Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Menschen, die korrupte Politiker wählen, Betrüger, Diebe und Verräter – sind keine Opfer, sondern Komplizen.

— George Orwell

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Illegal im Amt: Thüringer VS-Chef Stephan Kramer

  1. Mai 2024

kurzem wurde öffentlich, dass Stephan Kramer Mitglied im Stiftungsrat der linksradikalen Amadeu Antonio Stiftung ist. Jetzt stellt sich heraus, dass er weder ein abgeschlossenes Jura-Studium vorweisen kann, noch über die gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Befähigung zum ………………………



Am Fall Wilders wird klar, welchen Gefallen wir der AfD nicht tun sollten

Kommentar von Hugo Müller-Vogg, 20.5.24

n den Niederlanden kommen die Rechtspopulisten des Geert Wilders zum ersten Mal an die Regierung. Lange hatten die anderen Parteien Wilders auszugrenzen versucht – und dadurch ……………………



Wenn linke Studentinnen muslimische Vergewaltiger anbeten: Der Feminismus ist fucked

FOCUS-Kolumne von Jan Fleischhauer, 18.5.24

Was treibt linke Studentinnen in die Anbetung eines archaischen Todeskults? Ist es die Auflehnung gegen die Eltern? Oder handelt es sich um die Epidemie einer geistigen Störung, …………………..



Statement of ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan KC: Applications for arrest warrants in the situation in the State of Palestine

Today I am filing applications for warrants of arrest before Pre-Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court in the Situation in the State of Palestine.




Ohio Prohibits Migrants from Voting

The federal government of the United States has been compromised. It is now up to the states to defend our right to free elections and implement laws to prohibit non-citizens from having any say in our elected leaders. Ohio  Secretary of State Frank LaRose has purged all non-……………………..



Der will es wissen

Der Anwalt Joachim Steinhöfel hat sich einen Ruf als entschlossener Verteidiger der Meinungsfreiheit erworben. Jetzt hat er ein Buch geschrieben, das verirrten Politikern in diesem Lande die Schamröte ins Gesicht treiben sollte.




Judge Napolitano and I Discuss Iran, the ICC and General Cavoli

20 May 2024 by Larry Johnson

There is a lot of speculation swirling through social media regarding the death of Iran’s President and Foreign Minister and others in, what appears to be, a tragic helicopter crash. ………………….



Dichtung und Wahrheit im Trump-Wahlkampf

Die Berichterstattung über Donald Trump und den US-Wahlkampf ist in deutschen Medien oft von Wunschdenken und vielfach von Vorurteilen geprägt. Unser Autor Roger Letsch ……………………



Milei wird in Madrid gefeiert – und eckt ordentlich an

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Di, 21. Mai 2024

Der argentinische Präsident Javier Milei war eigens angereist, um die Sozialisten der neuen EU zu geißeln. Das gelang. Die spanische Regierung spricht von einem „Frontalangriff auf unsere Demokratie“. Dabei ging es doch nur um Premier Sánchez und seine Frau.




Einmal und immer mehr: „Failed State“ Berlin

Von Josef Kraus Mo, 20. Mai 2024 „Sparliste des Grauens“ des Berliner Senats

Wenn es nicht um die Sicherheit von 3,9 Millionen Menschen ginge: Die Kapitale entwickelt sich zur Lachnummer sowie zum Paradies und Eldorado für Kriminelle aller Art.

Die Bundeshauptstadt Berlin wird mehr und mehr zur Problemstadt. Egal ob sie rot oder grün ……………………



No, Corporate Profits Don’t Cause Inflation


The Guardian reported,

A new report claims “resounding evidence” shows that high corporate profits are a main driver of ongoing inflation, and companies continue to keep prices high even as their ……………………



Western Generals and Pundits Still Traffic in False Assumptions About Russia

19 May 2024 by Larry Johnson

A key task in any analysis is to identify your underlying assumptions about the activity or person you are assessing. If you indulge false assumptions, then your entire analytical …………………..



