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Socialism is not just ruin camouflaged as equality. It is despair wrapped up in the rhetoric of hope.

— Hugo Gurdon

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Zersetzungsjournalisten marschieren im Gleichschritt mit der Politik

Als Feinde markierten Personen wird die Existenzgrundlage genommen

  1. März 2024 Hans-Georg Maaßen




Das vergiftete Spenderblut der Geimpften

Von Jochen Ziegler.

Die medizinische Katastrophe durch Covid-Impfungen wird immer beispielloser. Jetzt kommt heraus: Blutkonserven von Geimpften enthalten die gefährlichen Spike-Proteine.




Ein einzelner Mann steht hinter den weltweiten Corona-Maßnahmen – und „keiner“ kennt ihn

  1. März 2024

Die teilgeschwärzten RKI-Protokolle werfen eine zentrale Frage auf: Wer ist die Person, welche sich in Deutschland mit der politischen Anordnung der Corona-Maßnahmen (ohne wissenschaftliche Evidenz) durchgesetzt hat? Viele Kommentatoren denken, es wäre Angela ……………………



ISAR 2: Das beste Kernkraftwerk der Welt wird zersägt

Die Rückbaugenehmigung für ISAR 2 ist erteilt, hieß es am Freitag. Der Betreiber Preussen Elektra könne den Rückbau unverzüglich durchführen.




Wer den Mund aufmacht, wird vernichtet

Von Maximilian Tichy Di, 26. März 2024

Die RKI-Papiere zeigen: Die Corona-Maßnahmen waren eine rein politische Entscheidung. …………………..



Nach RKI-Enthüllungen: Lauterbach deutet russische Einflussnahme an

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Di, 26. März 2024 AfD und BSW fordern U-Ausschuss

Nun schlagen Lauterbach und Dahmen, die beiden Gesichter der deutschen Pandemiepolitik, zurück. Hinter den RKI-Enthüllungen stecken angeblich ausländische Mächte, ………………….



California’s Latest Hustle: Utility Bills Based on Ratepayers‘ Income


Utility bills—for electricity, natural gas, water, and garbage—have by long-standing tradition been based on customer usage, measured in kilowatt-hours of electricity, therms or Btu of natural gas, hundred cubic feet of water, or number of garbage cans. Every residence and …………………….



Korea: America’s Point of No Return

By Liam Childers March 26, 2024

As Robert Higgs noted in his 1994 speech, “War and the Leviathan State,” World War II acted as one of the most pervasive changes to the psyche of the average American in regards ………………..



RFK To Jay Powell on Day #1: You’re Fired!

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner March 26, 2024

RFK has pointedly announced that he will pardon Deep State prisoner Julian Assange on day #1. That sent a powerful message that the destructive rule of Washington’s bipartisan War Party will be brought to an abrupt end if he is elected President.




CIA Secrecy on JFK Points to Criminal Culpability

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation March 26, 2024

More than 30 years ago, Congress enacted the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992. Enacted in the wake of Oliver Stone’s movie JFK, which …………………..



War and Leviathan in Twentieth-Century America

Conscription as the Keystone

Robert Higgs, April 1, 1996

“Times of danger, when Power takes action for the general safety, are worth much to it in accretions to its armoury; and these, when the crisis has passed, it keeps. . . . It is impossible to exaggerate the part played by war in the distension of Power.”

Bertrand de Jouvenel




The US and Europa Have Given Their Countries to Immigrant-Invaders

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org March 26, 2024

In America if you go on vacation for a week or two and leave your home unoccupied, or if ………………….



Congressional Omnibus Is Like a Bad Hollywood Movie Sequel

By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul Institute March 26, 2024

This weekend’s late-night spending vote in Congress seems like another in an endless series of sequels to a bad suspense movie. Just at the brink of “disaster,” just before the stroke of …………………..



Die Unterirdischen: „ExpertInnenräte“ der Regierung

Von Andreas Zimmermann.

Auf den längst desavouierten „Corona-ExpertInnenrat“ folgt jetzt der „ExpertInnenrat Gesundheit und Resilienz“ – teilweise mit den gleichen Mitgliedern und dem gleichen …………………



More On Friday’s Terrorist Attack in Moscow

25 March 2024 by Larry Johnson

I have been discussing the Crocus City Center terrorist attacks with several different podcasters and RT today. In addition to my scheduled chat with Judge Napolitano, I also did …………………..



NY Supreme Court Lowers Trump’s Bond to $175m

Marty, you are one hell of a strategic lawyer. The NY Supreme Court either reads you or realizes that this AG will bankrupt the city if she starts seizing property and Trump wins in the appellate courts. It’s just brilliant. Let them sell his properties that will collapse in price …………….



A Springtime Prayer to ‚Preserve, Protect and Defend‘ Our Constitution

by Lawrence Kadish March 25, 2024

As we remain wary and guarded against assaults from within and from beyond our borders, we need to turn within and contemplate the words of the Bible that serve to fortify ourselves ………………….



Deterrence By Savagery?

“The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion (to which few members of other civilizations were converted) but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.”

― Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order ……………………..



Hazlitt Against Keynes on Unemployment and Wages: A Lesson for Modern Macroeconomics


The Failure of the ‘New Economics’ thoroughly demolished the Keynesian system. Unfortunately, this “economic demolition” as Rothbard called it (Hazlitt 2007 [1959], xvi), ………………….



The Hoax of ‚Multiculturalism‘

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. March 25, 2024

According to “Britannica,” multiculturalism is  “the view that culturesraces, and ethnicities, particularly those of minority groups, deserve special acknowledgment of their differences within a dominant political culture. See this. In fact, “multiculturalism is a gigantic hoax. The ……………….



UN Called to Respond to Sharia Violence against Women

by Raymond Ibrahim March 25, 2024

„Sharia-linked violence is inflicted upon women in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Asia. This includes the recent extreme sexual violence committed against Israeli women in October ………………



Shadowgate – Video



Shadowgate Documentary

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com March 25, 2024

Most people have never even heard and there’s a reason for that. Technocrats have worked in the proverbial shadows for decades, trying to implement a grand economic plan that is global ……………………



Tucker and Roseanne Barr React to Her Viral Trump Speech

By Tucker Carlson March 25, 2024



What the Government Can or Can’t Do Under Martial Law (Can the government take your guns during martial law?)

Milan Adams Uncategorized March 24, 2024 6 Minutes




‚Let Moscow Burn, Let All of Moscow Burn‘

On the unbridled delight certain pro-war German social media commentators are wont to take in the deaths of Russian civilians, By Eugyppius A Plague Chronicle March 25, 2024




Marching Off to War

Mar 22, 2024 Steve Hall

Can a person both despise war and admire soldiers?  Absolutely.

War is an abomination; war is hell.  Unthinkable, immoral, inhuman atrocities become …………………..



Coming Up For Air

The loonies are storming the booby hatch

Radio Far Side Mar 24, 2024

I take my eyes off the world for one week, to edit a 200-page book on alternative energy ………………….



Two Catholic Scientists You Might Not Know

Already effectively disproved through the rational arguments of philosophy and the evidence of history, atheism is now being debunked by the physical sciences.




When Proxy Wars Come Home

By Karen Kwiatkowski March 25, 2024

If we look long enough and hard enough, we might find an example of something in the US is not by the state, of the state and for the state.  But it’s becoming more difficult.

We live, if we live in the US, within a reverberating echo chamber of the bits of US foreign ……………….



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