Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Menschen, die korrupte Politiker wählen, Betrüger, Diebe und Verräter – sind keine Opfer, sondern Komplizen.

— George Orwell

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Sozioökonomie einer AKW-Baustelle

Der Besuch einer modernen AKW-Baustelle zeigt eindrücklich, dass Deutschland nicht nur eine sichere Stromversorgung verloren hat, sondern eine Armada von Jobs und Berufen mit wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Errungenschaften.




Russia Remembers, The United States Forgets

9 May 2024 by Larry Johnson

Today, May 9, marks the 79th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany aka Victory in Europe day and the Russian people held massive marches and commemorations — not just in Russia — but in countries around the world where Russian expats live. But in the United ………………..



The Fed Is Already Political


Discourse about the Federal Reserve is frequently full of myths, dishonest framing, and outright lies. Listen to a press conference by Chairman Jerome Powell or read an article from a major outlet’s lead Fed correspondent and you’re bound to hear at least a few. For instance, …………………



’Ndrangheta – Die Mafia in Baden-Württemberg

Von Sandro Mattioli.

Mafiöse Strukturen gibt es nicht nur in Hollywood-Filmen oder auf Sizilien. Sie sind auch in Deutschland präsent – und ihre Kontakte reichen bis in die Politik.

Wenn wir uns vor der Organisation ’ndrangheta schützen wollen, müssen wir sie im Detail ………………….



The Covid ‚Vaccine‘ Truth Comes Out

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org May 10, 2024

Yes, We were told lies about the safety and effectiveness of the Covid “vaccines.”

Chris Cuomo who led the presstitutes in their ignorant attack on Ivermectin is now taking Ivermectin trying to recover from the adverse effects of the Covid “vaccine” that he stupidly ……………………….



How Israel Supported Hamas Against the PLO

by Jeremy R. Hammond | May 6, 2024

Since the Hamas-led attacks in Israel on October 7, 2023, Israel has been executing a devastating assault on the civilian population of the Gaza Strip, blocking humanitarian aid, ………………………



The Consequences of Interest Rate Suppression

Decades of interest rate suppression have led to debt traps in both public and private sectors, destroying faith in fiat currencies. It leads to a flight out of credit into gold.




A Tale of Two Sovereigns, a Laceky and a Nanny

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture May 10, 2024

Startling mirror images swirl around two major developments this week directly inbuilt in the Grand Narrative that shapes my latest book, Eurasia v. NATOstan, recently published in the U.S.: Xi Jinping’s visit to Paris and the inauguration of Vladimir Putin’s new term in ………………………



Evil Twins: US Federal Budget Deficits and US Trade


One hears little today of the US “twin deficits,” a phrase familiar during the 1980s when the US had consistently run both federal budget deficits and international trade deficits. Economists hypothesized at that time that there was a theoretical and/or empirical relationship ………………….



Lauterbach in Not? Detail der geschwärzten Corona-Protokolle

Von: NEOPresse 10. Mai 2024

Die „geschwärzten Corona-Protokolle“ (hier des Corona-Expertenrats) sind zu einem Teil wieder entschwärzt worden. Ein Detail ist „bemerkenswert“: So hat




Xi Jinpings Bild von Europa

Chinas Präsident Xi Jinping befindet sich derzeit auf Europareise, und die gewählte Reiseroute sagt viel darüber, was die kommunistische Führung in Peking von den verschiedenen Europäern hält.




The Importance of Hülsmann’s Groundbreaking book Abundance, Generosity, and the State

05/07/2024 Jeffery L. Degner

Guido Hülsmann’s Abundance, Generosity, and the State provides readers with an explanation of the nature and causes of gratuitous goods. Hülsmann demonstrates how free …………………..



Wie die EU die privaten Reisen ihrer Hof-Parlamentarier zahlt

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Do, 9. Mai 2024 Reisekostenerstattungen noch und nöcher

Die Wahlen zum EU-Parlament rücken näher. Grund genug, sich auch mit den Lebensbedingungen der EU-Parlamentarier zu beschäftigen. Können sie unter diesen …………………….



‚Strategic Stupidity‘

By Ira Katz May 9, 2024

I am a dual citizen of the United States and France. Of course the whole world knows the obvious, that my US president Joe Biden is a senile old fool. But it is not so obvious that my ……………………….



