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Konservatismus ist nicht ein Hängen an dem, was gestern war, sondern ein Leben aus dem, was immer gilt.

— Antoine Comte de Rivaról (1753 – 1801)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Ende der Stahlindustrie, wie wir sie kennen? Staats-Stahl nimmt Fahrt auf

Von Roland Tichy Di, 17. September 2024

Riesige Verluste bei der Stahlkombüse von ThyssenKrupp, die die 2 Milliarden an Subventionen von Robert Habeck längst aufgefressen haben. Kommt eine „Deutsche Stahlindustrie“ als Rettungsanker für die Jobs der Gewerkschaftsfunktionäre?




Socrates vs Me

Well, based on the last 2 screenshots you posted of you asking Socrates about what if Kamala wins and then this one, it appears that even though Socrates projects a Trump / Republican win in 2024, THEY will …………………..



Israel Launches Major Cyber Attack on Hezbollah. Is the War About to Escalate?

17 September 2024 by Larry C. Johnson




Ford Files Patent to Spy on Drivers

Governments are pushing the public to switch to smart vehicles to reduce fossil fuel consumption, but there is also a second motive – surveillance.




Smashing the Western Illusion of Democracy

09/13/2024 Finn Andreen

In these politically turbulent times, the “illusion of democracy is fading worldwide” as one pundit wrote ………….



Der autoritäre Kern der Grünen

Von Cora Stephan Di, 17. September 2024

Schon lange sind sie nicht mehr die Partei des Natur- oder Tierschutzes oder gar des Friedens. Und mit der Freiheit des Bürgers haben sie es auch nicht so, vor allem nicht mit seiner Meinungsfreiheit. Wenn sie ……………………



The Plot to Kill Trump – The Coup Continues?

I have warned that there is WAY TOO MUCH ON THE TABLE here if Trump wins. That will terminate the agenda of the Neocons and their dream of conquering Russia, which has been their lifelong ………………………



Kann sich Merz zum Kanzler södern?

Oder setzt der bayerische Ministerpräsident jetzt auf seine Chance in der übernächsten Bundestagswahl?

Die sogenannte K-Frage war für CDU und CSU eigentlich immer ein Problem, wenn kein amtierender christdemokratischer Kanzler zur Wiederwahl anstand. Das geriet nur immer wieder in Vergessenheit, ……………………..



The Illusion of Choice: Democracy as the Greatest Show on Earth

By Claudio Grass ClaudioGrass.ch September 18, 2024

As individual citizens, as voters and taxpayers we have been so deeply, so consistently, so relentlessly indoctrinated, so blindly radicalized, and so thoroughly and easily subjugated and ideologically manipulated that, by now, it has become terribly challenging for any of us to even entertain any viewpoint or any opinion that is opposed to our own.




Springfield Ohio Is Just the Beginning

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org September 18, 2024

Why does the US government hate the American people? Why does the US government try to destroy us?




Closing Hatches Before Rains Founder the Western Vessel

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture September 18, 2024

The war is lost, and the struggle to keep the ‘enforced pretending’ going is breaking through, to be seen by all as a false reality.




Kamala Harris is a neocon in disguise Her progressive pedigree makes her all the more dangerous

Thomas Fazi September 18, 2024

Kamala Harris may have succeeded in convincing America that she’s a hip, “joyful” alternative to Sleepy Joe, but those outside the US shouldn’t be fooled. When it comes to foreign policy, all the signs suggest ……………………



The Second Assassination Attempt on Trump: Profile of a Neocon Terrorist

Sep 17, 2024 by Adam Garrie, The Kennedy Beacon

On Sunday, September 15, a casual afternoon round of golf turned into a chaotic scene, when  a man was spotted with a rifle near where former president Donald Trump was golfing.




Negotiate with Moscow to end the Ukraine war and prevent nuclear devastation

by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump Jr., opinion contributors – 09/17/24

The New York Times reported Thursday that the Biden administration is considering allowing Ukraine to use NATO-provided long-range precision weapons against targets deep inside Russia. Such a decision …………………..



New “Engels” on Marx

09/13/2024 David Gordon

In Marx, Jaime Edwards and Brian Leiter aim to give readers who haven’t studied Karl Marx an account of the essentials of his thought and, to a lesser extent, the ideas of later Marxists as well. They argue that although some of Marx’s doctrines are wrong, others are correct; in particular, they take Marx to be …………………….



Lässt Deutschland Israel im Regen stehen?

Von Sandro Serafin Di, 17. September 2024

„Wir haben Israel Waffen geliefert und wir haben keine Entscheidung getroffen, das nicht mehr zu tun“, ließ Olaf Scholz im Juli auf der traditionellen Sommer-Pressekonferenz des Bundeskanzlers verlauten. Nun nähren Berichte einmal mehr den Verdacht, dass die Bundesregierung in Wahrheit längst einen ………………………



The reason people want to kill Trump Weaponised conspiracies are more potent than facts

Mary Harrington September 17, 2024

“Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?”, asked Henry II in 1170, to no one in particular. He was referring to his fractious Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket; in turn, some of Henry’s knights ………………….



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