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If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.

— James Madison

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Was sie euch morgen verbieten wollen!

Um das Klima zu schützen, fordern Autoren einer neuen Studie die Einschränkung von Werbung, um die Bevölkerung zum Kauf klimafreundlicher Produkte zu erziehen. Es ist ein Dokument deutschen Durchgeknalltseins.




Industrial Policy Is Back—and It’s a Gigantic Mistake


Since the financial crisis, policymakers in Western economies have turned increasingly toward large-scale industrial policies. So-called mission-oriented policies are launched as a response to many perceived problems, notably climate change and the recent urge among …………………..



Why Politicians Cannot Be Trusted with Just War Theory


Most modern aspects of just war theory found in the West can be traced to




Finnland will Pushbacks nach Russland legalisieren

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Fr, 24. Mai 2024

Die Ostroute erregt den öffentlichen Medienkomplex wie keine andere. Nirgendwo reagieren Medien empfindlicher auf illegale Einreisen. Nun könnte etwas daraus folgen: Finnland will Migranten an der Grenze zurückweisen.




Die beiden Tage der Schande an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Fr, 24. Mai 2024

Als die Präsidentin der Humboldt-Universität leichtsinnig darauf verzichtete, von ihrem Hausrecht Gebrauch zu machen und die Universität räumen zu lassen, akzeptierte sie die Besetzung durch pro-palästinensische Aktivisten. Sie akzeptierte damit den Antisemitismus – ………………………



Die heiße Phase der WHO-Verhandlungen

Do, 23. Mai 2024

Derzeit befinden wir uns in der „heißen Phase“ vor der vom 27. Mai bis zum 1. Juni 2024 stattfindenden 77. Weltgesundheitsversammlung, dem aus Delegationen aller WHO-……………………



Trojanisches Pferd BSW

Von Olaf Opitz Fr, 24. Mai 2024 Getrennt marschieren – gemeinsam schlagen

Die Linke alias PDS alias SED ist eine untergehende Partei. Doch mit der Flucht vieler älterer Genossen zum Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) steht ihr ein Rettungsboot zum Überleben ………………….



The Conflct in Ukraine: How Do Matters Stand?

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org May 24, 2024

I have tried to provide accurate analysis of the conflict in Ukraine. This is not a simple task as there is little publicly available information about how the Kremlin sees the widening of the conflict. France has sent troops. The US Secretary of Defense said that eventually NATO …………………..



World War I Incited the Vampires

By George F. Smith May 24, 2024

Commentaries about World War I frequently talk about causes and consequences but almost never mention the enablers.  At best, they might mention them approvingly, as if we were …………………….



An Unraveling, Secession or WW III

By Karen Kwiatkowski May 24, 2024

In a recent article, Alistair Crooke quotes former Israeli diplomat Alon Pinkas, who observes that Israel is in early stages of a civil war between the secular, modern Israel and the “Jewish-……………….



Bundesregierung: Neokolonialer Totalschaden in Afrika

Die Bundesregierung ist in Sachen „Elefantenaffäre“ offenbar entschlossen, gegenüber afrikanischen Staaten wie Botswana weiterhin Porzellan zu zerschlagen. Die neusten deplazierten Reaktionen auf Kritik werden sich rächen.

Botswana schätzt deutsche Belehrung und moralische Deutungshoheit nicht. Der Präsident ………………….



Constant Killing

Despite Blood on Its Hands, The Pentagon Once Again Fails to Make Amends

By Nick Turse TomDispatch.com May 24, 2024

There are constants in this world — occurrences you can count on. Sunrises and sunsets. The tides. That, day by day, people will be born and others will die.




The Crimes of Nuremberg

The truth about the first installment negates calling for a sequel. Good Citizen, May 22, 2024

A philosophy major, communications major, and history major walk into a campus bar. The philosophy major orders three bourbons, and asks the communications major why he chose …………………..



The Unifying Principle: Here’s Why the Political Divisions in the US Today Cannot Be Mended

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us May 24, 2024

Recently I was watching a short documentary about the history of political discourse and division in the US and it got me thinking about how the internal conflicts of the past might ……………………..



The Secret Reason Hamas’s Friends – Ireland, Norway, Spain (and Germany) – Are Helping the Palestinians

by Bassam Tawil May 24, 2024

Ireland, Norway and Spain should have advised the Palestinians that if they wanted anything from Israel, they should sit down and negotiate with the Israelis, and not try to impose any ………………….



Covid Conspiracy Fact: Vindication is Bittersweet

By Daisy Luther The Organic Prepper May 24, 2024

The so-called Covid “Conspiracy Theories” are collapsing one after another in courts of law and we can call most of them a Covid Conspiracy Fact. The actual disinformation came from …………………..



If You Can’t Even Elect A Candidate Who’ll End A Genocide, How Real Is Your ‚Democracy‘?

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com May 24, 2024

The Biden administration has reportedly approved of an Israeli assault on Rafah, the last slightly safe city in the Gaza Strip, and is openly preparing to work with Congress to punish …………………….



No Matter What the U.S. Does to Arm Ukraine, There Is No Path To Victory

23 May 2024 by Larry Johnson

Something a little different today. Retired Lt. Colonel Danny Davis did a virtual sit-down …………………..



The Role of Grandparent Vanishing from Society

I discussed how the rising costs of childcare surpass the cost of rent by 25% to 50% across the United States. The cost of raising a child is directly reflected in the birth rate crisis we are ………………..



Prof. John Mearsheimer: How Will the War in Gaza End?



Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State

July 29, 2022





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