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The only security of all is in a free press.

— Thomas Jefferson

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„Das ist menschenverachtende Forschung“

Professor Roland Wiesendanger war der Erste in Deutschland, der in seiner Studie die Belege für den Laborursprung von SARS-CoV-2 der Öffentlichkeit präsentierte. Heute wird das kaum noch bestritten, aber damals wurde er deshalb von Politik und Medien diffamiert. Zeit für eine Bilanz.




NATO and Israel Hurtling Towards wars of Self-Destruction

19 June 2024 by Larry Johnson

I am not Chicken Little aka Henny Penny — “a little chicken convinced that the sky is falling and that life as we, or at least as chickens know it, is over.” So, when I write that the world ……………………..



Understanding the Montaigne Fallacy


With the world moving more and more in the direction of trade protectionism and war, it is worth remembering the origin of the fallacies upon which this movement is based.

Michel Montaigne, the sixteenth-century minor politician and writer, is credited with the ……………………



Der normalisierte Ehrenmord in Worms, Köln, Bremen und Solingen

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mi, 19. Juni 2024 Langericht Köln befindet über „Totschlag“

Sie erzeugen Schlagzeilen, aber kaum Nachdenken. Die Ehrenmorde, die Frauen wie Männer betreffen können, greifen um sich. Die Täter bleiben reuelos und trotzig gegenüber dem ……………………..



SITREP 6/20/24: Putin Signs Defense Partnership in Historic Pyongyang Trip

Simplicius Jun 20, 2024

In only the second time since the inaugural year 2000, Putin touched down in Pyongyang—to great adulation and fanfare:




Hizbullah Ready To Defeat Israel

On October 8, a day after Hamas attacked Israel, the Lebanese Hizbullah joined the fray. It sent missiles towards military installations in north Israel. 80,000 Israeli settler living in the north fled from their homes. They are still sitting in hotels around Israel and are waiting for ……………….



The Problem with Juneteenth


Today is Juneteenth. One hundred fifty-nine years ago, on June 19, 1865, Major General Gordon Granger arrived in Texas and declared that all slaves in the state were free. The following year, in 1866, residents of the town where Granger had issued the order celebrated …………………….



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