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Der Sozialstaat ist der älteste Trickbetrug der Welt. Zuerst nimmst du den Menschen still und heimlich Geld weg und dann gibst du ihnen einen Teil davon mit großem Getöse wieder zurück.

— Thomas Sowell

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Hirschhausen, der Demokratie-Flachmacher

Zwei Spindoktoren umtanzen das „demokratische Establishment“ und rechnen mit der Opposition ab. Ein Stück, das Tag für Tag im ÖRR und im Internet gegeben wird. Volkserziehung für alle und Klimakunde für Dreijährige.




Millenials: In Costco We Trust

By Douglas French Mises.org April 18, 2024

When the latest CPI number came in hot at 0.4% for March and the annual core CPI inflation rate held at 3.8%, Betsey Stevenson, professor of economics at the University of Michigan appearing on CNBC’s Squawk Box said nonchalantly “Three percent inflation is no big deal.” ………………..



Dragqueen-Workshops und Graffitis: Finanziert von „Demokratie leben!“ – also von Steuern

Von Charlotte Kirchhof Do, 18. April 2024 Grüne Geldverschwendung

Paus’ Förderprogramm „Demokratie leben!“ finanziert 360 „Partnerschaften für Demokratie“. Die bezahlen damit Dragqueen-Workshops, Graffitis und Partys von Jugendlichen. Was sie ……………….



Republican Speaker of the House Flushes US Constitution Down the Toilet

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org April 18, 2024

As I predicted on April 11, the police state got the Republicans to reconsider and to pass their warrantless spying and home entry. The Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson cast ……………………




By Scott Ritter Scott Ritter Extra April 18, 2024

The Iranian defeat of the US-Israeli missile defense architecture has global security consequences.

The world’s attention has, rightfully so, been focused on the fallout from Iran’s retaliatory …………………..



NSA „Just Days Away From Taking Over The Internet“ Warns Ed Snowden

by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Apr 16, 2024 –

Authored by Tom Mitchelhill via CoinTelegraph.com,




Did Ursula von der Leyen & Albert Bourla Mix Business with Pleasure?

Why does the EU Commission refuse to release texts discussing EU’s vaccine deal?

John Leake Apr 17, 2024




Assange Extradition Case Moves Forward While the CIA Covers Its Tracks

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com April 18, 2024

So they’re really doing it. The Biden administration is really ignoring Australia’s request to …………………………



Dear Mike Johnson and Congress – We The People

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice April 18, 2024

Dear Mike Johnson and Congress:

When you create a BUDGET, the point of the budget is to spend within the lines – like ………………………..



New American Dream: ‚You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy‘

By Doug Casey International Man April 18, 2024

International Man: According to a recent study by Investopedia, the classic middle-class American Dream now costs over $3.4 million.




Anders sparen in Afrika

Auch wenn Afrika hierzulande vielleicht nicht als Hort der Sparsamkeit gilt, so hat sich auf dem Kontinent doch eine interessante eigene Form des Sparens entwickelt, auch um – jenseits ……………………



Iran And Saudi Arabia – A Common Future Looking East

In March 2023 Iran and Saudi Arabia restored their diplomatic ties with each other. The deal ………………



Dmitry Medvedev’s Speech On Russia’s Strategic Borders

One may not like Russia or even feel hostile towards its current policies and leadership.

But that should not hinder one to recognize and acknowledge how Russia is seeing itself and …………………..



Artificial Intelligence and Irrational Fears

04/16/2024 Jim Fedako

Where’s Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead? Seriously, what list of the greatest rock guitarists of all time would not—could not—include him? Sure, I know the internet article was just some teaser to get me to mindlessly click through an ad-laden list. But still, no Garcia. I ……………………



Iran’s Attack on Israel Provides an Opportunity to De-escalate


Over the weekend, the Iranian military launched hundreds of drones and missiles toward Israel. Israeli, American, and Jordanian air defenses reportedly intercepted and shot down almost everything Iran fired. One child from a Bedouin village in southern Israel was hurt by ……………………



The Iran Attack — What did the U.S. Know and When Did It Know?

17 April 2024 by

As I wrote in an earlier piece on the lead up to Iran’s drone and missile barrage in Israel on the 14th of April, the Iranians clearly gave advanced warning of their plans to neighboring …………………..



Diesmal sind sie zu weit gegangen

Die Polizei-Blockade einer Konferenz prominenter europäischer Konservativer, darunter Viktor Orbán und Nigel Farage, ausgerechnet in Brüssel, ist der erste Skandal zur Europawahl – und ein Sockenschuss.




Israel War Was a Deflection From CIA Betrayal of US

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice April 17, 2024

At a cost of $1.3 billion, the US, Israel, France, UK, and Jordan worked in conjunction to take out the missiles and drones launched by Iran.  This realizes two major schematics:  1.   Israel …………………



The Gaza Genocide as Explicit Policy: Michael Hudson Names all Names

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture April 17, 2024

In what can be considered the most crucial podcast of 2024 so far, Professor Michael Hudson – the author of seminal works such as Super-Imperialism and the recent




Financial Forecast 2025-2032: Please Don’t Be Naive

April 15, 2024

Rather than attempt to evade Caesar’s reach, a better strategy might be to ‚go gray‘: blend in, …………………



Iran on the Rise: Retaliation, ‚Important Military Targets‘

By Peter Koenig Global Research April 17, 2024

The warning was on the wall. Ever since Israel attacked “out of the blue” on 1 April 2024 the Iranian Consulate in Damascus, Syria, killing 7, including two generals, an Iranian …………………….



The Great Dispossession Part 3

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org April 17, 2024

In Part 1, I explained that the next financial crisis will be bailed out not with central bank money creation but with our stocks, bonds and bank balances.

In Part 2, I explained the multi-year quiet regulatory changes that dispossessed us of our …………………………



NATO Is Losing the Proxy War Against Russia

So expect surge in false-flag terrorism – John Kiriakou

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture April 17, 2024

Last week the British media (Telegraph and Guardian) reported allegations that Russia was ……………………



Peter Schiff: The Data Looks Grim for the Dollar

SchiffGold.com April 17, 2024

Peter’s back in Puerto Rico this week for his podcast after another week of record gold prices. In this episode, he discusses media coverage of inflation, this week’s CPI report, and Bitcoin’s weakening price relative to gold.




This Is Why the Price of Gasoline Could Soon Double

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse April 17, 2024

Can you imagine paying seven dollars for a gallon of gasoline?  It could soon happen, because it appears that Israel is about to strike Iran, and that is likely to cause events in the Middle East to spiral completely out of control.  Right now, approximately one-fifth of all oil used in …………………..



What Fed ‚Independence‘ Really Means

By Joseph T. Salerno Mises.org April 17, 2024

A recent undercover video interview with a Fed economist by a Daily Caller reporter contains



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