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Der beste Platz für Politiker ist das Wahlplakat. Dort ist er tragbar, geräuschlos und leicht zu entfernen.

— Loriot

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

EU nervös: Tanzt Macron künftig nach Le Pens Pfeife?

Mit der Ernennung von Michel Barnier zum französischen Premierminister hat der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron die französische Regierung praktisch von Marine Le Pens Rassemblement National abhängig gemacht.




Israel’s Short-Lived Glory Celebrated by Kneejerk Polemicists, + Ukraine War Updates

Sep 29, 2024

Israel finally succeeded in killing the Secretary General of Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah to almost orgiastic ecstasies in the West. Many are now celebrating that Israel has achieved an ‘extraordinary decapitation’ of Hezbollah’s entire leadership in sequence: first “eliminating” the low echelon footsoldiers via the pager attack, then higher ups with radios and Hollywood-like missile strikes, all the way up to a final decapitating attack on the top heads themselves.




What is Old School Economics?

09/27/2024 Mark Thornton

The phrase “old school economics” is often used positively or approvingly by many, but is rarely explained. What is this school and where is it located?




Grüne Fantastereien: Das Märchen vom Wasserstoff

Von Frank Hennig Mo, 30. September 2024

Wenn man fossile Energierohstoffe ablehnt und Kernkraft sowieso nicht will, braucht es einen festen Glauben. Mit grünem Wasserstoff soll regenerativ erzeugter Strom zwischengespeichert werden. …………………..



Fed’s Rate Cut Helps Candidate Harris But Will Hurt President Harris (or Trump)

By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul Institute October 1, 2024

Many investors, businesses, and consumers cheered the Federal Reserve’s first interest rate cut since ……………………..



Towards an ‚Oppressive Digital New World Order‘

UN “World for the Future” Conference. 22-23 September 2024. Borderless “Enslavement Package”, Digital Control over 8 Billion People, By Peter Koenig




Globalists Claim Europe Is ‚Too White‘, ‚Too Western‘

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org October 1, 2024

Democrats are doing everything possible to destroy white America. Yet tens of millions of white Americans will vote for the party that is determined to destroy them. See this.




Short-term Thinking and Unbridled Government

By Scott A. Boykin October 1, 2024

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris recently announced that she would favor ………………………..



Is There Hope for the US?

By Jeff Thomas International Man October 1, 2024

For the entire lives of anyone under the age of seventy-five, the US has been at the top of the heap in almost every way. For decades, it had greater freedom, greater prosperity and higher production than any ……………….



Der unaufhaltsame Aufstieg der Europäischen Kommission

Von David Engels Sa, 28. September 2024

Ursula von der Leyen hat den schwierigen Spagat der Zusammenstellung einer neuen Kommission ………………….



Warum erst jetzt, Herr Özdemir?

„Sehr geehrter Herr Özdemir, was berechtigt mich, Ihnen solche Zeilen zu schreiben? Mein Name ist Michael Kyrath. Ich bin der Vater der am 25. Januar 2023 in Brokstedt ermordeten 17-jährigen Ann-Marie“. Ein offener Brief zu Cem Özdemirs Wende in der Migrationspolitik.




Israel’s “Limited” Ground Invasion — (So Was Vietnam)

30 September 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Well, the waiting is over and Israel — acting much like Ukraine did before the start of its June 2023 counteroffensive — after announcing it was going to put ground forces into Lebanon, finally pulled the …………………



U.S. Government Media Debunks Ukrainian Propaganda Claim

This is curious.

Ukraine’s General Staff confirms destruction of Russian arsenal containing Iranian missiles in Volgograd OblastPravda.ua

Ukraine’s defence forces hit a Russian depot used to store and upgrade missile and artillery weaponry …………………..



Yes, Car Seat Laws Reduce the Birth Rate

09/27/2024 Ryan McMaken

Opponents of the Trump campaign are having fun this week with some year-old comments from vice-presidential candidate J.D. Vance. Apparently, in a Senate hearing during March 2023, Vance stated that ………………….



The Mississippi elites who broke democracy The Democrats are suffering from Gatekeeper Syndrome

Jeff Bloodworth, 28. .9 24

The Mississippi GOP has near supermajorities in the statehouse and senate, controlling all eight statewide offices, both US Senate seats, and three of the state’s four Congressional seats. The last Democrat to carry ……………………..



How Israel Torpedoed Washington’s Global Strategy

By Mike Whitney The Unz Review September 30, 2024

Israel is neither a friend nor ally of the United States. Israel looks out for Israel 100 percent of the time and ………………….



Predictably, the NYT Fear Mongers Over Kennedy’s Possible Role in a Trump Administration Louis Conte

By Louis Conte The Kennedy Beacon September 30, 2024

Today, in front of the Washington monument, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and many others will address supporters during a rally billed as “Rescue the Republic.” There will be thousands of people, ……………………



Ukraine’s ‚Victory Plan‘ Is Delusional

By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge September 30, 2024

In the past two years the western establishment media has effectively obscured the reality on the ground in Ukraine Only recently has it become clear to the public that the tales we’ve heard about Russia imploding due to “bad tactics” and “throwing bodies into the meat grinder” in exchange for ………………



Iran’s Newest Proxy: Sudan

by Pete Hoekstra September 30, 2024

Iran, having just had two of its major proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah, seriously degraded, is apparently setting its sights on a new, „consolation prize“ proxy to use as an additional base of operations: Sudan.




Ein Parteienverbot ist kein Ersatz für gute Politik

Auf Initiative von Marco Wanderwitz (CDU) wollen Abgeordnete mehrerer Parteien im Bundestag über ein Verbot der AfD diskutieren. Sollte es zu einem Verbotsantrag in Karlsruhe kommen, dürfte sich die ………………..



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