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Der Kluge lernt aus allem und von jedem, der Normale aus seinen Erfahrungen und der Dumme weiß alles besser.

— Sokrates

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Röttgen legt Ungarn und Slowakei EU-Austritt nahe

  1. April 2024

Der CDU-Außenpolitiker Norbert Röttgen legt Ungarn und der Slowakei einen Austritt aus der Europäischen Union nahe. Der neu gewählte slowakische Präsident Peter Pellegrini und ………………….



Strong Jobs Report Does Not Mean Strong Economy

One thing that analysts fail to explain is that Americans have begun working multiple jobs since the COVID pandemic that wrecked the global economy. Nonfarm payrolls increased 303,000 in March, but there are millions of Americans holding multiple jobs who can still not ……………………



Is Israel Winning, Losing or About to Commit Suicide?

8 April 2024 by Larry Johnson

My answer? About to commit suicide. This is a video heavy piece. I will start with a short podcast I put up today while testing Streamyard. Then there is my regular Monday morning chat with the Judge. The final video is a chat with Patrick Henningsen. Patrick and I first met ……………………



Javier Milei: 100 Tage libertäre Revolution

  1. April 2024 – von Stephan Ring

Am 26.3.2024 hat der Argentinische Präsident Javier Milei auf dem IEFA (International Economic Forum of Americas) in Buenos Aires eine bislang eher unbeachtete Rede gehalten. ………………….



Understanding the History of African Slavery: The Europeans Were not the Only Slave Traders


In the vast pantheon of history, black people have been both victims and oppressors. Yet history has been so politicized that we hear endlessly about the former and almost never about the latter. Rhetoric has eclipsed facts. It is a fact, for example, that Africans participated in the ………………….



Droht eine Landesregierungs-Entmachtung nach AfD-Sieg?

Fünf Jahre nach dem „Rückgängigmachen“ einer Ministerpräsidentenwahl überlegen Juristen jetzt, wie man missliebige Landesregierungen mittels „Bundeszwang“ entmachten und zeitweise durch einen Staatskommissar ersetzen könnte.




Die aktuellen Skandale der Ursula von der Leyen

Die europäische Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen von der Leyen wegen Korruption, Einmischung in öffentliche Ämter und Interessenkonflikte bei den Impfstoffdeals.

Während die EU-Kommission eine Erfolgsbilanz veröffentlicht, mehren sich die Vorwürfe gegen Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen. So ermittelt die europäische …………………….



Two Israeli Actions Misfired, Pushed Netanyahoo Into Retreat

Several recent incidents have increased the pressure on Israel to end its war on Gaza.

There are serious signs that the Israeli government, under pressure from the U.S., is now moving towards an intermediate ceasefire state that all sides may be able to live with – at least ………………….



Bedrohung mit I

Di, 9. April 2024 Islamismus

Islamismus ist ein Problem, das viele nicht beim Namen nennen wollen. In Großbritannien geht man der Vokabel auch amtlich aus dem Weg. Feigheit hilft allerdings nicht weiter. Von Frank Furedi




Gewalt an Frankreichs Schulen: Eine verlorene Generation im Kampf mit sich

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mo, 8. April 2024 Kopftuch, Ehrenmord, Attentate

Ein junges Mädchen, das sich europäisch kleidet, wird als Ungläubige und Hure angesehen und ins Koma geprügelt, ein Schüler von 15 Jahren zum Opfer eines Ehrenmords. Beides ………………….



McConnell Cannot Stop the Non-Interventionist Tide

By Ron Paul, MD April 9, 2024

Even Republican stalwarts like current Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell are starting to notice that something is shifting in the party. While McConnell announced recently that he would step down as Republican leader in the US Senate, in an interview last week he was …………………..



NATO: It’s Time To Cull the Snake in the US’s Garden

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns April 9, 2024

This week’s brouhaha in Brussels saw the Foreign Ministers of NATO emerge from their holes in the ground looking for food now that things are finally warming up for Spring.




The Mechanism: How the ‚Order‘ Based on Made-up Rules Is Descending Into Savagery

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture April 9, 2024

The awful shadow of some unseen Power
Floats tho’ unseen amongst us, -visiting



The Total Tipping Point Also Involves A Cold War! (No One Wants to Think About A Nuclear Crisis – And Hopefully It Will Never Happen – But We All Must Accept The Fact Nuclear Tensions Are Rising Globally With Russia)

Posted byBrandon Campbell April 8, 2024

No one wants to think about a nuclear crisis – and hopefully it will never happen – but we all ……………………..



March Report: The Recession In Full-Time Jobs Is Here


According to a new report from the federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics this week, the US economy added 303,000 jobs for the month of March while the unemployment …………..



The Silky Hand of Qatar Targets Jordan

by Bassam Tawil April 8, 2024

The Jordanian authorities have accused the Muslim Brotherhood and its offshoot, Hamas, of seeking to destabilize security inside the kingdom.

Behind both Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, of course, is the terrorist-sponsoring …………………….



Brace for Impact

By Karen Kwiatkowski April 8, 2024

The 2016 movie “Brace for Impact” about Captain Sully’s emergency landing on the Hudson River may hold the key to avoiding World War III, and the loss of the West.




What’s So Great About the Great Reset, Great Taking, Great Replacement, Great Deflation, and Next Great Depression?

By Jim Quinn The Burning Platform April 8, 2024

“At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move all the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre.”

Frank Zappa




The St. Gallen Mafia and Orwellian Francis

Julia Meloni, 5.4.24

In George Orwell’s 1984, no one is supposed to know about anything predating the …………………..



Ukraine Plan of Crocus City Hall Attack To Start Ethnic Pogroms

by John Helmer, Moscow@bears_with

“The unity of Russia’s multiethnic society,” President Vladimir Putin told the Russian Trade Union Congress on Thursday, “is the main fundamental condition of our success. In this connection, and based on the initial results of the investigation, we have grounds to believe …………………



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