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Eine ehemalige FDJ-Sekretärin für Agitation und Propaganda ist heute Kanzlerin. Hätten Sie das für möglich gehalten?

— Oskar Lafontaine (2008)

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Wann fegt es diese Parteien hinweg?

Deutschland braucht dringend einen institutionellen Wandel um einen politischen Kurswechsel demokratisch zu vollziehen.

Zu Beginn der Ampelkoalition fragte mich ein geschätzter britischer Kollege angesichts der ……………………



Hyundai und General Motors wollen kooperieren – ein Autoriese wird geboren

Von Dr. Helmut Becker So, 15. September 2024

Mit der Kooperation der beiden Automobilgiganten Hyundai Motors und General Motors entstünde über Nacht eine neue Nummer 1 unter den weltgrößten Automobilkonzernen, der sogar Toyota von der Spitze ………………….



The Second Assassination Attempt on Trump

The Telegraph has reported that Donald Trump was indeed the target of a suspected second assassination. The FBI has confirmed that Trump was the target. This took place when gunfire rang out …………………..



From 11 September to 7 October: The fake ‘War on Terror’ collapses

16 September 2024 by Pepe Escobar

Colonization … is the best affair of business in which the capital of an old and wealthy country can engage … the same rules of international morality do not apply … between civilized nations and barbarians.

– John Stuart Mill, quoted by Eileen Sullivan in “Liberalism and Imperialism: JS Mill’s Defense of the British Empire,” Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. 44, 1983.




The 2nd Assassination Attempt

The Secret Service has captured the alleged attempted assassin, who is supposed to be a registered Democrat. Since he did not fire, they may not be able to charge him with an attempted assassination. This ……………………



The Rebellious Old Right

By Wanjiru Njoya Mises.org September 16, 2024

In The Betrayal of the American Right, Rothbard asks “how many Americans realize that, not so long ago, the American right wing was almost the exact opposite of what we know today?” Describing the ………………..




Doom Is the West’s Future

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org September 16, 2024

As I said would happen, Putin’s refusal to quickly win the conflict with Ukraine has widened the conflict into the beginnings of WW III.




What You Don’t Know Might Surprise You

“One debate doesn’t change the issues Americans are facing every day.” — James Rickards

By James Howard Kunstler JamesHowardKunstler.com September 16, 2024

By now, you’ve probably heard enough debate about The Debate, so I’ll spotlight only a few points …………………….



Russian Collusion? I Predicted the Tenet Media Psy-Op Way Back in 2014

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us September 16, 2024

As a liberty writer and economist I have been working within the alternative media for almost 20 years ………………….



Kehrt die Magnetschwebebahn nach Deutschland zurück?

So, 15. September 2024

Der Transrapid wurde in Deutschland entwickelt und produziert. Doch nur China hatte Interesse daran und ließ ihn als schnelle Verbindung zwischen dem Flughafen von Schanghai und der Stadt bauen. Möglicherweise kehrt die Magnetschwebetechnik, die schon an China verloren schien, doch noch nach ………………………



Biden Admin Pushes Israel to Give Land to Hezbollah

Making deals with Islamic terrorists doesn’t work

by Daniel Greenfield September 16, 2024




History Is on Gold’s Side

SchiffGold.com September 16, 2024

Last week, Peter appeared on Bankless, a Youtube channel that promotes cryptocurrency. Hosts Ryan and David question Peter on why he thinks gold is superior to Bitcoin, and the trio discuss other issues, ………………….



SITREP 9/15/24: Ukraine’s Situation Worsens as Allied Weapons Drive Flunks

Simplicis Sep 16, 2024

Talk continues to revolve around Zelensky’s big “victory plan”, or rather ‘peace’ plan, with Bild making …………………..



The Cat Eaters of Ohio

The establishment media called it a racist myth, but is it?

Christopher F. Rufo and Benjamin Roberts Sep 14, 2024

Donald Trump shocked audiences at this week’s presidential debate with the claim that foreign migrants ………………….