Correlations Explained

It is crucial to understand correlations as EVERYTHING fluctuates! There is absolutely nothing that remains constant. You MUST understand that correlations are NOT one for one, and often show changes in advance of turns. It is a lot to keep track of but this is why I try to ………………….



Auch Christdemokraten riefen Anti-Hitler-Parole „Alles für Deutschland“

Vergangene Woche erschien hier der vielbeachtete Beitrag „Auch Sozialdemokraten riefen ,Alles für Deutschland‘“. Aus Gründen der Vollständigkeit erfolgt heute diese Fortsetzung.

Es ist Anfang 1950. Das nationalsozialistische Regime ist Vergangenheit. Das Verderben, das ……………………



Verschuldung: Die Ampel spielt Mikado

Der hypertrophe Sozialstaat frisst die Finanzmittel auf, die man zur Unterstützung der Ukraine, zur Ertüchtigung der Bundeswehr und zur Modernisierung der maroden Infrastruktur viel dringender braucht.




SITREP 5/19/24: Ukrainian Streets Deserted as New Mobilization Hits

Simplicius May 20, 2024

There isn’t one big development today, but a series of smaller but still relevant items to update on to keep things within scope as the overall picture continues to escalate in the war in Ukraine and elsewhere. So, this report will be a bit scattershot as I cover many topics.




Die Justiz schont von der Leyen mindestens bis Ende 2024 in Sachen „Pfizergate“

Von Josef Kraus Mo, 20. Mai 2024

Ein nicht nur peinliches, sondern skandalöses Drumherum, über das die deutsche Presse weitestgehend schweigt. Vor der EU-Wahl vom 6. bis 9. Juni wird UvdL nichts mehr ……………………



Wie Wilders den EU-Ausstieg der Niederlande anpacken will

Von Matthias Nikolaidis So, 19. Mai 2024 Im Streit um Asyl, Natur und Stickstoff:

Geert Wilders ist mit seiner PVV im Zentrum der Macht angekommen. Zusammen mit drei anderen Parteien will er die „strengste Asylpolitik aller Zeiten“ einführen, mit oder ohne die EU. Die sieht so etwas nicht gern. Und: Er will den „Opt-Out“ – die Niederlande übernehmen aus Brüssel nur, was ihnen paßt.




Palestinians Threaten to Attack US Troops

by Bassam Tawil May 20, 2024

[The Palestinians] seem confident that if the Biden administration is rewarding them for malign behavior, it is clearly working, so why not keep it up?




White Ethnicities Are Being Replaced

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org May 20, 2024

What is happening in the US is happening everywhere in the Western world. As the empire itself is rotten, so must be its constituent parts.




Globalists Plot Worldwide Genocide Via WHO Pandemic Treaty

By Richard C. Cook Global Research, May 12, 2024

With all the trouble in today’s world, including the completely pointless American-instigated ………………..



Javier Milei, the Beginning of the End of Socialist World Domination?

By Thomas Jacob May 20, 2024

Javier Milei, the beginning of the end of socialist world domination?

Murray Rothbard provided the theory, Javier Milei is it’s first political reality, and here comes ………………….



Why Israel Is in Deep Trouble

By John Mearsheimer and Tom Switzer, May 20, 2024



The House-Endorsed Definition of Antisemitism Provokes a Rift with Christianity

Carina Benton, 17.5.24

When the House of Representatives voted 320 to 91 last week in support of the Antisemitism …………………



The Myth of Good and Bad Nations

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. May 20, 2024

The gang of neocons who control brain-dead “President” Joe Biden view international politics as a struggle between good and evil nations. Sometimes, it isn’t the people of the enemy ………………..



The Palestinian People Two Years After the Beginning of the State of Israel & Today

By Fr. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy May 20, 2024

The video I sent to you on May 10, 2024 is the visually documented truth of what Palestine was from 1920 to 1948, before the State of Israel came into existence in 1948. Palestine was a ………………..



Western Liars Aggressively Promote WW III in Europe

By Joachim Hagopian Global Research May 20, 2024

Things appear no better this week on WWIII’s European front. That unelected worm, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at a Monday May 13th meeting of the Policy Exchange think ……………….



