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Free government is founded in jealousy, not confidence…. In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.

— Thomas Jefferson (1799)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Links ist der klare Verlierer

Von Olaf Opitz Mo, 27. Mai 2024

Die Parteien von Bodo Ramelows Minderheitsregierung Linke, SPD und Grüne sind beim Entscheid am Sonntag in den Thüringer Kommunen regelrecht eingebrochen. Anders als die meisten Medien berichten, ist die AfD der Wahlsieger, die mit der CDU Kopf an Kopf fast ………………….



Raisi Led the Charge for Russia-Iran-China’s New World Order

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s eastward vision was instrumental in advancing the strategic Moscow–Tehran–Beijing nexus and bulldozing a path toward institutionalizing multipolarity.

By Pepe Escobar The Cradle May 29, 2024




Walking the Precipice

29 May 2024 by Alastair Crooke

Netanyahu paradoxically possesses more leverage over key institutional power-structures in the US than does the White House to pursue his government’s second “War of …………………….



Joseph Stiglitz’s Rocky Road to Serfdom


To say that Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize winner in economics who now teaches at Columbia University, opposes the free market is an understatement. He does not favor complete central planning, he tells us, but wants a balance between market and nonmarket arrangements. …………………..



The Problem with K-Waves

All those investigating cycles within the economy made a simple mistake. Kondratieff followed agriculture/commodity prices when agriculture accounted for 70% of the GDP pre-………………….



Central Banks Are Destroying Our Economies


Central banks’ monetary policies are the most perverse government intervention. Their consequences are dire, last for a very long time, and people don’t perceive them as problems or don’t comprehend the damage they are doing. Monetary policy (monetary expansion and ………………



Steigt das Meer oder sinkt das Land?

Von Uta Böttcher.

Ein kleiner Hinweis für Annalena Baerbock: Die Veränderung des Meeresspiegels muss nicht unbedingt etwas mit dem Klimawandel zu tun haben. Sie kann auch tektonische oder …………………



Biden’s Tariffs Are Another Nail in the Dollar’s Coffin

By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul Institute May 28, 2024

President Biden recently raised taxes on American consumers and businesses and may have hastened the end of the dollar’s world reserve currency status. President Biden did this by increasing tariffs on Chinese imports.




Is Hyper-Inflation that Destroys a Currency a „Solution“?

May 27, 2024

When predicting the future, we’re best served by following „what benefits the wealthy and …………………



Revealed: Israeli spy chief ‘threatened’ ICC prosecutor over war crimes inquiry

Mossad director Yossi Cohen personally involved in secret plot to pressure Fatou Bensouda to drop Palestine investigation, sources say

Harry Davies in Jerusalem Tue 28 May 2024

The former head of the Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence agency, allegedly threatened a chief …………………..



Another Exiled Rusian Billionaire Cries ‚Foul‘ from Bloomberg

By Phil Butler New Eastern Outlook  May 28, 2024

In the latest news from Bloomberg, Vladimir Putin is finally responding to hundreds of billions being stolen from Russian business people by the corrupt Western elites. Or, as the …………………..



Quantitative Brainwashing

By Jeff Thomas  International Man May 28, 2024

We’re all familiar with the term, “quantitative easing.” It’s described as meaning, “A monetary policy in which a central bank purchases government securities or other securities from the market in order to lower interest rates and increase the money supply.”




The Brink of Dissolution: Neurosis in the West as the Levee Breaks

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture May 28, 2024

The paradox is that Team Biden – wholly inadvertently – is midwifing the birth of a ‘new world’. It is doing so by dint of its crude opposition to parturition. The more the western élites push against the birthing – through ‘saving Zionism’; ‘saving European Ukraine’ and by …………………



Lauterbach weiß nix, Faeser tut als ob, Alt-Rot, Grün und Gelb verlieren in Thüringen

Di, 28. Mai 2024

Gewinne und Verluste bei den Thüringer Kommunalwahlen ++ WHO-Pandemie-Abkommen erst mal gescheitert ++ Macron will in Europa führen ++ Faeser und Co tun so, als wollten sie ……………….




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