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Free government is founded in jealousy, not confidence…. In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.

— Thomas Jefferson (1799)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Friedrich Merz bittet SPD und Grüne um Verzicht auf Stimmen

Von Mario Thurnes Di, 9. Juli 2024 Die deutsche Spielart der Volksfront

Als Friedrich Merz die Wähler der Ampel aufforderte, im Osten die CDU zu wählen, ging das weitgehend unter. Doch mit dem Beispiel einer Volksfront in Frankreich vor Augen könnte in …………………..



Nato-Jubiläum: Biden ohne Pannen

Von  Susanne Heger Mi, 10. Juli 2024

Biden will nicht abtreten, vehement fordert er von seiner Partei, sich hinter ihn zu stellen. Wehe dem, der ausschert. Jetzt wollte der US-Präsident beim Nato-Jubiläum auch den internationalen Verbündeten beweisen, dass er es noch drauf hat. Die Sorge war groß. Konnte …………………



Orbáns geheimer Bericht vom Putin-Besuch an Charles Michel

Von Boris Kálnoky Di, 9. Juli 2024

Eine ukrainische Zeitung hat Passagen aus einem Brief Viktor Orbáns an EU-Ratspräsident Charles Michel veröffentlicht. Darin berichtet er von seinem Gespräch mit Putin und regt eine …………………..



Frankreich: Postdemokratie schreitet voran

Die französische Stichwahl bedeutet einen Sieg des Sozialismus der Milliardäre über die Bedürfnisse der arbeitenden Klasse.




Kurzkommentar: „Republikanische Front“ auch für Ostdeutschland?

Sahra Wagenknecht träumt schon vom Ministerpräsidentenamt für ihre Partei.




Fate of Biden Hangs Over the NATO Summit Like a Ghost Conjured by Shakespeare

9 July 2024 by Larry Johnson

The hot political event this year is the NATO Summit in Washington, DC. All Western world leaders showed up, not to discuss NATO’s future, but to see if Joe Biden survives the meetings without dumping a load in his Depends or keeling over dead. Sort of the same ……………………..



Biden Aims to Ban Restrictions on Migrant Voters

The Biden team is out of options after his disastrous presidential debate. In fact, the entire Democratic Party is in dire straits due to the state of the economy, ongoing warfare, and migrant crisis. The people “technically not supposed to be here,” as Joe Biden once candidly said, would certainly vote blue as their meal ticket would run dry if anyone else were in ……………………..



US Bodycount 35 KIA After Russian Missile Strike – Gorilla Radio Counts What Next

by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

The latest Russian Defense Ministry daily bulletin was issued on Wednesday afternoon, July 9.  Since then the Pentagon and the White House have been as silent as the tomb.

Make that thirty-five American tombs.




Today’s Beltway ‚Pilot Fish‘: ‚Those Who Pursue Self-Interest Through Politics‘

by Lawrence Kadish July 9, 2024

Two short years ago I invoked the words of the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix ………………………



Habeck subventioniert Monsterdienstwagen

Zwei bis drei Tonnen schwere Elektromonster bis zu einem Kaufpreis von 95.000 Euro sind das neueste Förder-Objekt von Robert Habeck. Den kleinen Leuten wird das Autofahren derweil vergällt.




Three American Declarations

(Two OF Independence, One Against) By Thomas DiLorenzo July 9, 2024

Three of the most important American political declarations are the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson Davis’s inaugural address, and Abraham Lincoln’s first inaugural …………………..



The real problem with Biden and Trump

Tom Mullen Jul 08, 2024

Winds of uncertainty swirl inside the imperial beltway as prominent Democrats continue to call on President Biden to abandon his campaign for the presidency due to his now acknowledged cognitive issues. The Atlantic last week went so far as to call for Biden to ……………………..



The Extraordinarily Deceived U.S. & UK Publics About Assange

By Eric Zuesse Eric’s Substack July 9, 2024

The only international poll that sampled many countries simultaneously about Assange or his WikiLeaks so as to be able to compare the opinions internationally was by Reuters, headlining …………………



War and Famine

America’s War on Terror and the Wasting of Our Democracy

By Andrea Mazzarino TomDIspatch.com July 9, 2024

Many war stories end with hunger wreaking havoc on significant portions of a population. In Christian theology, the Biblical “four horses of the apocalypse,” believed by many in early …………………….



The Supreme Court Gives Back to Congress the Power It Gave to Executive Branch Lawmaking Many Years Ago

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org July 9, 2024

Prior to the 1930s “New Deal” regulatory agencies, Congress controlled the law. A statute mean what Congress said. Thereafter, a statute meant whatever the regulatory agency said it …………………..



Election Reflections and the Farage Factor

Britain is retreating into greater socialism. The political landscape will alter accordingly. But it is Nigel Farage who could go into the history books.




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