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In Deutschland gilt derjenige, der auf den Schmutz hinweist, für viel gefährlicher als derjenige, der den Schmutz macht.

— Kurt Tucholsky

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Deutsche Steuermillionen für Infrastruktur in Indien – während sie hierzulande verfällt

Von Sandro Serafi Fr, 20. September 2024

Während in vielen deutschen Städten der öffentliche Personennahverkehr ausgedünnt wird, steckt Entwicklungshilfeministerin Svenja Schulze Steuergelder in indische U- und S-Bahnen. Und Schulze strahlt zur Eröffnung, während der Steuerzahler leidet.




CDC Changes Child Developmental Milestone Guidelines

Why are children developing slower than previous generations? Rather than addressing the root cause, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has drastically lowered the guidelines for developmental 216 milestones.




Which Country is the Genuine Imperial Hegemon?

23 September 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

The United States political and military class are obsessed with their fantasies that Russia and China are imperialist aggressors, keen on subjugating the world. Yet, the only country in the world with more than ……………………



Das Recht auf Grenzen 

Die EU als „Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts“ ist längst ein beliebiges Betätigungsfeld für Schlepperorganisationen und „Pro Asyl“ geworden, die sich über die vermeintliche Liberalität der EU ins Fäustchen lachen.




CDU-Leihstimmen retten SPD-Woidkes Potsdamer Thron

Von Fritz Goergen Mo, 23. September 2024

SPD-Woidke hat keine Aufholjagd hingelegt – nur die AfD hält die Neue Nationale Front von CSU bis BSW zusammen – AfD wählten 32 Prozent Jüngere, SPD 18 Prozent, CDU 9 und Grüne 6 Prozent – der ………………….



Großer Woidke jetzt allein zu Haus – und wie weiter in Brandenburg und Deutschland?

Von Roland Tichy Mo, 23. September 2024

Die SPD feiert ihren Sieg zu Recht. Dumm nur, dass er so teuer erkauft wurde, dass ihr Ministerpräsident ……………………..



Everything You Need To Know About the Conflict in Ukraine

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org September 23, 2024

The Soviet Union collapsed when Soviet President Gorbachev was placed under house arrest by hardline elements in the Politburo who were alarmed by the rapidity with which Gorbachev was establishing friendly and open relations with the West.




‚Lone Nuts and Political Reality

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. September 23, 2024

The recent assassination attempt against President Trump at his golf course in Florida leads most people to think that an organization is out to get him, and people are right to think so. The fact that it was the …………………….



Smoke And Mirrors: What Happens After Biden’s Economic Manipulations Disappear?

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us September 23, 2024

There is a popular school of thought that believes most economic stability is purely psychological; that the health of the economy relies on the population NOT knowing the true state of things. In other words, “ignorance is bliss.” I partially agree with the premise but only under certain conditions. If an economy is …………………



Former British minister’s Bizaare Warning of Russian Attack Is Admission of Britain’s Nefarious Role in Kursk

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture September 23, 2024

Ben Wallace’s bizarre op-ed about Russia “coming for us” can be better understood as an admission of Britain’s guilt and not simply another absurd Russophobic rant.




How Government-Funded Media Create Ruination and Despair

Canada’s CBC has very nearly destroyed the richest country in the world

elizabeth nickson Sep 21, 2024

Every public broadcaster in the world has one client, the government. As such it is never independent. ………………….



Mad to the Max

“I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is.” — Hillary Clinton




Die 10 lustigsten Versprecher von Annalena Baerbock

Die sprachlichen Ausrutscher der vielleicht klügsten, gewiss aber unterhaltsamsten Außenministerin sind inzwischen unzählbar. Ist das noch versprechen oder schon versagen?

Ein Vergnügen der besonderen Art, das sich meiner Beobachtung nach äußerst unparitätisch über die …………………….



Der Sieg des Genossen Woidke über die SPD

Bei der Landtagswahl in Brandenburg haben drei Parteien gewonnen: Die AfD, das BSW und die SPD, oder? Das stimmt bei der SPD nicht ganz: Ministerpräsident Dietmar Woidke hat eher gegen die eigene Partei gesiegt.




Ukraine and Israel Following the Same Playbook, But Uncle Sam Doesn’t Want to Play

20 September 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Ukraine and Israel both share at least one thing in common — they are desperate and flailing about trying to get the United States directly involved in their respective wars. Ukraine is being steadily pushed out of …………………..



Gekaufte Demokratie?

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Sa, 21. September 2024

Bei der Wahl in Brandenburg greift erstmals eine mit Bundesmitteln ausgestattete Organisation ein um mit hohem Mitteleinsatz die Grünen irgendwie ins Parlament zu hieven und erwartete Erfolge der AfD zu …………………..



Feste Arbeit, fester Wohnsitz: Du musst raus. Arbeitslos und kriminell: Du darfst bleiben

Jan Fleischhauer, 22.9.2024

Drei Geschichten aus der vergangenen Woche.

