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Wo es keine Marktwirtschaft gibt, sind alle gesetzlichen Garantien der Freiheitsrechte wertlos. Was soll Pressefreiheit in einem Lande, in dem alle Druckereien von der Regierung verwaltet werden? Oder Versammlungsfreiheit, wenn alle Versammlungshallen Regierungseigentum sind?

— Ludwig von Mises

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Planwirtschafts-Exzesse: Deutschland als “Netto-Null Valley”

Die EU-Kommission will die Dekarbonisierung der europäischen Industrie beschleunigen und bedient die Interessen von Investoren, nicht jedoch ihrer Bürger, die im Zweifel frieren sollen.




Berlins befremdliche Interpretation von Freundschaft und Staatsräson

Von Laszlo Trankovits Mo, 27. Mai 2024

Gräueltaten der Hamas ignoriert – Isolation Israels wächst – „Pogrom der Justiz“ – deutsche Sehnsucht nach Äquidistanz.




Es braucht einen Mentalitätswechsel

Von Mario Thurnes So, 26. Mai 2024

Die Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer hat die größten Risiken vorgestellt, die Unternehmer für ihr Geschäft sehen. Das Ergebnis zeigt: Es wird nicht genügen, an einzelnen Stellschrauben zu drehen.




Martin Armstrong Interview: Timeline for World War III, US Debt Default



SITREP 5/26/24: NATO’s Yipping Chihuahuas Strain Their Leash as Russia Gears Up for Next Wave

Simplicius May 27, 2024

We start today with a new Hollywood production that must be seen to be believed for its crass dramatization and phony caricaturization of the war by the actor Zelensky:




Federal Prosecutors Admit in Court that Hunter Biden Laptop is Legit

26 May 2024 by Larry Johnson

Hunter Biden, believe it or not, is in big trouble. The Federal Judge hearing the criminal case brought against Hunter for lying about his drug use when he purchased a firearm just ruled …………………



More on Tactical Nuke Exercises and Russian Escalatory Options

25 May 2024 by Larry Johnson

I want to follow up on my recent article, Understanding Military Exercises, and give you a deeper understanding why Russia is doing a tactical nuke exercise and what is the Russian General Staff wanting to achieve.




The Last Conservative

05/24/2024 David Gordon

Imagine that you come across this about the “education premium” on someone’s blog: “By going to college, you are more than tripling your chances for success in after life.” The ………………………..



Doctor Copper Is Sending Signals Our Way

05/23/2024 Mark Thornton

The price of copper has hit an all-time high. This represents a signal about the world economy. The euphemism on Wall Street for the implications of the price of copper is called Doctor Copper.




Friday Update — ICJ Rules Against Israel As Ukraine Crosses a Major Red Line

25 May 2024 by Larry Johnson

It has been a pretty busy Friday. I spoke to the Schiller Institute via a Zoom call, alongside Ray McGovern and Graham Fuller. Graham, for you youngsters out there, is a distinguished ……………………



SITREP 5/24/24: Situation Turns Critical as De-legitimized Zelensky Dangerously Escalates

Simplicius May 25, 2024

Let’s get right into the most pressing development: a narrative overload has swelled around the topic of allowing Ukrainian strikes on Russian soil. It has suddenly become the top coordinated focus for the entire deepstate establishment, with Zelensky and complicit …………………….



The Free World: An Alarming Status Report

by Majid Rafizadeh May 25, 2024

It seems urgent for the long-term survival of the United States and the Free World – where people enjoy unprecedented freedom of speech, property rights, economic opportunity, religious freedom and other civil liberties – not to accept assaults on these hard-won ………………………



Continual Rise in the Cost of Living … And Why the Fed Has No Shame

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner May 25, 2024

Jay Powell did it again assuring the 1% that he has their back.

Markets recovered their poise over the last 24 hours, as investors were relieved after Fed …………………..



ADHD: Ritalin, Cocaine, and the Fraudulent Pharmaceutical Physical and ‚Psychological‘ Torture of Children

By Gary D. Barnett May 25, 2024

“The degree to which the psychiatric community is complicit with abusive parents in drugging non-compliant children is a war crime across the generations, and there will be a Nuremberg at some point in the future.” Stefan Molyneux




Sue for Peace, You Friggin Idiots!

By L. Reichard White May 25, 2024

So, by this time, nearly everyone knows that the U.S. MIC




Blinken Poking the Bear WW III, Using Directed Energy Weapons

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice May 25, 2024

Given that the CIA is running Ukraine and Zelenskyy is simply a figurehead, Blinken is authorizing the CIA to strike inside Russia putting America in the war front and center.  A last ditch solution to Netanyahu’s criminal arrest dilemma.  War. A last ditch effort to forego US elections.  War. All while putting Taiwan on military alert.




The Murder of a Civilization

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org May 25, 2024

A month ago I wrote about the Shieldmaiden, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, a young female Dutch lawyer, who has undertaken the task of encouraging white Europeans to take a stand against the replacement of countries consisting of ethnic nationalities, such as Germans, English, ……………………..



Washington Digs in Deeper on Ist Support for Israel

Claims of “terrorism” and “antisemitism” promote the perpetual victim narrative

By Philip Giraldi The Unz Review May 25, 2024

Judging by developments over the past several weeks, it would appear that nothing going on …………………….



The Consequences of California’s New Minimum Wage Law

05/24/2024 Hal Snarr

The law that establishes California’s minimum wage rate at twenty dollars per hour is purportedly aimed at uplifting the state’s working poor. The role of economics is to evaluate such claims through economic theory and empirical evidence. In mainstream economics, ……………………..



The Intellectual Poverty of Racial Polylogism

05/23/2024 Wanjiru Njoya

In this age of the “decolonized curriculum,” universities have set out to decolonize the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. By “decolonize,” they simply mean that all fields of knowledge should reflect all cultures and not just what they see as “Western” science. Epistemology, too, has been decolonized.




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