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Nimm vom Staat das Recht weg, was bleibt dann als eine große Räuberbande?

— Hl. Augustinus von Hippo (Kirchenlehrer)

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Faeser heuert Schwerverbrecher für Kampf gegen „Desinformation“ an| Achtung, Reichelt! vom 10.06.24

Es ist ein guter Tag, eine gute Woche für Deutschland (und Europa). Die links-grüne Vorherrschaft, die Übermacht des neuen, grün lackierten Sozialismus in Politik und Medien, die Ideologie von Gängelung, ……………



Wie SPD und Grüne die Brandmauer beseitigten

Sozialdemokraten und Grüne verlangen von der CDU, nicht mit der AfD zusammenzuarbeiten. Dabei haben sie selber keine Skrupel gezeigt, mit Extremisten zu koalieren.




Betrug mit Klimaschutzprojekten kostet den Steuerzahler 4,5 Milliarden Euro

Di, 11. Juni 2024

Offenbar segnete das Umweltbundesamt einen milliardenschweren Betrug mit Klimaschutzprojekten ab, die keine waren – das Amt erteilte dennoch die Genehmigung. ………………..



Gaza – The Next Fort Lauderdale?

By Eric S. Margolis June 11, 2024

Watching the US Navy build a temporary pier in Gaza was a pathetic display of ineptitude and helplessness.  It was a crass attempt by the Biden administration to deflect the storm of worldwide criticism over its encouragement of Israel’s far right government to crush Gaza to …………………



Myanmar’s Civil War: A Golden Opportunity for U.S. Sabotage of China’s Interests

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture June 11, 2024

Myanmar’s civil war is in a critical phase where the ruling military government is losing significant territory to a broad coalition of insurgent armies. It is estimated that insurgents ……………………



How Germany’s Government Is Either Insane or Outright Evil

By Eric Zuesse The Duran June 11, 2024

After Germany under Hitler signed a peace agreement with Russia in 1939 not to invade …………………….



Socialism’s Very Quiet Revolution

By Wanjiru Njoya Mises.org June 10, 2024

In his 1949 book The Road Ahead: America’s Creeping Revolution, John T. Flynn warns …………………..



‚The Myth of Mass Democracy‘

By Dr. Scott A. Boykin June 10, 2024

There is a persistent and largely unquestioned myth that the United States is a “democracy” in that its government is of, by, and for its people. This myth resides in the idea that there is an ………………….



„We Designed mRNA To Kill“ – CIA Whistleblower?

By Peter Koenig Global Research June 10, 2024

“In a world without laws, where might alone makes right, all of us will ultimately be the losers.”

Jonathan Cook




Don’t Forget the USS Liberty’s Dead and Wounded

By Wayne Stiles Medium June 10, 2024

Reader’s celebrating and remembering veterans on Memorial Day and on D Day should not overlook the sacrifices of the dead and wounded on board the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967.




Inside Israel’s hostage rescue: Secret plans and a deadly ‘wall of fire’

This account is based on more than a dozen interviews with former and current Israeli military officials, family members of hostages and Palestinian eyewitnesses. Steve Hendrix, 9.6.24




The Menace of Political Show Trials

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. June 10, 2024

In recent days, we have had brought home to us what “show trials” are like. They are not confined to Soviet Russia and it satellite countries during the Cold War but are a very present reality to us in America today. Political opponents of Donald Trump charged him with …………………..



Defending Gaza (Part I): Natural-Law Principles Vs. National-Interest Statism

By Ilana Mercer June 10, 2024

The individual’s natural right to life antedates the state apparatus.

Let us not commit the Sin of Abstraction—the sin of escaping into theory, and in so doing, avoiding reality—the reality of Israel’s real sins, real crimes, the crime of all crimes.






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