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Um die Unabhängigkeit des Volkes zu bewahren, dürfen wir unserer Regierung nicht erlauben, uns mit ewigen Schulden zu belasten.

— Thomas Jefferson

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

„Bänker außer Rand und Band“

Stand: 10.09.2024, Von: Adrian Kaske

Ex-Staatsanwältin Anne Brorhilker spricht über den Cum-Ex-Skandal und ihre Kämpfe auch mit der Frankfurter Finanzbranche




Netherlands Approves Ukraine To Use Their Weapons to Attack Moscow

What is becoming very clear is that NATO and the Neocons are out to ensure that World War III starts before the US election. Ruben Brekelmans, the defense minister of The Netherlands, just gave Zelensky …………………



Why the West Lusts After Ukraine — Back to the Future

10 September 2024 by Larry Johnson

Until Joe Biden took office I thought that George W Bush had dibs on the “stupidest foreign policy blunder in history” award. His decision to invade Iraq rather than eliminate Al Qaeda hurt the United ………………………..



Ukraine Ordered by US Neocons to Provoke WWIII Before Election

We have a MAJOR problem with Ukraine. This is NOT about defending their territory or fake democracy when Zelensky has suspended any election to maintain his dictatorship as long as there is a ……………………



CDU/CSU erklären den Migrationsgipfel für gescheitert

Di, 10. September 2024

Medienberichten zufolge hat die Union den Migrationsgipfel abgebrochen. Die Pläne von Innenministerin Nancy Faeser reichten nicht aus. Die Ampel sei „Grün-blockiert“, „handlungsunfähig“ ………………….



SITREP 9/10/24: European Antinomy Squeezes Zelensky from Both Sides as Kursk Front Crumbles

Sep 11, 2024

There’s a lot of disparate but significant information today, so let’s start off with the biggest developments.

Firstly, the swell of information pointing to Zelensky’s desperate push to end the war continues via ……………………..



The Evil Hypocrisy of Government ‚Elections‘ Is at Levels Beyond Imagination

By Gary D. Barnett September 11, 2024

“Hypocrisy is the audacity to preach integrity from a den of corruption.” Wes Fesler

We live in a country of political hypocrites in every single aspect of government and far beyond; gaslighting, brainwashing, indifference, gullibility, and idiocy, all  among a nation of fools. Life for most …………………..



The U.S. Govt. Now Definitely Wants WW3 Against Russia

By Gilbert Doctorow GilbertDoctorow.com September 11, 2024

In my last appearance on Judging Freedom, Judge Napolitano asked me whether the Ukrainian invasion ……………………



Trump Concerns

By Dave Bratz September 11, 2024

Obviously I am not supporting any Democraps, but if Trump fails to recognize and properly address the …………………..



A New Era for Sillver?

By Claudio Grass ClaudioGrass.ch September 11, 2024

It’s been a fantastic year for physical precious metals owners and by many accounts, the best is yet to come. All the issues we’ve been warning against for years, including inflation, currency debasement and government suppression of individual financial liberty have started boiling over in a way that is so ………………………..



What Do They Know? Russia Increases Daily Gold Purchases by 700%

Genesis Gold Group September 11, 2024

In a significant move, Russia’s Finance Ministry has announced plans to allocate 8.2 billion rubles ($92 million) each day for gold and foreign currency purchases until October 4, the nation’s Finance Minister ………………….



Achtung Reichelt, Der deutsche Niedergang von Adenauer zu Scholz, von Erhard zu Habeck|Achtung, Reichelt! vom 09.09.24



China Casting the Decisive Vote in U.S. Election

by Gordon G. Chang September 11, 2024

[W]hat about similar efforts of the far larger People’s Republic of China?

Attorney General Merrick Garland mentioned China in passing in remarks on the 4th — he promised to be „relentlessly aggressive“ against foreign powers interfering in American elections and undermining ……………………



Debate night: Just another night of Kamala Harris dodging substantive questions

by Derek Hunter, Opinion Contributor – 09/10/24

Vice President Kamala Harris spent the better part of the last week preparing for a debate for which, in ……………….



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