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The only security of all is in a free press.

— Thomas Jefferson

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Wie die Finanzindustrie mit Zusatzangeboten ihre Kundenbindung stärken kann

Finanzindustrie – wie Versicherer und Finanzberater mit Zusatzangeboten wie der Erstellung und Hinterlegung von Vorsorgedokumenten ihre Kundenbindung stärken können.




Putin Wins, Ukraine is Losing and Israel Doubles Down — My Weekly chat with the Judge

18 March 2024 by Larry Johnson

The West just can’t handle the truth — i.e., Vladimir Putin enjoys great popularity and easily won re-election. The whining and carping from Western political leaders filled the legacy ……………………….



Schrödern mit Scholz?

Von Annette Heinisch und Gunter Weißgerber.

Die Kriegsgefahr wird in den nächsten Jahren eher größer als kleiner. Wir leben nicht in Zeiten, die Fehler verzeiht.




Die Lufthoheit über den Kinderbetten

Von Peter Levin.

Staatliche Eingriffe ins Privatleben sind keine Neuigkeiten, doch der Umstand, dass ein liebloser Staat sich in die Erziehung einmischt, ist bedenklich und gefährdet die kindliche Entwicklung.




Connecticut’s Housing Shortage Is Rooted in Government Policies


There is no shortage of experts that the government is willing to hire to gain public favor for a particular policy. For Connecticut, that expert is a man named Cameron Rifkin, a policy …………………



Top 5 Most Bizarre Moments of Covid: A Student’s Recollection


In recognition of the fourth anniversary of the US government’s response to covid, a Mises …………………



Trump, ARD und das Blutbad

Donald Trump warnte, dass der Import billiger Autos ein ökonomisches „Blutbad“ anrichten werde – wenn er nicht gewählt wird und Strafzölle verhängen kann. Medien machen daraus ………………….



Democrats Are Dancing in the Streets Over Bankrupting Trump & Family

I have warned that our computer has put out a MAJOR long-term SELL SIGNAL on New York City.  You had better get the HELL out of NYC and not do business with ANY ………………………



Disarm the State: You Are Now Considered Criminals While the Real Criminals Are Protected

By Gary D. Barnett March 18, 2024

“Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military. Not the one ………………..



The Ever Widening War

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org March 18, 2024

I have no idea why French President Macron is talking so aggressively about war with Russia, saying he will send French soldiers to Odessa and telling Russia’s President Putin “We are a …………………..



‚Paving a Digital Road to Hell‘

By Peter Koenig Global Research March 18, 2024

‘Paving a Digital Road to Hell’ is the title of a recent article in a Children’s Health Defense (CHD) article, describing what could and might expect us, with digital ID’s and digital money – and an all-…………………….



The Dumbest Cover Story Ever

New York Magazine’s „Freedom of Sex“ is the ultimate example of the lunatic nihilism that’s consumed America’s intellectual class

By Matt Taibbi Racket News March 18, 2024




How to Make $ Billions – Fast

Steve Hall 16.03.2024

It’s hard to grasp the concept of a Million of anything – that’s one thousand Thousands – yet we deal with that number pretty well.  It’s much harder to conceptualize a Billion, 1,000 Millions . . .




Niger’s junta revokes military agreement with US

A junta spokesperson made the announcement on state television on Saturday

Niger’s junta has ended a military agreement that allowed US personnel to be deployed in the country.




Was die rotgrüne Transformation anrichtet – und wo sie endet

Von Roland Tichy So, 17. März 2024

Rotgrün erzwingt die Transformation in eine „klimaneutrale“ Gesellschaft ohne Grenzen und ohne Wachstum; der Regenbogen wird Programm und Hoheitszeichen. Feinde werden ………………



How the Democrats Plan To Steal the Election

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. March 18, 2024

How the Democrats Plan to Steal the Election

Biden and Trump have clinched the nominations of their parties for President. Everybody is …………………





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