Das lukrative Geschäft mit der Barmherzigkeit: Wer verdient in Berlin an der Flüchtlingskrise?

Follow the Money: Die Berliner Zeitung macht sich in einer Serie auf die Spur der Milliarden, die Berlin für Flüchtlinge ausgibt. Zum Auftakt ein Überblick.




BRICS, the Rise of China and How the Hegemon Buried the Concept of ‚Security‘

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture September 16, 2024

The first meeting of security experts/National Security Advisors under the expanded BRICS+ format in St. Petersburg unveiled quite a few nuggets.




Nuclear Deterrence – No More

Mr. Armstrong, It is becoming obvious that your knowledge of geopolitical events is being read worldwide. I also understand why you say you will address some things only on your private blog. Your statement that Russia should use a tactical nuclear weapon on its territory to wake up the people of the ……………………….



Erneutes Attentat auf Donald Trump knapp verhindert

Von Susanne Heger Mo, 16. September 2024

Gestern wurde ein Attentat auf Ex-Präsident Donald Trump nur knapp verhindert. Trump war auf seinem Golf Club in West Palm Beach, als ein schwer bewaffneter Schütze auf ihn zielte. Der ehemalige Präsident wurde nicht getroffen, der Attentäter ist in Haft.




Zeitenwende Asyl

Niederlande: Kippt die nationale Notlage das Asylrecht?

Von Matthias Nikolaidis So, 15. September 2024

Die neue Regierung hat ihre Pläne vorgestellt. Neben Energie und Wohnen geht es dabei vor allem um ……………………



Fritz Vahrenholt: Die Energiewende gerät aus den Fugen

  1. September 2024 von KlimaNachrichten Redakteur

Heute befasse ich mich zunächst mit den im August verstärkten Schwankungen der PV- und Windstromerzeugung, die sich zu einer Belastung des Bundeshaushalts auswachsen. Danach zeige ich, ……………………..



The Rise of the Western Nuclear Family and the “European Miracle”

09/13/2024  Ryan McMaken

It’s now been nearly 35 years since E.L. Jones first published his watershed book The European Miracle. Jones’s history of Europe’s economic development examined the reasons why Europe—a comparatively ………………………



Can the State be Justified?

09/11/2024 Eduard Bucher

One of the tremendous benefits of praxeology is that it highlights not just the dynamic, purposive, and speculative nature of economics, but also the economic nature of all human action. For example, this ……………………..



Ukraine Winning? Inconceivable!!

14 September 2024 by Larry Johnson

Here’s a toast to Wallace Michael Shawn, immortalized in film history for his hilarious misuse of the word, “inconceivable.” At least he was acting, as you can see in this snippet of film from the Princess Bride:




A True Shock? Economist Jeffrey Sachs Reveals Secret at Heart of U.S.-Russian Relations

The U.S. was advised toward a „Marshall Plan“ to help rebuild post-Soviet Russia as a democracy, but a key witness says the Cold War never ended, because we didn’t want it to




Free Speech Website Launched w/out Elon Musk or Back Door Government Portal

By Wayne Lusvardi September 14, 2024

Col. Douglas MacGregor, chief executive officer of the grass roots American patriot organization,




War Is Upon Us or Will Putin Blink Again

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org September 14, 2024

Gilbert Doctorow, a cautious commentator, has arrived at a position similar to my own. On September 10, ……………………



It Seems Certain That the Bulk of Humanity Lives in a Myopic State of Being

By Gary D. Barnett September 14, 2024

“To think that we grasp the fullness of life is to say that by holding a mere drop of water in our hands we are able to understand the immensity of the ocean.” Craig D. Lounsbrough




The End of Western Pluralist Democracy

No major western leader is ever again going to be able to speak about human rights or ethical values, without attracting howls of derision. They are turning on their own people in order to prevent protest at a genocide they actively support.




Migrants & Historical Plagues

I am an RN, and I travel around the country. All over the US, we started to see upticks in diseases the US hadn’t seen in decades when Obama brought the Somalians introducing polio, but that never made the ………………….





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