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Wenn die Massen im Chor singen, wird der größte Stumpfsinn zu einer feierlichen Hymne.

— Leopold Kohr (1909 – 1994)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Faeser überspannt den Bogen: „eindeutig verfassungswidrig“

Di, 16. Juli 2024 Compact-Verbot

Nicht nur der Verfassungsrechtler Rupert Scholz hält das Vorgehen der Innenministerin gegen das Medium für eine Beschädigung des Rechtsstaats. Kritik an der historisch einmaligen Aktion kommt selbst von Linksliberalen.




Talking With the Duran and Danny Davis About The Attempt to Kill Donald Trump and the Nomination of J.D. Vance

16 July 2024 by Larry Johnson

When you read the following, be advised that I am not complaining or whining. I had quite a day. I started off interviewing my friend, Pepe Escobar. We talked about the international ………………….



KIM IVERSEN Questions the Assassination Attempt – It Does Not Add Up



Propaganda: How the media handles Biden’s rapid decline and the Trump shooting


In a much younger life, I was a newspaper reporter. A journalism-school graduate, I was going to help change the world, proclaiming truth and justice under my byline. The job didn’t pay much, but with overtime we got by, and it was a heady experience for this young general ……………………



Wie Ursula von der Leyen die EU schwächt und Putin stärkt

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Di, 16. Juli 2024 Brüsseler Boykott

Als Reaktion auf die von Viktor Orbán initiierte „Friedensmission“ will die EU-Kommissionspräsidentin die ungarische Ratspräsidentschaft boykottieren. Damit spaltet ……………………….



Die Fixkosten würgen der Ampel die Luft ab

Von Mario Thurnes Di, 16. Juli 2024

Die Ampel hat einen Weg gefunden, den Anteil der Sozialkosten an den gesamten Ausgaben zu senken: Sie erhöht Zinszahlungen und andere Lasten. Dahinter steckt ein Staat, der wuchert und wuchert, aber immer weniger leisten kann.




Col. Douglas Macgregor: US Foreign Policy on the Brink



Mit Angst und Panik Politik machen

Von Fritz Goergen Di, 16. Juli 2024

Die Süddeutsche Zeitung titelte am 14. Juli 2024: „Aufarbeitung muss sein – bevor die nächste Pandemie kommt“. So früh? Wozu Angst und Panik Schüren in der Corona-Zeit diente und wofür es der Probelauf war, davor warnt TE seit Anfang 2020.




Pepe Escobar Who really bombed the Ukrainian Hospital?



The commencement speech someone needs to give


Why I’m here instead of some superstar is one of those anomalies that defies explanation. But allow me to congratulate you on earning your degrees.




Trump Reveals Key Pillars Of „Trumponomics“: Low Taxes, Sky High Tariffs, Powell Not Fired, Treasury Secretary Dimon And Much More

by Tyler Durden Wednesday, Jul 17, 2024

Before the failed assassination attempt, before the catastrophic (for Biden) first presidential …………………



The CIA’s Assassination Plots

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

July 17, 2024

The attempt to assassinate Donald Trump and his heroic response to it are uppermost in our minds. We don’t yet know the details of who was involved in the attempt on his life, though I suspect that the “lone gunman” theory will turn out to be false. But the sad event offers us a …………………….



Deep State Is Nervous

By Karen Kwiatkowski July 17, 2024

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump on July 13 has reminded the world of the language of existential fear the American left has been piling on Trump, and Trump supporters, for eight years.  Trump derangement syndrome has been pushed and promoted by government media, and by elected and appointed government employees, like Biden himself. ………………….



Group Interests and the ‚Good of the Whole‘

By Wanjiru Njoya Mises.org July 17, 2024

The libertarian argument against civil rights laws strikes many progressives as fundamentally wrong because they view civil rights as the best way to promote liberal values including individual liberty. But any so-called values that lead inexorably to the destruction of society ………………..



The World of the Future

By Jayant Bhandari July 17, 2024

The world faces several levels of Great Replacements, which will seriously degrade most of it, except for the East Asian countries of Japan, China, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong ………………….



7 Things We Know About the Man That Shot Trump

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse July 17, 2024

I am still in shock.  When I first learned that Donald Trump had been shot, I literally had difficulty processing the information.  I watched footage of the shooting over and over, and ……………….



Further Thoughts on the Near Assassination

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org July 17, 2024

“The fact that [the Secret Service] allowed a rifle armed shooter within 150 yds to a preplanned event is either malice or massive incompetence.”

Security expert Erik Prince, Navy Seal and founder of Blackwater




JD Vance: Europe must stand on its own two feet on defence

It is reasonable to ask if US support has made Europe neglect its security

The writer is a Republican senator from Ohio and author of ‘Hillbilly Elegy’

The United States has provided a blanket of security to Europe for far too long. In the aftermath of the …………………..


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