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Wahrhaftigkeit und Politik wohnen selten unter einem Dach.

— Stefan Zweig

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Zur Ökonomik der Kriegswirtschaft und ihrer Inflation

“Der Friedenszustand ist allein der unter Gesetzen gesicherte Zustand des Mein und Dein in einer Menge einander benachbarter Menschen.”
Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804), Die Metaphysik der Sitten, 1797, 14. Juni 2024

Thorsten Polleit




West Sleepingwalking into Major Wars – Alastair Crooke, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen



Italy’s Days Ahead

While we must first go through some hard times, we will NEVER reform until most people see that this is NOT going in the right direction. It is unbelievable. I was willing to give the …………………..



Neil Oliver on the Reality



The Future According to the ECM



My Analysis of Putin’s Speech — A Chat with Nima

16 June 2024 by Larry Johnson

Nima and I convened for our weekly chat about the latest current events. Because of the consequential nature of Putin’s remarks at the Russian Foreign Ministry, we confined our ………………



Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic

A healthcare worker inoculates Encarnacion Tan Suan, 86, at a vaccination center in San Juan City, Metro Manila, amid the COVID-19 outbreak in the Philippines.

The U.S. military launched a clandestine program amid the COVID crisis to discredit China’s …………………



Irres vom Faktenchecker

Nur weil er auf die Hochwasserdaten des Umweltbundesamtes hinweist, wird ein Achgut-Autor von „Faktencheckern“ wegen „Fehlinformation“ und angeblicher Klimawandel-Leugnung gemaßregelt. Hauptsache, den Kritikern der Alarmisten wird die Reichweite gedrosselt.




Die Brandmauer wird zur Gefängnismauer. DTalk mit Professor Werner J. Patzelt



So leer ist die deutsche Rentenkasse

Daniel Mohr 16.6.24

Finanzminister Lindner verzockt unsere Rente am Aktienmarkt, lautet häufig der Vorwurf gegen die geplante Aktienrente. Falsch. Wir haben fast nichts angespart, was sich verzocken ließe.

Gut 374 Milliarden Euro hat die allgemeine Rentenversicherung in Deutschland vergangenes Jahr für die ……………………



Angriff auf Prospektvermeidungsstrategien

BaFin vermisst Verkaufsprospekte bei der asuco

Die BaFin greift nun bei der Umgehung von Prospektpflichten stärker durch.

Heute Nachmittag verschickte die BaFin eine eher überraschende Meldung. Es handelt sich ………………………..



Why Is Israel Illegally Arresting So Many Palestinians?

15 June 2024 by Larry Johnson

Sometimes there are facts staring you in the face and you fail, initially to see them. That ……………….



G7 of Losers Biden was a Major Embarrassment at G7 Opening Door for Hillary

Zelenskyy had to get up to wake Biden in the middle of the G7 meeting. This only further illustrated that he would step down. Hillary will be drafted at the August Convention for (1) ……………..



National verklemmt statt selbstbewusst deutsch – so seltsam geht Deutschland mit Islam und Migration um

Geschieht ein Messermord, reagiert die Politik immer gleich. Auf grosse Worte folgen keine Taten. Das liegt an der Gleichgültigkeit von Innenministerin Faeser – aber nicht nur.

Eric Gujer 07.06.2024,




Mann erstochen, EM-Fans verletzt  – Getöteter Angreifer von Wolmirstedt ist 27-jähriger Afghane


Wieder einmal soll ein Mann einen anderen erstochen haben. Anschließend verletzt er mehrere Menschen bei einer privaten EM-Party in Wolmirstedt bei Magdeburg schwer. Als Polizisten erscheinen, greift er auch sie an – wird dann aber erschossen. Mittlerweile sind die …………………….



Putin’s Full Speech: BRICS, NATO Expansion and Ukraine Peace Talk Conditions

Last year the Canadian intelligence analyst Patrick Armstrong published this sound advice:


I’m fond of quoting the Duke of Wellington on intelligence:

All the business of war, and indeed all the business of life, is to endeavour to find out what you don’t know by what you do; that’s what I called ‘guessing what was at the other side of the hill.’




„Sie brauchen diese Parteien, um Ihre Schuld kompensieren zu können“ Ein Politikberater zerlegt die Linken


Es ist einer glücklichen Fügung des Schicksals zu verdanken, die den Auftritt von Robert Willacker im Rahmen der „Wiener Prozesse“ überhaupt erst möglich gemacht hat. Da die …………………….



As US Is Being Encircled by Enemies, the US Administration Wants Israel to Surrender to Terrorists

by Majid Rafizadeh June 15, 2024

While Russian warships, including a nuclear submarine, this week docked in Cuba, and with China building a major deep-water port in Peru that could serve the Chinese military, the US ………………….



Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following President Vladimir Putin’s meeting with senior Foreign Ministry officials, Moscow, June 14, 2024

You have all listened to President Vladimir Putin’s remarks and the thorough review he ……………………



Saudi Arabia Drifts Away from Washington and the Dollar

06/15/2024 Ryan McMaken

Earlier this week, those of us who follow news about the US dollar’s global status noticed numerous claims that the US-Saudi petrodollar agreement had “expired” and that the Saudis ………………….



The Quest for Lebensraum

06/14/2024 David Gordon

Adam Tooze’s The Wages of Destruction (2006) has remained since its publication one of the most influential studies of the Nazi economy. Tooze, an economic historian who teaches at Columbia University, writes from a leftist perspective and does not appear to be familiar with ………………..



An Urgent Letter to Vladimir Putin

By L. Reichard White June 15, 2024

Sir: I’ve written some mostly tongue-in-cheek pieces in the past about Western Leaders dissing




Federal Reserve’s Inflation Confirmation Fallacy

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner June 15, 2024

The reason for the dangerously high growth rates of Fed credit is what might be termed the inflation confirmation fallacy. That is to say, once high inflation broke out for the first …………………..



Holznagel: Entwicklungsministerium einsparen

Fr, 14. Juni 2024

Kassensturz mit dem Präsidenten des Bundes der Steuerzahler Reiner Holznagel: Der Ampel fehlt es nicht an Einnahmen, sondern ihre Milliardenausgabenwünsche sprengen jedes Budget. Deutschlands oberster Bürgeranwalt macht konkrete Sparvorschläge und warnt vor Wohlstandsverlust.




Acting As If It Weren’t Really So

By Edward Curtin EdwardCurtin.com June 15, 2024

Laughing on the bus/Playing Games with the faces/She said the man in the gabardine suit was a spy/I said, “Be careful his bowtie is really a camera”
by Paul Simon

Only people who listen to the chorus of reliable alternative media voices warning of the …………………..



Martin Armstrong Interview: 2020 Coup, Bitcoin



Sick and Done With

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com June 15, 2024

“Biden is not well. Everyone knows this even those who support him…the difference is they don’t care and that’s the most frightening aspect of this situation.” Edward Dowd




Dieter Nuhr zu den Grünen: ‚Man muss nicht lesen und schreiben können, um in den Bundestag zu kommen.‘



FOCUS-Kolumne von Jan Fleischhauer – Das Carolin-Prinzip: Der wahre Grund, warum SPD und Grüne so schrecklich verlieren


Wer nach einer Antwort sucht, warum Rot-Grün so schrecklich verloren hat, wird auf einer Internetkonferenz in Berlin fündig. Keine Auseinandersetzung mehr mit Leuten, die anderer …………………..



Pentagon and US Intel Elicit Fear Over Cuba/Russia Chess Move

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice June 15, 2024

CSIS has put forth a report, ‘Bending The Architecture’. …”the global governance system is ………………….



European Mutiny at the Illiberal Order

The mutiny has arisen because many in the West see only too clearly that the western ruling structure is an illiberal mechanical ‘control system’. By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture June 15, 2024




Vladimir Putin Puts West on Notice

14 June 2024 by Larry Johnson

Before delving into today’s momentous events, I want to announce that I have set up a new …………………….



Diese Retro-Autos gelten als Geldanlage – und schonen das Budget

Eine Versteigerung von Luxusautos zeigt, dass Sportwagen nicht immer ein Vermögen kosten. Auf was Sammler beim Kauf achten müssen und welche Modelle nur fürs Herz sind.Markus Hinterberger, Christian Schnell 14.06.2024




„The Train Has Left the Station and No One Can Stop It“

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org June 14, 2024

These are the words of Serbia’s President Aleksander Vucic. He ought to know. He is in the middle of it. He thinks Europe will be at war with Russia in “not more than three or four …………………….



How Many Millennials Will Be Rich Enough to Buy the Boomers‘ Millions of Unaffordable Bungalows?

June 12, 2024

Absent demand from tens of millions of wealthy, high-income buyers, asset valuations will …………………….



When All Crimes Are Those Against the State

By Jeff Thomas International Man June 14, 2024

“Do not encroach against others or their property.”

The above principle is a simple one, yet it’s the basis for all criminal law. In turn, criminal law is the basis for Common Law, the legal system for English-speaking peoples and much of …………………



UK Requires Residents to Register Chickens – War on Farming

The Great Reset requires those in power to usurp our ability to farm and cultivate our own food. What better way to control the masses than to have complete control on their ability to survive. The World Economic Forum has proposed a ban on farming, a ban on gardening, and bans on any attempt to live off the land that already provides us with all we need as humans. …………………..



The Devil is in the Details of any State Takeover of California’s Private Electric Utilities

By Wayne Lusvardi June 14, 2024

“The devil’s greatest trick ever played is to claim he doesn’t exist” – Charles Baudelaire

The current justification for the State of California to take over its three private investor-owned electric ………………..




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