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To totalitarians truth is as the cross is to the devil.

— Thomas DiLorenzo

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Die Ukrainer greifen eine russische Militärbasis auf der Krim an – offenbar haben sie weitere Raketen von den USA erhalten

Während die ukrainischen Truppen an der Front unter Druck stehen, versuchen sie den Gegner weit im Hinterland zu treffen. Manches deutet darauf hin, dass die USA den Ukrainern heimlich weitere Atacms-Raketen geliefert haben. Andreas Rüesch 18.04.2024




Homelessness Epidemic: the Public Sector is a Welfare Program

California’s homeless crisis proves the public sector is a welfare program and political tool. ………………….



Shift in Israel’s Narrative on Iran’s 14 April missile Attack Signaled Israel’s Attempt to Strike Iranian Nuclear Facility

18 April 2024 by Larry Johnson

I had to change this paragraph because of breaking news (I started writing at 9:45 pm and then ……………….



U.S./EU Lobby Against Georgian Law That Would Reveal Their Secret Influence

The government of Georgia has tried for some time to implement a law „On transparency of foreign influence”. Its aim is to publicly identify organizations and parties who receive a …………………..



Künstliche Intelligenz vs natürliche Dummheit: Wer siegt?

Mainstream-Journalisten fürchten, dass ihre Jobs durch KI entbehrlich werden. Zu Recht. Die herrschende Meinungseinfalt können auch Maschinen bewerkstelligen. Doch ein paar Journos werden an Medienbord bleiben. Lesen Sie, welche.




Ausgestoßene der Woche: Konservative, Varoufakis, USA

Ein konservativer Kongress wurde von der Polizei belagert, der griechische Ex-Minister Varoufakis durfte offenbar nicht nach Deutschland einreisen, und die Abkürzung USA wird mit Rechtsextremismus in Verbindung gebracht.




Kardinal Müller: In Brüssel begrüßten „linksfaschistische Aktivisten“ den Entzug der Grundrechte

Do, 18. April 2024

Kardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller war mit anderen konservativen Politikern und Denkern von der Polizei im Zuge der NatCon eingekesselt worden. In einer deutlich Stellungnahme rechnet …………………..



Telegram Creator on Elon Musk, Resisting FBI Attacks, and Getting Mugged in California

By Tucker Carlson April 19, 2024



Social Security and the Decline of the Employer Pension System


The Social Security Act is considered the first federal social welfare program in American history, being signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935. American government pensions have existed for government employees and veterans since the Civil War, and …………………….



The Immense Hunger

By Edward Curtin EdwardCurtin.com April 19, 2024

Like all living creatures, people need to eat to live.  Some people, eaten from within by a demonic force, try to deny others this basic sustenance.  All across the world people are ………………………..



Peeling Back America’s Coup – What Will It Take?

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice April 19, 2024

A fire broke out at a munitions plant in Scranton, Pennsylvania.  Minimal damage.  No deaths.   The plant is owned by the Federal Government via Taxpayer money – and General Dynamics uses the facility to make munitions for – Ukraine.  Silly me – I thought our Federal …………………..



The United Nations & the Origins of “The Great Reset” (Since the 1990s, several comprehensive initiatives toward a global system of control have been undertaken by the United Nations with Agenda 2021 and Agenda 2030.)





Iran And Saudi Arabia – A Common Future Looking East

Moon of Alabama April 19, 2024

In March 2023 Iran and Saudi Arabia restored their diplomatic ties with each other. The deal ………………..



Interest Rates Are Going Higher

It is gradually dawning on markets that lower dollar interest rates are a fantasy. But higher rates will destabilise fiat currencies.

By Alasdair Macleod MacleodFinance Substack April 19, 2024

If a chart speaks a thousand words, this is it:




What are Mises’s Six Lessons?


Ludwig von Mises’s Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow has become quite popular recently. The Mises Book Store has sold out of its physical copies, and the PDF, …………………



Do Americans Lose If U.S. Steel Gets Sold? Far From It

To reject foreign investment is to impoverish our country—missing out on more capital, productivity, and higher wages for our own workers.

By Walter E. Block Walter’s Newsletter April 19, 2024

Nippon Steel—Japan’s largest steelmaker—has offered to buy U.S. Steel for $14.1 billion, …………………..



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