Welcome to the Warfare State

By Doug Casey International Man May 9, 2024

War is one of the few things that only the State can do. Indeed, as Randolph Bourne said, “War is the health of the State.” Let’s briefly discuss the nature of the State to see why World War 3 is on the way.




Brandenburg stellt zwei kaputte Windräder unter Denkmalschutz

Mi, 8. Mai 2024

Zwei Windräder, die seit mehreren Jahren stillstehen, sollen unter Denkmalschutz gestellt werden. Damit vermeiden die Eigentümer hohe Zahlungen für den Rückbau veralteter Windkraftanlagen. Schünows Bürgermeisterin droht mit einer Klage gegen die Entscheidung.




Smearing the ‚Enemy‘ – A Typical U.S. Info-Op

Moon of Alabama May 9, 2024

Here is an example of a fairly typical U.S. information operation – this one against China.

On April 20 the New York Times, in collaboration with some German media, came up with …………………..



The Nation’s Conscience

The courageous stance of students across the country in defiance of genocide is accompanied by a near total blackout of their voices. Their words are the ones we most need to hear.

Chris Hedges May 08, 2024

NEW YORK CITY: I am sitting on a fire escape across the street from Columbia University with three organizers of the Columbia University Gaza protest. It is night. New York City Police, stationed inside and outside the gates of the campus, have placed the campus on ………………..



Die Aufsichtsbehörden orchestrieren Notverkauf der First Republic an JP Morgan: Das sind die Hintergründe

Die First Republic ist schon die dritte grosse amerikanische Bank, die in diesem Jahr in Existenznot geraten ist. Nun haben die Behörden die Notbremse gezogen. Ist das das Ende der Bankenkrise, oder wird diese nun chronisch? Christof Leisinger, New York 01.05.2023,




War What Is It Good For – Seinfeld

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice May 9, 2024

The Gospel of Matthew (2:166-18) in which Herod The Great, King of Judea, orders the execution of all male children who are two years old and under in the vicinity of Bethlehem ………………….



Opposing the War Machine Is Cool Again, and the Empire’s Getting Nervous

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com May 9, 2024

American rapper Macklemore has released a single titled “Hind’s Hall”, the name given to Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall by anti-genocide protesters in honor of the six year-old Hind Rajab who was murdered in Gaza by Israeli forces. The artist says all proceeds from the …………………….



Our Deer In The Headlights Moment

The “Worst Market Crash Since 1929” Is Rapidly Approaching And The Fed Doesn’t Know Which Way To Go. By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse May 9, 2024

The Federal Reserve is stuck between a rock and a hard place.  If the Fed pushes rates higher, interest payments on our 34 trillion dollar national debt could spin wildly out of control and ……………………



Sind normale Bürger Gewaltopfer minderer Güte?

Wer „demokratischen“ Politikern Gewalt antut, soll härter bestraft werden, als wenn er den gemeinen Bürger angreift? Welch undemokratische Idee. Selbst als es für Politiker der ……………………..



Lt. Col. Danny Davis and I Talk Ukraine and the U.S. Military

8 May 2024 by Larry Johnson

Had my first live chat with retired Lt. Colonel Danny Davis (U.S. Army) on Tuesday and we had what I thought was a healthy, insightful discussion on Ukraine and the non-viability of ……………………



The American Labor Market: Fact vs. Fiction

05/08/2024 Jacob R. Swartz

When we consider markets, we typically think of commerce – the buying and selling of goods ………………….



The Russia-Iran-China Search for a New  Global Security Order

While the collective west is in the grips of an existential legitimacy crisis, the RIC is devising its own security order to protect the rest of the world from the ‘genocidals‘.

By Pepe Escobar The Cradle May 8, 2024




Withdrawing from the Rat Race Is Going Global

May 6, 2024

Mere mortals are left in a hopeless situation. In response, they’re withdrawing from the ………………………



Crunching Numbers: Ukraine Munitions „Ramp-up“ Buzz, Real or Hype?

Simplicius May 08, 2024

There have been some new production updates, so I wanted to do a little breakdown to see how plausible the West’s claims of significant production ramp-ups really are.

We’ll start with the mainstay of the 155mm artillery rounds. The latest big announcement is …………………



White Genocide Is in the Cards That Are Being Played

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org May 8, 2024

Three decades ago in my book, The New Color Line, I pointed out that Alfred W. Blumrosen, compliance chief of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, turned the statutory ………………..



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