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Nimm vom Staat das Recht weg, was bleibt dann als eine große Räuberbande?

— Hl. Augustinus von Hippo (Kirchenlehrer)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Unicredit steigt ein – Nächste deutsche Ikone wankt – das Ende der Commerzbank-Geschichte naht

12.9.24. Italiens größte Bank greift nach der zweitgrößten in Deutschland. Das Ende einer einstigen deutschen Wirtschaftsikone, die sich mühsam wieder nach oben gekämpft hat, könnte bevorstehen.

Im Februar 1870 haben Kaufleute und Privatbankiers die „Commerz- und Disconto-Bank in Hamburg“ …………………..



1982- Asian Immigrants Eating Squirrels, Ducks, and Dogs – NY Times

This whole thing about eating cats and dogs has stirred up a hornet’s nest. People are writing in that their pets have vanished recently, while others are saying this was the outcome following the Vietnam War, …………………..



„Handbook Germany“ – Portal gibt Anleitung, wie man nicht abgeschoben wird – Regierung fördert es


Trotz der aktuellen Migrationsdebatte fördert die Ampel-Koalition hat eine Online-Plattform, die ………………………



Ein Blick in die Vergangenheit

Die 700.000 bis 800.000 jungen Menschen, die künftig jährlich in die Erwerbsfähigkeit einrücken, haben im Unterschied zu den jährlich 1,4 Millionen Älteren, die sie ablösen, durchschnittlich eine schlechtere Bildungsleistung und kognitive Kompetenz. Was ist zu tun?




Ungesteuerte Zuwanderung und wohlstandsvernichtende Ampelpolitik: Land am Wendepunkt

Von Fritz Goergen Fr, 13. September 2024

SPD-Scholz-Faeser öffentlich für Beschränkung der irregulären Zuwanderung: tatsächlich für das Gegenteil – Seit 2014 4,65 Millionen Zuwanderer – 2024 kommt wahrscheinlich eine halbe Million dazu




US Blinks in Standoff with Iran, While Putin Warns of War With NATO

12 September 2024 by Larry Johnson

Some very consequential statements and movements today. The biggest — and most alarming — comes from Vladimir Putin. He minces no words — any attack inside Russia with Western precision missiles ……………………



The Big Collapse Awaits

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org September 13, 2024

In the 1970s when I served in the congressional staff and in the 1980s when I served in the executive branch, there was still some intelligence in the US government, with the exception of the Federal Reserve, ……………………



The Depravity of the Zionist Mind

By Chuck Baldwin Chuck Baldwin Live September 13, 2024

I am absolutely convinced that until the U.S. Congress and America’s evangelical churches sever their ties with and devotion to the Zionist State of Israel, America will continue its societal, cultural, economic, …………………..



Enabling a ‚Brutus‘ To Slay the Elon Musk ‚Ceasar‘

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture September 13, 2024

War has broken out. There is no need for further pretence about it.




Germany Suspends Schengen, Immigration Repercussion Across The Entire EU

by Tyler Durden Thursday, Sep 12, 2024 – By Mish Shedlock of MishTalk

For the first time in EU history, Germany is at the forefront of immigration suspension. Other EU ………………….



France at War with Itself

by Drieu Godefridi September 13, 2024

The French people, the plurality of whom voted „right-wing“ in the first round, were astonished to discover, after the second round, a „left-of-center“ National Assembly, a parliament that seemingly does …………………..



The Ukraine Sacrifice – Kursk Invasion Hastens Ukraine Defeat, Boris Johnson’s Disastrous Legacy, War Crimes in Kursk

By Rodney Atkinson Freenations September 13, 2024

Up to a million Ukrainians are now killed or wounded in the futile war. The 20 year long attack on …………………



The Book that Made Me an Economist

06/30/2024 Shawn Ritenour

In Ludwig von Mises’s intellectual testament, Memoirs, he discusses his life and work in Europe prior to 1940. In that book he reveals that he first read Carl Menger’s Principles of Economics around ……………………



Energiewende: Jetzt wird auch noch das Gasnetz zerstört

Deutschland ist also durch die Energiewende bislang um über eine halbe Billion  Euro ärmer geworden, ohne dass diese Wende irgendeinen Nutzen gehabt hat. Der Zweite Teil der Zerstörungs-Orgie zielt jetzt auf das Gasnetz.




Why the Family Is Not the Model for the State

09/12/2024 Ryan McMaken

For centuries, advocates for greater state power have claimed that modern sovereign states are like families.

The value of the strategy is clear: most people view families as both necessary and natural. Even in our ……………………



Zelensky’s Last Hail Mary Gets Off to Rocky Start

Simplicius Sep 13, 2024

It seems every news cycle there is now some major new development surrounding Ukraine, which threatens to plunge the war into some elevated state of risk and threat. This is by design because Zelensky ………………….



Essex Police Employs Biometric AI Data

Those in Essex, England, may have recently seen facial recognition trucks driving through the streets discreetly compiling data. England has long employed CCT cameras to capture criminal activity, but …………………..



Der mediale Einklang nach dem Harris-Trump-Duell geht weiter

Von David Boos Mi, 11. September 2024

Medien berichten nach dem TV-Duell des US-Präsidentschaftswahlkampfs unisono vom Bild des „Wüterichs“ Trump und einer überlegen lachenden Kamala Harris. Damit ist deutlich: Die mediale …………………..



ABC News‘ Shameful ‚Moderation‘ of the Trump – Harris Debate

By Adam Garrie The Kennedy Beacon September 12, 2024

The real losers of the first debate between former president Donald Trump and vice president Kamala Harris were the American people.




When Domestic Enemies Sound the Alarm, They Reliably Offer Banal Distractions From America’s Greatest Threats

By Allan Stevo September 12, 2024

Writing for The New York Post on September 4, 2024, US Secretary of State (2018-2021) Mike Pompeo, authored an opinion piece entitled, “White House put blinders on as China infiltrated our government.”




On Putin and Trump

By John Leo Keenan September 12, 2024

Putin hasn’t known when or how to deliver an ultimatum.  He ignored a few of his own ultimatums already, and also Medvedev’s.  Biden has now decided that long range U.S. artillery will be allowed to ………………



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