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Gib einem Hungernden einen Fisch, und er wird einmal satt, lehre ihn Fischen, und er wird nie wieder hungern.

— Laotse

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos




Tja, liebes Berlin: Trump kommt 

Trump kommt. Was tun? Beten? All denen, die den nun fast hundertprozentig sicheren nächsten US-Präsidenten für den Gottseibeiuns halten, könnte in der Tat nichts anderes übrig …………………



EU-Migrationsfahrplan: Wie aus illegaler Migration reguläre wird

Das EU-Migrations- und Asylpaket wird vermutlich kaum zu einer Verringerung der Asylanträge führen – von Rückführungen ganz zu schweigen. Er zeigt die Ideologie einer …………………



Überraschung in der ‚taz‘: Linker Autor rechnet mit linker Migrationspolitik ab

Knallharter Kommentar: Linke und Grüne wüssten nicht, dass „in vielen Grundschulen Kinder kein Deutsch können“ 15.07.2024 Sebastian Deisler

Bei diesem Text dürfte mancher „taz“-Leser sich die Augen reiben: Ein Autor der ausdrücklich linken Zeitung wünscht sich einen Kurswechsel in Deutschlands Migrationspolitik!




American History Altered by a Fraction of an Inch

by Lawrence Kadish July 15, 2024

Once again, American history has been altered by a fraction of an inch.

Donald Trump’s wound could have been catastrophic by such a margin.

Teddy Roosevelt survived an assassination attempt when the bullet lodged in a rolled up copy ……………………



How Corporate Bailouts Inflate the Money Supply


Many claim the problem with fractional reserve banking is that it loans money into existence. It does, but under normal circumstances the money created by commercial banks disappears …………………



Javier Milei, die ersten 6 Monate | #3

  1. Juli 2024 – von Stephan Ring Der Kulturkampf

Neben all diesen Aufgaben widmet sich Milei dem Kulturkampf. In nur wenigen Jahren ist es ihm gelungen, in Argentinien das 100 Jahre gültige Narrativ vom “guten Staat” beinahe …………………..



Der Kampf Lauterbachs und seiner Verbündeten um die Hitzepanik

Von Mario Thurnes Di, 16. Juli 2024

Die Panikmache um Corona war eine Tragödie. Die Panikmache über den „Hitzetod“ oder „Höllensommer“ ist die darauf folgende Komödie. Würde dahinter kein perfider ……………………..



Why We’ll Never Know What Really Happened in Butler, PA

By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul Institute July 16, 2024

Just days after the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, theories are flying from all directions. Many who ridiculed the “conspiracy theories” of conservatives are now suggesting the whole …………………



The Trump Shooting: So Many Questions

Assassination Attempt or False Flag? Donald Jeffries Jul 14, 2024

I had actually almost finished another piece for Substack when people began texting me yesterday about Donald Trump being shot. I never watch the news, so unless MeTV broke into their weekly airing of Three Stooges shorts, I was not going to know about it from my ……………………



We Are NATO. And We’re Comin‘ To Get Ya

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture July 16, 2024

We are the world. We are the people. We are NATO. And we’re comin’ to get ya – wherever you are, whether you want it or not.




Shocks to the System

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com July 16, 2024

“Trump is brushing off assassin’s bullets like dirt off his shoulder, racking up a mile long rap sheet of the fakest & gayest felonies known to man, chased through civil court by crazy-eyed harridans deranged by ………………..



Supporting Israel Is Big Business in the United States

Government and elite institutions work together to protect and empower the Jewish state

By Philip Giraldi The Unz Review July 16, 2024

In a recent article discussing how US Treasury Department tax breaks are exploited by groups …………………..



Zivil- und steuerrechtliche Besonderheiten Was beim Kauf einer Immobilie auf Mallorca zu beachten ist

Die Sehnsucht nach einem Domizil auf Mallorca eint viele Deutsche. Rechtsanwalt Martin Lindenau und Steuerexperte Christoph Kiegler erklären, was Immobilienkäufer auf der …………………



The Myth of Market Failure


A prominent topic that economics students anywhere cannot avoid is market failure. Students everywhere are taught that the free market is inherently unstable and causes problems that can …………………..



More Assassination News and Trump Names J.D. Vance as VEEP Candidate

15 July 2024 by Larry Johnson

I will start you off with a palate cleanser that features Chris Whitcomb doing his HRT thing in the movies. Chris is an old friend of movie director, Peter Berg. Berg made Patriot Day, the …………………..



SITREP 7/15/24: Crumbling NATO Buys Time for Broad European War

Simplicius Jul 16, 2024

Zelensky arrived in the U.S. for NATO’s grand 75th anniversary summit, which turned out to be another sniveling disappointment, embellished with the usual carrot-on-a-stick promises ………………..



Moscow Calls on Pentagon to Ask NATO to Back Down

Russian Minister of Defense Andrey Belousov has attempted to reach out to US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin once again to remind the Pentagon that NATO is backing Russia into ………………….



The war in Ukraine and the decline of the West | #1623 with Douglas Macgregor



Was the State Police that Got the Assassin – not the Secret Service? Hm!!!

Let’s get something straight here. There is absolutely NOTHING that comes out of the mouth of Attorney General Merrick Garland that I would ever regard as truth. He said he “will bring ……………….



Democrat Staffer posts on Facebook – “DON’T MISS NEXT TIME”

A staff member of the Democrat, Bennie Thompson, who wanted to remove Secret Service protection from Trump, posted on Facebook, “Don’t miss next time.”

The LEFT is always so hateful, and they always seek to impose their way upon everyone else ……………….



Trump Beware – This Maybe only the First

The country is so polarized by this demonization of Trump that, beginning with Hillary calling half the country “deplorables,” what has set in motion is the decline and fall of our country. It was McCain who handed the fake dossier Hillary paid to have written against ……………..



U.S. ‚Defense‘ Firms Control the U.S. Government

By Eric Zuesse Eric’s Substack July 15, 2024

The United States is safer from a foreign invasion than any other country, not because it  spends half of all of the world’s military expenditures, but because it is separated by over ………………………



Trump’s Courageous Response to Shadow Government’s Attempted Assassination

Should He Consider Private Security? Dr. Joseph Sansone Jul 14, 2024

On Saturday, July 13th, 2024, President Trump was shot at a rally in Butler Pennsylvania by a ………………..



„Malice Or Massive Incompetence“: Erik Prince Gives Detailed Assessment Of Secret Service Failure

by Tyler Durden Monday, Jul 15, 2024

Former Navy Seal and Blackwater founder Erik Prince gave a detailed assessment of yesterday’s Secret Service debacle in the wake of a failed assassination attempt on former President Trump.




STAND DOWN – Let it Happen

I have often explained that when I was in “civil contempt,” they tried to break me and prevent me from talking to my lawyers. They threw me into the “HOLE,” which was the most secure facility in the country alongside the terrorists from the first World Trade Center attack. They ……………………….



Tulisi Gabbard – The Ulimate Insurance Policy for Trump

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns July 15, 2024

Having now done literally hundreds of interviews/livestreams/podcast over the past seven years, I’ve learned a few things about media. The first is that this is a lot harder than it looks.




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