Are Alive And Thriving. They’ve Simply Evolved With The Times.)


The golden age of organized crime may seem like a thing of the past in this era of surveillance. Law enforcement officers have technology and profiling capabilities now that they never had in the past. But …………………



Women’s Rights in Afghanistan: ‚Before‘ and ‚After‘ America’s Destructive Wars

By Michel Chossudovsky MichelChossudovsky.com March 9, 2024

First published on October 4, 2023, revised on March 8, 2024




Harvard University, Formerly a Great Institution of Learning, Now Corrupted by Money

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org March 9, 2024

Harvard University has just announced that the university has dropped its Covid “vaccine” ………………….



Generalbundesanwalt Rommel übernimmt Ermittlungen nach Linksterrorismus

Fr, 8. März 2024

Generalbundesanwalt Jens Rommel hat die Ermittlungen nach dem Anschlag auf die Brandenburger Stromversorgung übernommen. Das hat der Bundesgerichtshof auf TE-……………………



Bundesrechnungshof delegitimiert Habeck, Müller und Energiewende

Die Energiewende-Delegitimierer sitzen jetzt im Bundesrechnungshof. Ihr vernichtendes Fazit der Energiewende haben die Beamten sogar in einer Grafik (oben) karikiert.

Der Bundesrechnungshof ist in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland offenbar so etwas wie der letzte Mohikaner. Er ist eine unabhängige obere Bundesbehörde mit richterlicher ………………….



Video Updates on Biden’s state of the Union and the wars in Palestine and Ukraine

8 March 2024 by Larry Johnson

From now on I will try to only use video from Rumble or Bitchute. I do not want to give YouTube another pair of eyes. Here are my chats today with Stephen Gardner and Ania K.




The Paramedic who Helped Police Kill Elijah McClain Is Sentenced to Five Years

03/05/2024 Ryan McMaken

On Monday, Aurora, Colorado paramedic Peter Cichuniec was




Punishment and Proportionality

12/05/2014 Murray N. Rothbard

Few aspects of libertarian political theory are in a less satisfactory state than the theory of punishment.2 Usually, libertarians have been content to assert or develop the axiom that no ………………..



John Mearsheimer: TERRORIST THREAT In Russia, NATO Sent Patriot Close To The Russian Border



Understanding the AI Revolution

03/08/2024 Per Bylund

The artificial intelligence (AI) revolution is here, and it is bound to change the world as we know it—or so proclaims the hype following the release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT version 3.5 in ………………….



Robert Kennedy Jr. – Military Industrial Congressional Complex



Global Recession’s Winners and Losers

March 6, 2024

The few winners of global recession will use the decline as a means to break the chokehold of ………………….



The Great Election Fraud: Manufactured Choices Make a Mockery of Our Republic

By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute March 8, 2024

“Dictators are not in the business of allowing elections that could remove them from their thrones.”

Gene Sharp (political science professor)




Big Pharma and Ist Shills Are Having to Adjust their Covid Fiction to the Facts

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org March 8, 2024

With people suddenly dropping dead all over the mRNA-vaccinated world, with oncologists reporting massive increases in cancers, turbo-cancers never previously encountered, with …………………….



Can Bitcoin Act as Money?

An analysis of bitcoin’s ultimate credibility By Alasdair Macleod MacleodFinance Substack

March 8, 2024

Since 24 January, bitcoin has risen 65% and gold rose about 7% priced in US dollars. Before gold began its current successful but relatively modest leap into new high ground, there is …………………



Why Almost Nothing Changes When Republicans Are Elected

By Chuck Baldwin March 8, 2024

Before digging into the title of this column, I need to call your attention to what I said in this column of February 8:

As I said, among the millions of illegals that have entered the U.S. are untold thousands of drug cartel members. These men are among the most violent and bloodthirsty people in the …………………….





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