The Shooting of Prime Minister Robert Fico

A Day that will Live in Infamy By Emanuel Pastreich Fear No Evil May 20, 2024

The shooting of Robert Fico, Prime Minister of Slovakia, on May 15th was a clear move by ………………..



Georgia On My Mind

18 May 2024 by Larry Johnson

Yes, I will post Ray Charles, but I am not thinking about Ray’s Georgia. Nope. I am thinking about the frantic Western effort to launch a color revolution in Georgia, because that ……………………



Ukraine SitRep: Kharkiv Incursion Forensics – Attacks On Russia And Russian Revenge

On May 11 I had analyzed the Russian move towards Kharkiv and concluded that it was designed to create a ’sanitary zone‘ along the boarder, not to take Kharkiv:




Nuclear Option Has Foreign Central Banks Dodging the Dollar and Going for Gold

05/17/2024  Douglas French

In the currency playground, the United States is the world’s biggest bully. With the world’s reserve currency Uncle Sam doesn’t use the dollar for diplomacy but for destruction. ……………



How Westward Expansion Strengthened the Federal Government

05/16/2024 Ryan McMaken

Historian Charles Tilly once famously described the origins of the state as this: “war made the state and the state made war.” Tilly also understood, however, that the process of building and consolidating state power involved much more than simply waging wars against competing …………………..



State Intervention and Anarchy

By Wanjiru Njoya Mises.org May 17, 2024

In Against the State, Lew Rockwell emphasizes that the assault on our liberties from the state is not merely “the product of temporary malfunctions. To the contrary, the state is by nature …………………..



Peter Schiff: Biden Lies Again on Inflation

SchiffGold.com May 17, 2024

This week on the Peter Schiff Show, Peter covers a week of dismal economic reports. Both jobless claims and consumer sentiment came in worse than expected last week, with both ……………………



Whistling Past the National Train Wreck

Donald Jeffries May 15, 2024 Pointlessly rearranging the deck chairs

There are only so many ways one can say that America is collapsing. That the Fat Lady is nearing the end of her song. That we’re running on fumes. If Yogi Berra were around, he’d say it’s over. We had a good run, as far as civilizations go. We were the light of the world for …………………



Biden’s Handlers Impose Massive Destructive Tarriffs

By Helena Glass  Helena-The Nationalist Voice May 17, 2024

The Biden Handlers have imposed Tariffs on China:  semiconductors 50%, syringes 50%, lithium batteries 25%. Electric vehicles 100%.  Steel and Aluminum 25%.  The purpose is to …………………..



The West Has an Illiterate Financial Press

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org May 17, 2024

The entire the financial press has zero understanding of basic economics. The financial “journalists” just print press releases.

The US debt has never mattered, because the US dollar is the world reserve currency. That …………………….



Slovak Prime Minister Shot and Gravely Injured, Firmly Opposed to ‚Pandemic Treaty‘

By Peter Koenig Global Research May 17, 2024

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot today – 15 May 2024 – and gravely injured, as he was greeting and shaking hands with the crowd in the center town of Handlova, Slovakia, ……………….



Vor der Richtungsentscheidung

Blick aus Österreich 17. Mai 2024 –

Andreas TögelWie auch in allen anderen Ländern der EU stehen in Österreich in naher Zukunft Wahlen zum Europaparament ins Haus. Die werden von Herrn und Frau Österreicher traditionell mehrheitlich als ……………….



Russia, China and Iran Must Not Seize Control of Sudan

by Con Coughlin May 16, 2024

Moscow has undertaken a radical change in its involvement in the Sudanese conflict, with the Kremlin now providing al-Burhan’s Islamist-aligned SAF its „uncapped“ military support.

In return, Moscow is hoping the Sudanese leader will honour a deal struck in 2020 to allow ………………



Japan’s most senior cancer doctor: COVID shots are ‘essentially murder’

Dr. Masanori Fukushima has called on the World Health Organization to lead an investigation of the harmful outcomes of the COVID shots.




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