Der 24-jährige Tunesier Adem Saadoui hat es in nur acht Monaten vom Schweißer-Lehrling zum Gesellen gebracht. „Ohne Adem kann ich bei der Schweißwerkstatt Insolvenz anmelden“, sagt sein Chef. ……………………



Financial Sense Interviews Martin Armstrong: War Cycle, Trump vs. Harris, and Stagflation



Coming US Election and What It Means for America’s Fiscal Future

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner September 21, 2024

When in the course of history’s twists and turns dire necessity becomes the mother of invention the hour is usually late. That’s the case with America’s septic fiscal derangement at the present time. There is ………………………



SITREP 9/20/24: Ukraine Allies Squeezed by Weapons Drought as Clock Ticks

Sep 21, 2024

Ukraine’s fate continues to be hinged on ostensibly allowing “deep strikes” in order to lance the war’s final ‘taboo’ in involving NATO directly against Russia. This has become such an urgent objective that …………………



An Unprecedented Monetary Destruction Is Coming

09/18/2024 Daniel Lacalle

Global money supply has soared by $20.6 trillion since 2019, according to Bloomberg.

Additionally, global debt surged by over $15 trillion in 2023, reaching a new record high of $313 trillion. Around 55% of this rise came from developed economies, mainly the U.S., France, and Germany. ………………….



The Denarius and the Dollar: Price Controls Then and Now

09/19/2024 J.D. Weigel

Since the response to Covid-19, the preeminent economic concern of the American public has been, simply put, price inflation. In an attempt to curry favor with the electorate, Vice President Kamala Harris recently declared support for price controls to combat high prices, which she attributes to supply chain …………………….



On War Crimes and Western Hypocrisy

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com September 21, 2024

The death toll has risen to 12 from Israel’s terror attack in Lebanon on Tuesday which detonated explosive materials hidden in thousands of pagers. Another 20 people were then killed in …………………….



Inflation Is an Intentional Tax

SchiffGold.com September 21, 2024 Donate

Last week Peter appeared on Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu to discuss inflation, Federal Reserve policy, wealth taxes, and a whole host of other economic subjects. This is the latest in a string of recent interviews …………………….



The Fed Hits the Panic Button and Slashes the Fed Funds Rate

09/18/2024 Ryan McMaken

The Federal Reserve’s FOMC slashed the target federal funds rate at its meeting this month, reducing the target rate by 50 basis points from 5.5 percent to 5.0 percent. This was the largest cut to the target rate …………………..



Politics Breeds Conflict while the Market Brings Peace

09/20/2024 Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

Once again, the presidential selection process has given us a contest between two people who agree on the ……………………



Ukraine – Zelinski’s ‚Victory Plan‘ Charade

On August 27 the former president of Ukraine Vladimir Zelenski announced that he would soon present a plan for ending the war with Russia:

kraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Tuesday that the war with Russia would eventually end in ………………….



Israel Unleashes Hell On South Lebanon With Giant Mystery Bomb As War Escalates

by Tyler Durden Sunday, Sep 22, 2024

Massive escalation along the southern Lebanese border is very clear at this point, as Israeli jets have pounded Hezbollah positions through much of Saturday.




Interview – Unlocking the Future: Martin Armstrong’s Remarkable Predictions of Economic Cycles and Wars Amidst Relentless Persecution



Israel Says 10 Commanders Of Elite Hezbollah Unit Eliminated In Beirut Airstrike

by Tyler Durden Saturday, Sep 21, 2024

Update(1305ET): The Israeli military has announced its air strike in Beirut Friday afternoon which killed Ibrahim Aqil, the chief of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan unit, additionally killed in total some ten commanders of the Shia paramilitary group.




Retired General Ben Hodges Has Trouble Grasping Reality

21 September 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

There is truth and there is opinion. Strongly held opinions can be completely devoid of facts. Such is the case with retired General Ben Hodges. He recently agreed to an interview with Danny Davis and his Deep Dive channel on YouTube. I am focusing on Hodges because his views are emblematic of most of ……………………



Landgericht bereitet Lügenurteil gegen ZDF, Böhmermann und Faeser vor

Von Josef Kraus Fr, 20. September 2024

Der Vorsitzende Richter Bernhard Zeller sprach von einer „im schweren Maße herabwürdigenden Tatsachenbehauptung“ im „ZDF Magazin Royal“. Das Gericht will damit Arne Schönbohms Argumentation folgen, Böhmermann habe in seiner Sendung gelogen – und das im Zusammenspiel mit Nancy Faeser.




Grenzenlose Haftung: Der unvermeidbare Kollaps des Euro

Fr, 20. September 2024

Dominik Kettner deckt auf: Deutschlands Haftung im Eurosystem erreicht kritische Ausmaße. Target2-Salden, ESM-Verpflichtungen und EZB-Politik führen zur schleichenden Enteignung der Bürger. Diese ……………….





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