Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Nimm vom Staat das Recht weg, was bleibt dann als eine große Räuberbande?

— Hl. Augustinus von Hippo (Kirchenlehrer)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Julian Assange Is Being Murdered by a Fake Case that Has No Basis in Law

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org June 12, 2024

In the 1970s Pentagon Official Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers. The New York Times published them. It helped to end the war by showing Americans how they had been …………………..



Rejecting the Status Quo Is the Only Way to Survive

By J.B. Shurk

Can men give birth? Do cow farts cause tornadoes? Must “disinformation” tsars censor words to protect free speech? Should Democrats jail opponents in order to save “democracy”? If you listen to the propaganda press, these are some of the most important




Freiheitskämpfer? Euer „Widerstand“ ist eine Schande

Von Florian Friedman.

Der politische Islam muss mit Verachtung zur Vernunft gebracht werden. Er verdient es nicht, für seine irrationale und expansionistische Ideologie extra Freiräume zu bekommen.

Einer von vielen anti-israelischen Protesten, die man dieser Tage in Berlin beobachten kann: ……………………..



India Angers China with Neutrality on Taiwan

India has made an attempt to remain neutral throughout this massive world conflict. They are in BRICS, conduct business with the West, and abstained from voting for ceasefire between Israel and Palestine. Yet it is not possible to remain neutral amid such intense tensions ………………..



Homer Versus Virgil

Considering the epics of Homer and Virgil will enable us to understand the epochs in which they lived and in which we live and to move toward answering them. Joseph Pearce




Biden Plan: Rebuilding Gaza To Erase Palestine

By Manlio Dinucci  Global Research June 12, 2024




EU Parliamentary Elections: Belgian Prime Minister Resigns, Emanuel Macron Dissolves the National Assembly in France and Germany Inches Further Towards Political Crisis

By Eugyppius A Plague Chronicle June 12, 2024

The results of the European parliamentary elections are in.




Putin has Been a Problem for Forty Years? No, It is Joe Biden.

11 June 2024 by Larry Johnson

I am not surprised anymore when Joe “Alzheimers” Biden drifts off into his imaginary ……………………



What Causes Stagflation?


In the late 1960s Edmund Phelps and Milton Friedman challenged the popular view that there can be a sustainable trade-off between inflation and unemployment. In fact, over time, ………………….



Bureaucracy: The Red Tape that Prevents Economic Growth


Javier Milei’s chainsaw policy has been without a doubt one of the most interesting and important topics of discussion in world politics. Argentina has taken important measures since …………….



The Socialist Road to Destruction Amid So-Called Good Intentions

By Wanjiru Njoya Mises.org June 12, 2024

When socialist schemes fail, as they inevitably do, our attention is immediately drawn away from the destruction they cause to the “good intentions” behind the schemes. They meant …………………………



Im Schatten des Sommermärchens

Spiele für das Volk – in diesem Jahr die Europameisterschaften – dienen als gelungenes Ablenkungsmanöver, während man im Hintergrund neue Gesetze durchwinkt.

Es naht wieder, das deutsche Sommermärchen. Nur noch bis zum 14. Juni muss die ………………..



Frau sitzt nichtsahnend auf Parkbank: Wenig später erlebt sie blutigen Albtraum

Von Angelico Moretti

Frankfurt am Main – Schreckliche Bluttat in der Bankenmetropole Frankfurt am Main. Dort wurde eine Frau (41) am Mainufer unvermittelt mit einem Messer attackiert. Ein junger Mann …………………




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