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Um die Unabhängigkeit des Volkes zu bewahren, dürfen wir unserer Regierung nicht erlauben, uns mit ewigen Schulden zu belasten.

— Thomas Jefferson

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Monsterwindräder-Plan: Kommt jetzt ein Bürgerentscheid?

In der Nähe von Leipzig ist bekanntlich der Bau von Deutschlands größten Windrädern (Höhe 290 Meter) geplant und stößt auf Widerstand. Letzte Woche scheiterte ein Überredungsversuch.




Radikal fürs Klima

Von Boris Blaha.

Es soll mal wieder mehr revolutionäre Radikalität walten, diesmal um das dumme Volk mit Gewalt auf die heilsgewisse Klimalinie zu zwingen.

Alles Nazis außer Mutti war gestern. Jene, welche noch vor Kurzem mit dem Finger auf jeden …………………..



How Artificial Intelligence Will Radically Transform the World

By Doug Casey International Man May 23, 2024

International Man: Amazing new technologies—once the realm of science fiction—are now an imminent reality.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most critical areas where this is happening.




Sad To Day, but By the Numbers, Israeli Society Is Sysstematically Sociopathic

By Ilana Mercer May 23, 2024

In teasing out right from wrong, discriminate we must between acts that are criminal only because The State has criminalized them (mala prohibita), as opposed to acts which are universally evil (malum in se). Israel’s sacking of Gaza is malum in se, universally evil. Gaza is clearly an easy case in ethics. It’s not as though the genocide underway in Gaza could ever be finessed or gussied up.




Die Ampel enttarnt auf 59 Seiten ihr Verständnis von „Demokratie“-Förderung

Von Josef Kraus Do, 23. Mai 2024

Ausgerechnet zum 75. „Geburtstag“ des Grundgesetzes legt die Ampel ein „Demokratiefördergesetz“ vor, mit dem die Förderung linksradikaler und linksextremer Gruppen nicht ausgeschlossen wird.




Nach der Gold-Rekordjagd beginnt jetzt auch eine Silber-Rally – Lohnt sich der Einstieg?

Do, 23. Mai 2024

Während das gelbe Metall rasant zulegte, tat sich bei dem günstigeren Anlagegut lange wenig. Jetzt durchbrach der Silberpreis eine wichtige Marke. Vor allem ein Trend könnte den Preis noch weiter treiben.




From Covid-19 to Campus Protests: How the Police State Muzzles Free Speech

By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute May 23, 2024

“Politicians of both parties want to use the power of government to silence their foes. Some in the university community seek to drive it from their campuses. And an entire generation of ……………………



Foreign Agent Laws -Good in US – Bad in Slovakia

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice May 23, 2024

Foreign Agent laws are in place in the United States, Russia, Hungary, Australia, Canada, EU and Ukraine. Other countries, including Slovakia and Georgia have recently proposed similar ………………………..



Last Dance at the Vampire Ball: West Searches for Answers to Its Demise

Simplicius May 23, 2024

As the reality of the coming Russian victory over the combined NATO Leviathan has slowly dawned on the West, it has engendered a poignant shift in the increasingly high-pitched narrative. The comprador elite class has awakened to the fact that their global order is on the brink of dissolution, following Russia’s unclothing of their designs. The many decades of …………………



Erik Prince: CIA Corruption, Killer Drones, and Government Surveillance

By Tucker Carlson May 23, 2024



The Eight Stages Of The Civilization’s Collapse: Once A Breakdown Starts It Will be Unstoppable And It Will Completely Overwhelm A City Within Just A Few Days

Milan Adams Uncategorized May 22, 2024

In the history of the world, nations and even empires have risen, then declined and were lost to time, leaving only artifacts behind for archaeologists to piece together what




Parents Sue Indian Govt for COVID Vaccine Deaths

“Doctors knew Covid vaccine’s side-effects killed my daughter. But they didn’t tell us,” one parent from India told a reporter from the Times of India. We know that AstraZeneca recently revealed their vaccine could cause fatal side effects, which the company failed to reveal until ………………….



West Grapples With Chaos as Ukraine and Gaza Crises Worsen

22 May 2024 by Larry Johnson

Each passing day brings more dire news for Ukraine, as Russia steps up attacks all along the line of contact. Russia is pursuing a swarm strategy — think of a swarm of bees attacking ……………………



How the Fed Helped Create the China Bubble—and Bust


The salvo from Washington as it unleashes the Green War with China leaves no doubt about the perilous state of Sino-US relations, and, incidentally, about Bidenomics. Yet, the remnant of a strong monetary link between the two countries brakes the journey into an intensified ……………………



What Israel Is Doing to Gaza Is a Choice


Anyone who has voiced opposition to what the government of Israel is currently doing in Gaza has undoubtedly heard the various ways Israel’s defenders excuse, dismiss, and justify Israel’s actions. Sometimes you’ll hear that the Israel Defense Force (IDF) is doing ……………………



Blockheizkraftwerke: Heiße Luft und hohes Risiko – Luana


Auffälligkeiten. Blockheizkraftwerke der Luana Gruppe wurden von einer Firma der Gruppe an eine weitere ohne Wertgutachten verkauft. © Adobe Stock, Stiftung Warentest (M)

Die Luana AG bietet nachhaltige Anlageprodukte an. Dabei gibt es jedoch Auffälligkeiten, vor denen die ……………….



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